Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Are Abilities in the Game?

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Legends Arceus Are Abilities in the Game Banner .png
There are no Abilities in Pokemon Legends: Arceus, with only Regigigas as an exception. Read on to learn more about Abilities and other changes to the game's mechanics!

Are there Abilities in the Game?

Pokemon Do Not Have Abilities in this Game

From Generation III onward, all Pokemon have had passive Abilities which grant them special powers or status effects in battle. In Pokemon Legends: Arceus, however, Pokemon do not have Abilities, so in a way it can be said that the gap in strength among all Pokemon is smaller than it has ever been.

Only Regigigas Maintains Its Ability

Regigigas Slow to Start Ability
Regigigas proves to be the exception in Pokemon Legends: Arceus, as it is the only Pokemon to retain its Slow Start Ability from previous games. The text Regigigas is slow to get going! can be seen when it enters battle, which indicates that its Speed and Attack will be halved for 5 turns. This was likely done to balance its stats, which make it one of the strongest Pokemon in the game.

Regigigas - How to Get and Location, Evolution, and Research Tasks

Cherrim Can Still Transform into Its Sunshine Form

PLA Cherrim Sunshine Form

From Generation V onward, transforming Cherrim into its Sunshine Form was tied to its Flower Gift Ability. If the Ability was suppressed, it would revert back to its Overcast Form. In Pokemon Legends: Arceus, Cherrim needs only the weather condition to be sunny in order to transform.

Cherrim - How to Get and Location, Evolution, and Research Tasks

Changes Due to Lack of Abilities

Moves are Easier to Hit

Levitate Ability.jpeg
In previous Pokemon games, there have been lots of different Abilities that decrease the effectiveness of Moves or completely negate them if they are of a certain Type. In Pokemon Legends: Arceus, the lack of Abilities means that Moves are much easier to land with their full strength. Among past Abilities, the Levitate Ability rendered Ground-Type Moves useless, so in a sense, Ground-Type Moves are now especially powerful.

No Need to Account for Opponent's Ability

In previous Pokemon games, since there were many Pokemon with different Abilities (and even two of the same Pokemon having different Abilities), it was necessary to pay close attention in battle to what Ability the Pokemon had. Furthermore, when you wanted to catch a particular Pokemon, which Ability it possessed was an additional factor look out for in seeking the ideal Pokemon, but it can now be said that that is no longer necessary.

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