Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

List of All Water Type Pokemon and Best Water Types

All Water Type Pokemon BDSP
This is a list of all Water Type Pokemon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Read on to learn Water Type Pokemon strengths, weaknesses, and type advantages, as well as the best Water Types to add to your team!

List of Water Type Pokemon

Water Type Pokemon in Sinnoh Pokedex

Nat. No. Sinnoh No. Pokemon Type
54 43 Pokemon BDSP PsyduckPsyduck Water Type Pokemon
55 44 Pokemon BDSP GolduckGolduck Water Type Pokemon
72 136 Pokemon BDSP TentacoolTentacool Water Type PokemonPoison Type Pokemon
73 137 Pokemon BDSP TentacruelTentacruel Water Type PokemonPoison Type Pokemon
118 78 Pokemon BDSP GoldeenGoldeen Water Type Pokemon
119 79 Pokemon BDSP SeakingSeaking Water Type Pokemon
129 23 Pokemon BDSP MagikarpMagikarp Water Type Pokemon
130 24 Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados Water Type PokemonFlying Type Pokemon
183 125 Pokemon BDSP MarillMarill Water Type PokemonFairy Type Pokemon
184 126 Pokemon BDSP AzumarillAzumarill Water Type PokemonFairy Type Pokemon
194 117 Pokemon BDSP WooperWooper Water Type PokemonGround Type Pokemon
195 118 Pokemon BDSP QuagsireQuagsire Water Type PokemonGround Type Pokemon
223 132 Pokemon BDSP RemoraidRemoraid Water Type Pokemon
224 133 Pokemon BDSP OctilleryOctillery Water Type Pokemon
226 141 Pokemon BDSP MantineMantine Water Type PokemonFlying Type Pokemon
278 119 Pokemon BDSP WingullWingull Water Type PokemonFlying Type Pokemon
279 120 Pokemon BDSP PelipperPelipper Water Type PokemonFlying Type Pokemon
339 80 Pokemon BDSP BarboachBarboach Water Type PokemonGround Type Pokemon
340 81 Pokemon BDSP WhiscashWhiscash Water Type PokemonGround Type Pokemon
349 138 Pokemon BDSP FeebasFeebas Water Type Pokemon
350 139 Pokemon BDSP MiloticMilotic Water Type Pokemon
393 7 Pokemon BDSP PiplupPiplup Water Type Pokemon
394 8 Pokemon BDSP PrinplupPrinplup Water Type Pokemon
395 9 Pokemon BDSP EmpoleonEmpoleon Water Type PokemonSteel Type Pokemon
400 14 Pokemon BDSP BibarelBibarel Normal Type PokemonWater Type Pokemon
418 56 Pokemon BDSP BuizelBuizel Water Type Pokemon
419 57 Pokemon BDSP FloatzelFloatzel Water Type Pokemon
422 60 Pokemon BDSP ShellosShellos Water Type Pokemon
423 61 Pokemon BDSP GastrodonGastrodon Water Type PokemonGround Type Pokemon
456 134 Pokemon BDSP FinneonFinneon Water Type Pokemon
457 135 Pokemon BDSP LumineonLumineon Water Type Pokemon
458 140 Pokemon BDSP MantykeMantyke Water Type PokemonFlying Type Pokemon
484 150 Pokemon BDSP PalkiaPalkia Water Type PokemonDragon Type Pokemon
490 151 Pokemon BDSP ManaphyManaphy Water Type Pokemon

Sinnoh Pokedex: All Sinnoh Dex Pokemon

Water Type Pokemon in National Pokedex Only

No. Pokemon Type
7 Pokemon BDSP SquirtleSquirtle Water Type Pokemon
8 Pokemon BDSP WartortleWartortle Water Type Pokemon
9 Pokemon BDSP BlastoiseBlastoise Water Type Pokemon
60 Pokemon BDSP PoliwagPoliwag Water Type Pokemon
61 Pokemon BDSP PoliwhirlPoliwhirl Water Type Pokemon
62 Pokemon BDSP PoliwrathPoliwrath Water Type PokemonFighting Type Pokemon
79 Pokemon BDSP SlowpokeSlowpoke Water Type PokemonPsychic Type Pokemon
80 Pokemon BDSP SlowbroSlowbro Water Type PokemonPsychic Type Pokemon
86 Pokemon BDSP SeelSeel Water Type PokemonIce Type Pokemon
87 Pokemon BDSP DewgongDewgong Water Type PokemonIce Type Pokemon
90 Pokemon BDSP ShellderShellder Water Type Pokemon
91 Pokemon BDSP CloysterCloyster Water Type PokemonIce Type Pokemon
98 Pokemon BDSP KrabbyKrabby Water Type Pokemon
99 Pokemon BDSP KinglerKingler Water Type Pokemon
116 Pokemon BDSP HorseaHorsea Water Type Pokemon
117 Pokemon BDSP SeadraSeadra Water Type Pokemon
120 Pokemon BDSP StaryuStaryu Water Type Pokemon
121 Pokemon BDSP StarmieStarmie Water Type PokemonPsychic Type Pokemon
131 Pokemon BDSP LaprasLapras Water Type PokemonIce Type Pokemon
134 Pokemon BDSP VaporeonVaporeon Water Type Pokemon
138 Pokemon BDSP OmanyteOmanyte Rock Type PokemonWater Type Pokemon
139 Pokemon BDSP OmastarOmastar Rock Type PokemonWater Type Pokemon
140 Pokemon BDSP KabutoKabuto Rock Type PokemonWater Type Pokemon
141 Pokemon BDSP KabutopsKabutops Rock Type PokemonWater Type Pokemon
158 Pokemon BDSP TotodileTotodile Water Type Pokemon
159 Pokemon BDSP CroconawCroconaw Water Type Pokemon
160 Pokemon BDSP FeraligatrFeraligatr Water Type Pokemon
170 Pokemon BDSP ChinchouChinchou Water Type PokemonElectric Type Pokemon
171 Pokemon BDSP LanturnLanturn Water Type PokemonElectric Type Pokemon
186 Pokemon BDSP PolitoedPolitoed Water Type Pokemon
199 Pokemon BDSP SlowkingSlowking Water Type PokemonPsychic Type Pokemon
211 Pokemon BDSP QwilfishQwilfish Water Type PokemonPoison Type Pokemon
222 Pokemon BDSP CorsolaCorsola Water Type PokemonRock Type Pokemon
230 Pokemon BDSP KingdraKingdra Water Type PokemonDragon Type Pokemon
245 Pokemon BDSP SuicuneSuicune Water Type Pokemon
258 Pokemon BDSP MudkipMudkip Water Type Pokemon
259 Pokemon BDSP MarshtompMarshtomp Water Type PokemonGround Type Pokemon
260 Pokemon BDSP SwampertSwampert Water Type PokemonGround Type Pokemon
270 Pokemon BDSP LotadLotad Water Type PokemonGrass Type Pokemon
271 Pokemon BDSP LombreLombre Water Type PokemonGrass Type Pokemon
272 Pokemon BDSP LudicoloLudicolo Water Type PokemonGrass Type Pokemon
283 Pokemon BDSP SurskitSurskit Bug Type PokemonWater Type Pokemon
318 Pokemon BDSP CarvanhaCarvanha Water Type PokemonDark Type Pokemon
319 Pokemon BDSP SharpedoSharpedo Water Type PokemonDark Type Pokemon
320 Pokemon BDSP WailmerWailmer Water Type Pokemon
321 Pokemon BDSP WailordWailord Water Type Pokemon
341 Pokemon BDSP CorphishCorphish Water Type PokemonDark Type Pokemon
342 Pokemon BDSP CrawdauntCrawdaunt Water Type PokemonDark Type Pokemon
363 Pokemon BDSP SphealSpheal Water Type PokemonIce Type Pokemon
364 Pokemon BDSP SealeoSealeo Water Type PokemonIce Type Pokemon
365 Pokemon BDSP WalreinWalrein Water Type PokemonIce Type Pokemon
366 Pokemon BDSP ClamperlClamperl Water Type Pokemon
367 Pokemon BDSP HuntailHuntail Water Type Pokemon
368 Pokemon BDSP GorebyssGorebyss Water Type Pokemon
369 Pokemon BDSP RelicanthRelicanth Water Type PokemonRock Type Pokemon
370 Pokemon BDSP LuvdiscLuvdisc Water Type Pokemon
382 Pokemon BDSP KyogreKyogre Water Type Pokemon
422.1 Pokemon BDSP Shellos (West Sea)Shellos (West Sea) Water Type Pokemon
423.1 Pokemon BDSP Gastrodon (West Sea)Gastrodon (West Sea) Water Type PokemonGround Type Pokemon
479.2 Pokemon BDSP Wash RotomWash Rotom Electric Type PokemonWater Type Pokemon
489 Pokemon BDSP PhionePhione Water Type Pokemon

National Pokedex: List of All Pokemon

Best Water Type Pokemon

Best Sinnoh Pokedex Water Types

Pokemon Types Reason
Pokemon BDSP EmpoleonEmpoleon Water Type PokemonSteel Type Pokemon Available as one of the three starter Pokemon
・Access to several Water, Steel, Flying, and Ice moves
・Excellent Sp. Defense, as well as 8 type resistances
Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados Water Type PokemonFlying Type Pokemon One of the best physical attackers in the game
・Only two weaknesses (Electric and Rock)
・Can learn Water and Ice type moves, as well as Earthquake for dealing with Electric-type Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP AzumarillAzumarill Water Type PokemonFairy Type Pokemon ・One of the few Fairy types available before obtaining the National Dex
・Power Ablity (Huge Power) which doubles its attack and allows it to function as a physical attacker

Best Team: Best Pokemon to Use for the Story

Water Type Advantages


Pokemon Rock Type IconRock Pokemon Dragon Type IconDragon None
Pokemon Fire Type IconFire Pokemon Grass Type IconGrass -
Pokemon Ground Type IconGround Pokemon Water Type IconWater -


(Immune to)
(Resistant to)

(Weak to)
None Pokemon Fire Type IconFire Pokemon Grass Type IconGrass
- Pokemon Ice Type IconIce Pokemon Electric Type IconElectric
- Pokemon Steel Type IconSteel -
- Pokemon Water Type IconWater -

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Pokedex

Pokemon BDSP Pokedex

Pokedex and List of All Pokemon

Pokemon by Pokedex

Pokemon Lists
Pokemon BDSP Bulbasaur.pngNational Pokedex Pokemon BDSP TurtwigSinnoh Pokedex Pokemon BDSP ArceusAll Legendaries

Pokemon by Generation

Pokemon Generations
Generation 1 PokemonGeneration 1 Generation 2 PokemonGeneration 2 Generation 3 PokemonGeneration 3 Generation 4 PokemonGeneration 4

Pokemon by Type

All Pokemon Types
Grass TypeGrass Water TypeWater Fire TypeFire
Electric TypeElectric Ice TypeIce Fighting TypeFighting
Ground TypeGround Poison TypePoison Flying TypeFlying
Psychic TypePsychic Bug TypeBug Rock TypeRock
Ghost Type,Ghost Dragon TypeDragon Dark TypeDark
Steel TypeSteel Fairy TypeFairy Normal TypeNormal

Pokemon by Egg Group

All Pokemon Egg Groups
Grass Egg GroupGrass Bug Egg GroupBug Flying Egg GroupFlying
Human-like Egg GroupHuman-like Monster Egg GroupMonster Fairy Egg GroupFairy
Dragon Egg GroupDragon Mineral Egg GroupMineral Field Egg GroupField
Amorphous Egg GroupAmorphous Water 1 Egg GroupWater 1 Water 2 Egg GroupWater 2
Water 3 Egg GroupWater 3 Undiscovered Egg GroupUndiscovered Ditto Egg GroupDitto

List of All Egg Groups

Pokemon by Stats

Pokemon by Stats
Pokemon BDSP MewAll Pokemon by Base Stats Pokemon BDSP DeoxysAll Pokemon by Speed Stat Pokemon BDSP SnorlaxAll Pokemon by Weight Stat
ToegpiList of Pokemon by Hatch Steps Pokemon BDSP BlazikenList of Pokemon by EV Yield

Other Pokemon Lists

Other Lists
Unobtainable Pokemon.pngList of Unobtainable Pokemon Item.pngList of Wild Pokemon by Held Item


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