Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

How to Beat Maylene in a Rematch Battle

BDSP - How to Beat Maylene Rematch.png

Rematch Maylene, the Eterna City Gym Leader, in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Read on to find out how to rematch and beat Maylene, Maylene's rematch team, her rematch rewards, and the best Pokemon to beat her rematch team.

All Maylene Battles
Maylene Gym Battle Maylene Rematch

How to Rematch Gym Leader Maylene

Get the National Dex

BDSP - Gym Leader Rematches

To rematch Maylene and all the other Gym Leaders, you first need to get the National Dex after becoming champion by seeing all the Pokemon native to the Sinnoh Pokedex. After exiting the lab, Roark will pop up to tell you about the rematches.

How to Unlock the National Dex

Head to the Veilstone City Gym

BDSP - How to Rematch Maylene.png

After getting the National Dex, you can head straight to the Veilstone City Gym and talk to Maylene to immediately start the rematch battle.

Maylene's Rematch Team and Types

Type and Suggested Level

BDSP - Maylene Rematch.png
Type Specialty Pokemon Fighting Type Icon
Suggested Level Lv. 70 ~ Lv. 75

Maylene's Rematch Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP HitmontopHitmontop
(Lvl. 64)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Intimidate
Expert Belt
Close Combat
Stone Edge
Sucker Punch
Brick Break
Pokemon BDSP BreloomBreloom
(Lvl. 66)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Technician
Life Orb
Bullet Seed
Mach Punch
Rock Tomb
Force Palm
Pokemon BDSP HeracrossHeracross
(Lvl. 68)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Guts
Flame Orb
Close Combat
Stone Edge
Pokemon BDSP InfernapeInfernape
(Lvl. 70)
Pokemon Fire Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Blaze
White Herb
Flare Blitz
Close Combat
Pokemon BDSP MedichamMedicham
(Lvl. 72)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pure Power
Choice Band
High Jump Kick
Zen Headbutt
Fire Punch
Thunder Punch
Pokemon BDSP LucarioLucario
(Lvl. 74)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon Justified
Focus Sash
Aura Sphere
Flash Cannon
Water Pulse
Vacuum Wave

Maylene's Rematch Reward

Reward 1 Burning Sticker B

How to Beat Maylene's Rematch Team

Use Special Moves on Hitmontop

BDSP - Maylene Rematch Special Attacker on Hitmontop.png

Hitmontop is usually the first Pokemon in Maylene's party and has the ability Intimidate, which will lower your Pokemon's Attack. It is best to place a Special Attacker, such as Togekiss, at the front of your party that will not be held back by the loss of Attack.

Set Up Reflect to withstand Physical Attacks

BDSP - Maylene Rematch Set Up Reflect.png

Most of Maylene's Pokemon are Physical Attackers, so you can protect your party against Physical attacks by setting up a Reflect. The advantage of Reflect is that it can last for several turns, but you will need to put up a new one once it fades.

Lower Her Pokemon's Attack with Intimidate

BDSP - Maylene Rematch Use Intimidate.png

As mentioned above, most of Maylene's Pokemon are Physical Attackers, as such they have very high Physical Attack. You can counter this by switching in a Pokemon with Intimidate, such as Staraptor, to lower their Attack.

Quickly Defeat Heracross with Flying Type Moves

BDSP - Maylene Rematch Use Flying Type Moves on Heracross.png

Heracross hits hard after the first turn due to Flame Orb and Guts boosting its Attack. Take it out on the first turn before the Flame Orb activates with a fast Flying type Pokemon to avoid getting hit by Stone Edge.

Anticipate Medicham's Moves and Switch Out Pokemon

BDSP - Maylene Rematch Switch Out Pokemon for Medicham.png

When Medicham enters the field, it will likely pick the most effective move against your current Pokemon. This move will have incredible power due to Pure Power and Choice Band, but it will get locked into that move until it leaves the field.

The best work around for Medicham is to simply switch to a Pokemon that will resist that move. As an example, if you had a Flying type on the field when Medicham was brought in, it would likely use Thunder Punch, so it is best to switch to a Ground type Pokemon.

Lucario Holds a Focus Sash

BDSP - Maylene Rematch Use Earthquake on Lucario.png

Maylene's Lucario carries a Focus Sash, so it best to bring out a Pokemon that can withstand at least one attack from it. Lucario will not go down in one attack, so chip at its health with a weaker move before finishing it off with a super effective attack like Earthquake.

Best Pokemon to Beat Maylene's Rematch Team

Pokemon Recommended Moves
Pokemon BDSP TogekissTogekiss
Pokemon Fairy Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon
Dazzling Gleam (TM21)
Air Slash (On Evolution)
Reflect (TM33)
・Great type advantage against most of Maylene's Pokemon.
・Heracross and Breloom are 4x weak to Flying.
・Reflect can lessen damage from Physical attacks.
Pokemon BDSP StaraptorStaraptor
Pokemon Flying Type Icon Pokemon Normal Type Icon
Aerial Ace (Lv. 28)
Close Combat (On Evolution)
Brave Bird (Lv. 49)
・Great type advantage against most of Maylene's Pokemon.
・Heracross and Breloom are 4x weak to Flying.
・Intimidate lowers the Attack stat of her Pokemon.
Pokemon BDSP GarchompGarchomp
Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon
Bulldoze (Lv. 18)
Dragon Claw (Lv. 42)
Earthquake (TM26)
・Can be switch out against Medicham when locked on to Thunder Punch.
・Great type advantage against Lucario.
・Above average defenses.

All Maylene Battles

All Maylene Battles
Maylene Gym Battle Maylene Rematch

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Story Walkthrough.png

Complete Story Walkthrough

Gym Leaders

1st Badge 2nd Badge 3rd Badge
Roark Gardenia Maylene
4th Badge 5th Badge 6th Badge
Crasher Wake Fantina Byron
7th Badge 8th Badge Pokemon League
Candice Volkner Elite Four

All Gym Leader Types and Pokemon

Gym Leader Rematches

Roark Gardenia Maylene
Crasher Wake Fantina Byron
Candice Volkner Elite Four

All Gym Leader Rematch Teams


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