Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments


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    3 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    I think there are around 4 to 6 animals in the island, for each combination of different island will spawn random animal that u have to follow...

    2 ZephyReiover 2 yearsReport

    Correction : Hoverlight Left, Leisurely Right

    1 ZephyReiover 2 yearsReport

    Found 1 more of Dream Form, located at Pudding Isle, as attached. It will appear after completing 2nd quest of Kazuha, and optionally after Bake-Danuki world quests, but unsure. Also take note that it may appear before, or maybe after completing Totem Puzzle, it will found, as the red circle. Hoverlight Left, Unyielding Right, first seen as Crimson Fox.

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