Pokemon Legends: Arceus

List of All Evolution Stones and Items

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Pokemon Legends Arceus - List of Evolution Stones and Items
This is a list of all Evolution Stones and Evolutionary Items in Pokemon Legends: Arceus for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to find out how to use each Evolution Stone and Evolutionary Item, which Pokemon evolve from it, and where to find them!

All Evolution Stones and Evolutionary Items Locations

How to Get Every Evolutionary Item Video Guide

Buy Evolution Stones and Items at the Trading Post

Arceus - Buy Evolution Items at the Trading Post

You can find plenty of Evolution Stones and Items at the Trading Post in Jubilife Village. Note that purchasing from this shop uses Merit Points, a special type of currency obtained by picking up Lost Satchels on the field.

Evolution Stones and Items From the Trading Post
Oval Stone ImageOval Stone
400 MP
Fire Stone ImageFire Stone
1000 MP
Water Stone ImageWater Stone
1000 MP
Thunder Stone ImageThunder Stone
1000 MP
Leaf Stone ImageLeaf Stone
1000 MP
Ice Stone ImageIce Stone
1000 MP
Moon Stone ImageMoon Stone
1000 MP
Sun Stone ImageSun Stone
1000 MP
Metal Coat ImageMetal Coat
1000 MP
Upgrade ImageUpgrade
1000 MP
Linking Cord ImageLinking Cord
1000 MP
Shiny Stone ImageShiny Stone
1200 MP
Dusk Stone ImageDusk Stone
1200 MP
Dawn Stone ImageDawn Stone
1200 MP
Razor Claw ImageRazor Claw
1400 MP
Razor Fang ImageRazor Fang
1400 MP
Reaper Cloth ImageReaper Cloth
1400 MP
Protector ImageProtector
1400 MP
Electirizer ImageElectirizer
1400 MP
Magmarizer ImageMagmarizer
1400 MP
Dubious Disc ImageDubious Disc
1400 MP

Found By Collecting Ore with Pokemon

Arceus - Evolution Items can be found when collecting ore

While it's rare, you may find some Evolutionary Stones by collecting ore with your Pokemon. Look out for nodes that seem to sparkle!

Confirmed Evolution Stones Found in Ore
Fire Stone ImageFire Stone Water Stone ImageWater Stone Thunder Stone ImageThunder Stone
Ice Stone ImageIce Stone Shiny Stone ImageShiny Stone Black Augurite ImageBlack Augurite
Peat Block ImagePeat Block
(Shaking Ores)

Found in Space-Time Distortions

Shards in Space Time Distortions.png

Evolutionary Stones can also be found in Space-Time Distortions. You need to pick them up from the floor along with shards that you can craft to earn money.

How to Find Space-Time Distortions

Sold by Ginter

Ginter Specials.png

Ginter may sometimes offer evolution stones and items for money, which is a useful method to obtain these items without using up Merit Points or searching for ores, although the items he may offer is random.

He will have new specials to offer every time you catch 20 Pokemon.

Gingko Guild Shop List

Obtained by Digging with Ursaluna

Ursaluna Dig.png

You can also get Evolutionary Stones by digging with Ursaluna. However, do note that the only available evolutionary stones that you can get this way are Moon Stones, Sun Stones, Black Augurites, and Peat Blocks.

Ursaluna Treasure Maps and Best Farming Route

List of Pokemon that Evolve with Evolution Stones and Evolutionary Items

Click to jump to an item's evolutions!
Fire Stone Water Stone Thunder Stone Ice Stone
Leaf Stone Sun Stone Moon Stone Dawn Stone
Dusk Stone Oval Stone Shiny Stone Magmarizer
Electirizer Razor Fang Razor Claw Metal Coat
Protector Upgrade Dubious Disc Reaper Cloth
Black Augurite Peat Block Linking Cord

Fire Stone

Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - EeveeEevee Arceus - FlareonFlareon
Arceus - Hisuian GrowlitheHisuian Growlithe Arceus - Hisuian ArcanineHisuian Arcanine
Arceus - VulpixVulpix Arceus - NinetalesNinetales

Water Stone

Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - EeveeEevee Arceus - VaporeonVaporeon

Thunder Stone

Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - EeveeEevee Arceus - JolteonJolteon
Arceus - PikachuPikachu Arceus - RaichuRaichu
Arceus - MagnetonMagneton Arceus - MagnezoneMagnezone

Ice Stone

Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - EeveeEevee Arceus - GlaceonGlaceon
Arceus - Alolan VulpixAlolan Vulpix Arceus - Alolan NinetalesAlolan Ninetales

Leaf Stone

Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - EeveeEevee Arceus - LeafeonLeafeon
Arceus - Hisuian VoltorbHisuian Voltorb Arceus - Hisuian ElectrodeHisuian Electrode

Sun Stone

Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - PetililPetilil Arceus - Hisuian LilligantHisuian Lilligant

Moon Stone

Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - ClefairyClefairy Arceus - ClefableClefable

Dawn Stone

Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - Kirlia (Male) Kirlia Arceus - GalladeGallade
Arceus - Snorunt(Female) Snorunt Arceus - FroslassFroslass

Dusk Stone

Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - MurkrowMurkrow Arceus - HonchkrowHonchkrow
Arceus - MisdreavusMisdreavus Arceus - MismagiusMismagius

Oval Stone

Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - HappinyHappiny Arceus - ChanseyChansey
(Daytime Only)

Shiny Stone

Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - RoseliaRoselia Arceus - RoseradeRoserade
Arceus - TogeticTogetic Arceus - TogekissTogekiss


Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - MagmarMagmar Arceus - MagmortarMagmortar


Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - ElectabuzzElectabuzz Arceus - ElectivireElectivire

Razor Fang

Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - GligarGligar Arceus - GliscorGliscor
(Nighttime Only)

Razor Claw

Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - SneaselSneasel Arceus - WeavileWeavile
(Nighttime Only)
Arceus - Hisuian SneaselHisuian Sneasel Arceus - SneaslerSneasler
(Noon Only)

Metal Coat

Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - ScytherScyther Arceus - ScizorScizor
Arceus - OnixOnix Arceus - SteelixSteelix


Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - RhydonRhydon Arceus - RhyperiorRhyperior


Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - PorygonPorygon Arceus - Porygon2Porygon2

Dubious Disc

Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - Porygon2Porygon2 Arceus - Porygon-ZPorygon-Z

Reaper Cloth

Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - DusclopsDusclops Arceus - DusknoirDusknoir

Black Augurite

Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - ScytherScyther Arceus - KleavorKleavor

Peat Block

Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - UrsaringUrsaring Arceus - UrsalunaUrsaluna

Linking Cord

Pokemon Evolution
Arceus - GravelerGraveler Arceus - GolemGolem
Arceus - HaunterHaunter Arceus - GengarGengar
Arceus - MachokeMachoke Arceus - MachampMachamp
Arceus - KadaabraKadabra Arceus - AlakazamAlakazam

Pokemon Legends: Arceus Related Guides

Pokemon Legends Arceus Items

List of Items

List of Item Categories

Pokemon Legends Arceus Evolutionary ItemsEvolutionary Items Pokemon Legends Arceus Poke BallsPoke Balls Pokemon Legends Arceus BerriesBerries
Pokemon Legends Arceus Crafting MaterialsCrafting Materials Pokemon Legends Arceus Healing ItemsHealing Items Pokemon Legends Arceus FoodFood
Pokemon Legends Arceus ThrowablesThrowables Pokemon Legends Arceus CharmsCharms Pokemon Legends Arceus Training ItemsTraining Items
Pokemon Legends Arceus Battle ItemsBattle Items Pokemon Legends Arceus Valuable ItemsValuable Items MintsMints
Pokemon Legends Arceus BalmsBalms Key ItemsKey Items New ItemsNew Items

How to Get All Crafting Recipes


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