Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Massive Mass Outbreaks Guide and List of Pokemon

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Legends Arceus Massive Mass Outbreaks
Massive Mass Outbreaks are special Mass Outbreaks introduced in the Daybreak patch of Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Read on to learn how to find Massive Mass Outbreaks, shiny odds for Massive Mass Outbreaks, what is Mass Massive Outbreaks, and what kind of Pokemon will appear in them!

Outbreaks Guides
Mass Outbreak Guide and List of Pokemon Massive Mass Outbreaks Guide and List of Pokemon

Shiny Odds: Odds of Getting Shiny Pokemon

Shiny Rates Increase with Higher Research Stages and with Mass Outbreaks

Pokemon have a Base Shiny Rate of 1/4096, and its shiny rate is further affect by four different factors that increase the chances of finding a shiny. Three of these are tied to Pokedex Completion, with the last one related to Mass Outbreaks and Massive Mass Outbreaks.

Conditions Effect on Shiny Rate
PLA - Research Level 10 Icon.png
Have a Pokemon Entry reach Research Level 10
1x the Shiny Rate for that Pokemon
PLA - Perfect Research Level Icon.pngComplete all of a Pokemon's Research Tasks 2x the Shiny Rate for that Pokemon
Having the Shiny Charm 3x the Shiny Rate for all Pokemon
PLA - Mass Outbreak Map Marker.pngEncountered during a Mass Outbreak 26x the standard Shiny Rate for that Pokemon
Encountered during a Massive Outbreak 13x the standard Shiny Rate for that Pokemon

The optimal rates for Shiny Pokemon require the Shiny Charm and all research tasks for that Pokemon completed for a Perfect page, and encounter the Pokemon through as Mass Outbreak.

Mass Outbreaks vs Massive Mass Outbreaks

While Mass Outbreaks have a higher shiny rate than Massive Mass Outbreaks, Massive Mass Outbreaks are generally more reliable for hunting shiny Pokemon.

Special Mass Outbreaks will cause a Mass Outbreak to spawn right after clearing the Mass Outbreak before it. The second spawn will also be the previous Pokemon's evolution at a higher level, and also has a chance to spawn as an outbreak of Alpha Pokemon.

The possibility of a second mass outbreak spawn in the same location makes shiny hunting more efficient, and it also makes hunting for Shiny Alpha Pokemon easier compared to waiting for them to spawn in their static encounters.

Best Shiny Alpha Pokemon Hunting Routes

List of Massive Mass Outbreak Pokemon

We're still working on the full list of Massive Mass Outbreak Pokemon. Check back again for more updates! Let us know what Mass Outbreaks you've found in the comments!

Pokemon that Appear in Massive Mass Outbreaks in Obsidian Fieldlands

Jump to a Specific Map!
Obsidian Fieldlands Crimson Mirelands
Cobalt Coastlands Coronet Highlands
Alabaster Icelands
Bidoof ImageBidoof Bibarel ImageBibarel Starly ImageStarly Staravia ImageStaravia
Staraptor ImageStaraptor Shinx ImageShinx Luxio ImageLuxio Luxray ImageLuxray
Wurmple ImageWurmple Silcoon ImageSilcoon Beautifly ImageBeautifly Cascoon ImageCascoon
Dustox ImageDustox Ponyta ImagePonyta Rapidash ImageRapidash Zubat ImageZubat
Golbat ImageGolbat Crobat ImageCrobat Drifloon ImageDrifloon Drifblim ImageDrifblim
Kricketot ImageKricketot Kricketune ImageKricketune Buizel ImageBuizel Floatzel ImageFloatzel
Geodude ImageGeodude Graveler ImageGraveler Golem ImageGolem Stantler ImageStantler
Wyrdeer ImageWyrdeer Munchlax ImageMunchlax Snorlax ImageSnorlax Paras ImageParas
Parasect ImageParasect Pichu ImagePichu Pikachu ImagePikachu Raichu ImageRaichu
Abra ImageAbra Kadabra ImageKadabra Alakazam ImageAlakazam Chimchar ImageChimchar
Monferno ImageMonferno Infernape ImageInfernape Buneary ImageBuneary Lopunny ImageLopunny
Scyther ImageScyther Kleavor ImageKleavor Mime Jr. ImageMime Jr. Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime
Shellos ImageShellos Gastrodon ImageGastrodon Spheal ImageSpheal Sealeo ImageSealeo
Chatot ImageChatot Hisuian Zorua ImageHisuian Zorua Hisuian Zoroark ImageHisuian Zoroark

Obsidian Fieldlands Map and Pokemon List

Pokemon that Appear in Massive Mass Outbreaks in Crimson Mirelands

Jump to a Specific Map!
Obsidian Fieldlands Crimson Mirelands
Cobalt Coastlands Coronet Highlands
Alabaster Icelands
Cyndaquil ImageCyndaquil Quilava ImageQuilava Hisuian Typhlosion ImageHisuian Typhlosion Kricketot ImageKricketot
Kricketune ImageKricketune Paras ImageParas Parasect ImageParasect Psyduck ImagePsyduck
Golduck ImageGolduck Budew ImageBudew Roselia ImageRoselia Roserade ImageRoserade
Carnivine ImageCarnivine Petilil ImagePetilil Hisuian Lilligant ImageHisuian Lilligant Tangela ImageTangela
Tangrowth ImageTangrowth Croagunk ImageCroagunk Toxicroak ImageToxicroak Yanma ImageYanma
Yanmega ImageYanmega Hippopotas ImageHippopotas Hippowdon ImageHippowdon Pachirisu ImagePachirisu
Stunky ImageStunky Skuntank ImageSkuntank Teddiursa ImageTeddiursa Ursaring ImageUrsaring
Ursaluna ImageUrsaluna Goomy ImageGoomy Hisuian Sliggoo ImageHisuian Sliggoo Hisuian Goodra ImageHisuian Goodra
Onix ImageOnix Steelix ImageSteelix Rhyhorn ImageRhyhorn Rhydon ImageRhydon
Rhyperior ImageRhyperior Bonsly ImageBonsly Sudowoodo ImageSudowoodo Lickitung ImageLickitung
Lickilicky ImageLickilicky Turtwig ImageTurtwig Grotle ImageGrotle Torterra ImageTorterra
Gastly ImageGastly Haunter ImageHaunter Gengar ImageGengar Spiritomb ImageSpiritomb
Murkrow ImageMurkrow Honchkrow ImageHonchkrow Unown ImageUnown Skorupi ImageSkorupi
Drapion ImageDrapion Bronzor ImageBronzor Bronzong ImageBronzong Swinub ImageSwinub
Piloswine ImagePiloswine

Crimson Mirelands Map and Pokemon List

Pokemon that Appear in Massive Mass Outbreaks in Cobalt Coastlands

Jump to a Specific Map!
Obsidian Fieldlands Crimson Mirelands
Cobalt Coastlands Coronet Highlands
Alabaster Icelands
Starly ImageStarly Staravia ImageStaravia Staraptor ImageStaraptor Geodude ImageGeodude
Graveler ImageGraveler Golem ImageGolem Psyduck ImagePsyduck Golduck ImageGolduck
Aipom ImageAipom Ambipom ImageAmbipom Magikarp ImageMagikarp Gyarados ImageGyarados
Shellos ImageShellos Gastrodon ImageGastrodon Hisuian Qwilfish ImageHisuian Qwilfish Overqwil ImageOverqwil
Happiny ImageHappiny Chansey ImageChansey Blissey ImageBlissey Onix ImageOnix
Steelix ImageSteelix Togepi ImageTogepi Togetic ImageTogetic Togekiss ImageTogekiss
Spheal ImageSpheal Sealeo ImageSealeo Walrein ImageWalrein Skorupi ImageSkorupi
Drapion ImageDrapion Hisuian Growlithe ImageHisuian Growlithe Hisuian Arcanine ImageHisuian Arcanine Glameow ImageGlameow
Purugly ImagePurugly Machop ImageMachop Machoke ImageMachoke Machamp ImageMachamp
Chatot ImageChatot Piplup ImagePiplup Prinplup ImagePrinplup Empoleon ImageEmpoleon
Mantyke ImageMantyke Mantine ImageMantine Basculin ImageBasculin Basculegion ImageBasculegion
Vulpix ImageVulpix Ninetales ImageNinetales Tentacool ImageTentacool Tentacruel ImageTentacruel
Finneon ImageFinneon Lumineon ImageLumineon Magby ImageMagby Magmar ImageMagmar
Magmortar ImageMagmortar Cleffa ImageCleffa Clefairy ImageClefairy Riolu ImageRiolu
Lucario ImageLucario

Cobalt Coastlands Map and Pokemon List

Pokemon that Appear in Massive Mass Outbreaks in Coronet Highlands

Jump to a Specific Map!
Obsidian Fieldlands Crimson Mirelands
Cobalt Coastlands Coronet Highlands
Alabaster Icelands
Rowlet ImageRowlet Dartrix ImageDartrix Hisuian Decidueye ImageHisuian Decidueye Shinx ImageShinx
Luxio ImageLuxio Luxray ImageLuxray Ponyta ImagePonyta Rapidash ImageRapidash
Geodude ImageGeodude Graveler ImageGraveler Golem ImageGolem Heracross ImageHeracross
Mime Jr. ImageMime Jr. Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime Hippopotas ImageHippopotas Hippowdon ImageHippowdon
Stunky ImageStunky Skuntank ImageSkuntank Rhyhorn ImageRhyhorn Rhydon ImageRhydon
Rhyperior ImageRhyperior Gastly ImageGastly Haunter ImageHaunter Gengar ImageGengar
Duskull ImageDuskull Dusclops ImageDusclops Dusknoir ImageDusknoir Bronzor ImageBronzor
Bronzong ImageBronzong Elekid ImageElekid Electabuzz ImageElectabuzz Electivire ImageElectivire
Gligar ImageGligar Gliscor ImageGliscor Gible ImageGible Gabite ImageGabite
Garchomp ImageGarchomp Nosepass ImageNosepass Probopass ImageProbopass Hisuian Voltorb ImageHisuian Voltorb
Hisuian Electrode ImageHisuian Electrode Rotom ImageRotom Chingling ImageChingling Chimecho ImageChimecho
Misdreavus ImageMisdreavus Mismagius ImageMismagius Cleffa ImageCleffa Clefairy ImageClefairy
Clefable ImageClefable Sneasel ImageSneasel Sneasler ImageSneasler Snover ImageSnover
Abomasnow ImageAbomasnow

Coronet Highlands Map and Pokemon List

Pokemon that Appear in Massive Mass Outbreaks in Alabaster Icelands

Jump to a Specific Map!
Obsidian Fieldlands Crimson Mirelands
Cobalt Coastlands Coronet Highlands
Alabaster Icelands
Oshawott ImageOshawott Dewott ImageDewott Hisuian Samurott ImageHisuian Samurott Bidoof ImageBidoof
Bibarel ImageBibarel Drifloon ImageDrifloon Drifblim ImageDrifblim Abra ImageAbra
Kadabra ImageKadabra Alakazam ImageAlakazam Buneary ImageBuneary Lopunny ImageLopunny
Aipom ImageAipom Ambipom ImageAmbipom Ralts ImageRalts Kirlia ImageKirlia
Gardevoir ImageGardevoir Gallade ImageGallade Pachirisu ImagePachirisu Lickitung ImageLickitung
Lickilicky ImageLickilicky Gastly ImageGastly Haunter ImageHaunter Gengar ImageGengar
Glameow ImageGlameow Purugly ImagePurugly Machop ImageMachop Machoke ImageMachoke
Machamp ImageMachamp Duskull ImageDuskull Dusclops ImageDusclops Dusknoir ImageDusknoir
Vulpix ImageVulpix Ninetales ImageNinetales Magby ImageMagby Magmar ImageMagmar
Bronzor ImageBronzor Bronzong ImageBronzong Misdreavus ImageMisdreavus Mismagius ImageMismagius
Snorunt ImageSnorunt Glalie ImageGlalie Froslass ImageFroslass Swinub ImageSwinub
Piloswine ImagePiloswine Mamoswine ImageMamoswine Bergmite ImageBergmite Hisuian Avalugg ImageHisuian Avalugg
Snover ImageSnover Abomasnow ImageAbomasnow Hisuian Zorua ImageHisuian Zorua Hisuian Zoroark ImageHisuian Zoroark
Rufflet ImageRufflet Hisuian Braviary ImageHisuian Braviary Riolu ImageRiolu Lucario ImageLucario

Alabaster Icelands Map and Pokemon List

What are Massive Mass Outbreaks?

Simultaneous Mass Outbreaks Across the Map

PLA - Starly Non-Shiny Outbreak.png

Much like Mass Outbreaks, Massive Mass Outbreaks spawn tons of Pokemon within a specific area all across the map.

Unlocked After Completing Request 95

Massive Mass Outbreaks are only available once you have finished Request 95: A New Anomaly. This is included in the new Daybreak Content from Update 1.1.0!

Although Request 95 unlocks these new outbreaks, we also recommend finishing all requests from 95-101 to unlock Request 102: Daybreak!

Daybreak Request Guide and Walkthrough

Only Occurs During Specific Weather Conditions

Massive Mass Outbreaks will only occur when it is raining or during a blizzard, and will end once the weather condition has passed.

While Massive Mass Outbreaks only occur during these weather conditions, trying to change the weather does not spawn more Outbreaks.

Once a Massive Mass Outbreak ends, you'll need to return to Jubilife Village and come back repeatedly until a new Massive Mass Outbreak is shown on the map.

Spawns a Mass Outbreak of Alpha Pokemon

PLA Alpha Mass Outbreak

You can encounter a Mass Outbreak of Alpha Pokemon during Massive Mass Outbreaks.

As if a single Alpha Pokemon weren't dangerous enough - always be prepared with Smoke Bombs and Stealth Sprays to keep yourself safe should you come across an Alpha Outbreak!

Good chance of encountering Shiny Pokemon

PLA - Shiny Starly Catch.gif
You'll have a better chance of encountering a Shiny Pokemon in the Massive Mass Outbreak, as only one kind of Pokemon will appear. Use this chance to add more Shiny Pokemon to your collection!
How to Get Shiny Pokemon and Shiny Odds

How to Trigger Massive Mass Outbreaks

Depart and Return to Jubilife Village Repeatedly

PLA - Reroll the Area.gif
Chances for a Massive Mass Outbreak occur each time you return to Jubilife Village. By going to a map, and returning to Jubilife Village, there is a chance you can trigger a Massive Mass Outbreak in one of the areas.

The Pokemon that appear in the Massive Mass Outbreak are random, but you can keep going back and forth until you get a Mass Outbreak of a Pokemon you want to look for!

In addition, any ongoing Massive Mass Outbreaks disappear when returning to Jubilife Village. Be sure to keep that in mind!

Rerolling Massive Mass Outbreak Lineup

PLA Massive Mass Outbreak Map

It is recommended to save before entering a going into a Massive Mass Outbreak. Afterwards, enter the Mass Mass Outbreak area and feed Warden Mai's Munchlax to know the lineup of the Mass Outbreaks in the map.

Should the lineup of the Massive Mass Outbreak not be what you wanted, you can load the game and reroll your chances of getting other Pokemon!

Where to Find Massive Mass Outbreaks

Check the Map on the Arc Phone

The Arc Phone will show you where a Mass Outbreak is on the map. It will also show what Pokemon is on the outbreak upon visiting the location or through feeding Mai's Munchlax five Aguav Berries.

It will be helpful to you, especially if you're looking for a specific Pokemon and a shiny version of it!

Map Symbols and What They Mean

Massive Mass Outbreak Symbols
PLA Massive Mass Outbreak Symbol
To be Uncovered
PLA Massive Mass Outbreak Normal
Standard Mass Outbreak
PLA Massive Mass Outbreak Shiny
Special Mass Outbreak
PLA Massive Mass Outbreak Symbol Berry
Drops Aguav Berries

Question Mark: To Be Uncovered

The question mark icon found on the map indicates a Mass Outbreak area you have yet to uncover. It will only reflect on the map once you have discovered the Pokemon spawning in the area or if you decide to feed Warden Mai's Munchlax with Aguav Berries.

Standard Mass Outbreak

PLA Starly Mass Outbreak

The usual Mass Outbreak symbol on the map. However, clearing standard Mass Outbreaks during Massive Mass Outbreaks have a low chance of spawning another set of Mass Outbreaks in the same spot, and are typically Alpha Pokemon.

Note that it is possible to find evolved versions of Pokemon, including special evolutions such as Ursaluna!

Star: Special Mass Outbreak

PLA Alpha Mass Outbreak
A Mass Outbreak icon that has a star indicates that another Mass Outbreak will spawn right after clearing the Mass Outbreak before it. Typically, it would be the previous Pokemon's evolution and will be of a higher level.

You can also come across Mass Outbreaks of Alpha Pokemon during the second wave of these Special Mass Outbreaks.

Outbreaks that Drop Aguav Berries

A Mass Outbreak symbol on the map with a berry on top indicates that specific Mass Outbreak has a chance of dropping Aguav Berries, which can be used to feed Mai's Munchlax in order to know the other Mass Outbreaks in the map.

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7 Anonymous 11over 2 years

I saw a kleavor in obsidian fiedlands

6 Anonymousabout 3 years

i saw a spritiomb outbreak in the crimson mirelands and a zorua outbreak in the obsidian fieldlands


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