Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Seeking the Remaining Plates Mission Guide and Walkthrough

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Seeking the Remaining Plates.png

Seeking the Remaining Plates is a Mission in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Read on to for a walkthrough of the quest, including rewards, location, how to complete, and the Pokemon you need!

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The Plate of Prelude Beach The Deified Pokemon

Seeking the Remaining Plates Walkthrough

Seeking the Remaining Plates Video Walkthrough

Mission Objectives

Steps to proceed through Seeking the Remaining Plates
1 Report Back to Cogita.png
Return to Cogita at the Ancient Retreat to report your progress regarding the last Plates.
2 Pixie Plate.png
Gather 3 logs of Wood and return to Cogita. You'll be rewarded with the Pixie Plate.
Where to Find Wood and Craftable Items
3 Rei and Volo at Sacred Plaza.png
Travel to the Coronet Highlands and meet Volo at the Sacred Plaza.
4 Pokemon Wielder Volo.png
Follow Volo to the Temple of Sinnoh and defeat him in battle.
Save before approaching Volo as you are about to fight 3 consecutive battles. Volo's team consists of a Spiritomb, a Togekiss, a Roserade, a Hisuian Arcanine, a Lucario, and a Garchomp, all at Lv68.
5 Giratina, Volo, and Rei.png
Right after winning against Volo, Lv70 Giratina will appear and will immediately engage you in battle.
You won't be able to capture Giratina for now so your only choice is to defeat its Altered and Origin Forms. If your team gets wiped out by either forms, the battle will start over from Volo.
How to Beat Giratina and Volo
6 Spooky Plate.png
After finally defeating Giratina, Volo will give you the Spooky Plate, and you will complete the mission.
7 Azure Flute.png
You will receive the Azure Flute which can be used to summon Arceus after collecting all 237 Pokemon in the Pokedex.
◀ Previous Mission Next Mission ▶
The Plate of Prelude Beach The Deified Pokemon

Seeking the Remaining Plates Tips and Strategies

Use Fairy, Ice, or Ground Type Moves


Giratina and Volo's team are weak to Fairy-, Ice-, and Ground-type moves. You can make the battle easier by bringing Pokemon that have access to such moves.

Make sure to also add moves that can heal your Pokemon like Draining Kiss and moves that can lower your opponent's stats.

How to Beat Giratina and Volo

Best Pokemon to Use for the Three Consecutive Battles

Pokemon Details
Garchomp ImageGarchomp Location: Alabaster Icelands
Recommended move: Aqua Tail, Iron Tail
Cresselia ImageCresselia Location: The Plate of Moonview Arena Mission
Recommended moves: Lunar Blessing, Moonblast
Dialga ImageDialga Location: Atop Mount Coronet Mission or post-game unlock
Recommended move: Iron Tail
Palkia ImagePalkia Location: Atop Mount Coronet Mission or post-game unlock
Recommended moves: Aqua Tail,
Hydro Pump
Blissey ImageBlissey Location: Obsidian Fieldlands
Recommended move: Draining Kiss
Clefable ImageClefable Location: Fabled Spring, Coronet Highlands
Recommended move: Moonblast

Avoid Using Pokemon Weak to Dragon, Fighting, or Ground-type Moves

PLA Giratina Strong Style

Giratina will use Earth Power and Dragon Sphere quite a few times, making it difficult to keep your Pokemon from fainting if they're weak to these types of moves!

Regardless of weaknesses and resistances, these moves can hurt your chances by lowering your stats and giving Giratina's attack a better chance for a critical.

If you chose Cyndaquil as a starter, you may have difficulties against Giratina's Earth Power. Make sure to have a well-balanced team that will cover each of your Pokemon's weaknesses.

Lower Giratina's Stats

It is recommended that you lower Giratina's stats to improve your chances of winning. Many Fairy Type moves can lower both defensive and offensive stats, making it harder for Giratina to take you down quickly.

You will need to do this as the fight will be prolonged when Giratina's second form enters the battlefield. Giratina (Origin Forme) has higher Attack and Special Attack stats so be wary!

Take Advantage of Cresselia's Moves

PLA Cresselia Lunar Blessing
Cresselia's move, Lunar Blessing allows the Pokemon to heal itself while also increasing its evasion. Doing this can increase the chances of Giratina missing its attacks, thus preventing your party to get wiped out by its strong moves.

It is possible to defeat Giratina by using Cresselia alone by switching between the defensive move Lunar Blessing and its offensive move Moonblast.

After defeating Giratina's Altered Forme, it will change to its Origin Forme and will be significantly stronger. However, the same steps still apply and continue using Fairy type moves to take the Pokemon down.

Use Moves in Strong Style

PLA Dialga Strong Style
It is highly recommended to take down Volo's team one by one with a single strike. Otherwise, he will use a Full Restore to heal his Pokemon and prolong the fight.

In order to do this, make sure that your Pokemon has mastered its strongest moves, then attack the opposing Pokemon using Strong Style!

Agile and Strong Styles

Bring Lots of Max Revives and Full Restores

Full Restore ImageFull Restore Max Revive ImageMax Revive

This series of battles is undeniably tough and it's likely that some of your Pokemon will faint. Because of this, we recommend bringing plenty of Max Revives and Full Restores to get your Pokemon back in the game again after fainting or losing some of its health.

As you're about to beat Volo, make sure to heal your Pokemon one by one since beating him will start the fight with Giratina right away.

Seeking the Remaining Plates Information

#26 Seeking the Remaining Plates
Requested By Volo
Description With help from Cogita's hints, you've gathered 17 plates in all. Search for the remaining plate with Volo's aid.
Recommended Rank 8

Seeking the Remaining Plates Location

Seeking the Remaining Plates Map

Ancient Retreat

How to Unlock Seeking the Remaining Plates

Gather the Plates from Cogita's Hints

Ask Cogita regarding the remaining Plates at the end of The Researcher of Myths to unlock five more missions. Each of these missions requires you to capture a Legendary Pokemon and receive a Plate from them. Seeking the Remaining Plates will automatically start after completing all five missions.

Previous and Next Guides

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The Plate of Prelude Beach The Deified Pokemon

Pokemon Legends: Arceus Related Links

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Other Story Walkthrough Guides

Other Story Guides
Arezu Location in Mission 8 How to Get to Brava Arena
Snowpoint Temple Door Puzzle Solution Story Summary and Ending Explained

List of All Missions

No. Mission No. Mission
1 In an Unfamiliar Land 2 The Galaxy Team's Entry Trial
3 The Basics of Crafting 4 Getting to Work on Research Tasks
5 A Request from Mai 6 Summoned by Commander Kamado
7 The Frenzy of the Lord of the Woods 8 Arezu's Predicament
9 A New Mission 10 The Lordless Island
11 Scaling Perilous Heights 12 The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra
13 Disaster Looming 14 The Trial of Lake Verity
15 The Trial of Lake Valor 16 The Trial of Lake Acuity
17 Atop Mount Coronet 18 The Counterpart
19 A New Day Dawns 20 The Researcher of Myths
21 The Plate of the Lakes 22 The Plate of Firespit Island
23 The Plate of Moonview Arena 24 The Plate of Snowpoint Temple
25 The Plate of Prelude Beach 26 Seeking the Remaining Plates
27 The Deified Pokemon


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