Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Killer's Set PvP Armor Transmog: Full Preview and How to Get

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Diablo 4 - Killer

The Killer's Set is a unique armor transmog that can only be acquired via PvP and Red Dust farming in Diablo 4 (D4). Read on for a full preview of the Killer's Set transmog for each class, including how to get the set and how to equip it!

NoticeNotice from Game8 The bug preventing Necromancers, Druids, and Rogues from using and equipping the Killer's Guise head cosmetic has now been fixed! Check out our guide to the July 6th Patch 1.0.4 for more details.

Killer's Set Transmog Set Preview

Killer's Set Full Preview
Barbarian Rogue
Sorcerer Necromancer
Killer's Set Parts and Prices
Head Killer's Guise
90,000 Red Dust
Chest Killer's Vest
90,000 Red Dust
Arms Killer's Hands
75,000 Red Dust
Pants Killer's Boots
60,000 Red Dust
Legs Killer's Leggings
75,000 Red Dust
Total: 390,000 Red Dust

Killer's Guise Bug Fixed for All Classes

Diablo 4 - Killer

As of Patch 1.0.4, the Killer's Guise head cosmetic has been fixed. Previously, only Barbarians and Sorcerers could use and equip this cosmetic head item. However, with the most recent patch, owners of the Killer's Set will now be able to equip the Killer's Guise for the Necromancer, Druid, and Rogue.

How to Get Killer's Set

Farm 390,000 Red Dust in the Fields of Hatred

Diablo 4 - Farm 390000 Red Dust

To get the full Killer's Set transmog, players will need to farm a total of 390,000 Red Dust in the Fields of Hatred. There are a total of 2 in the game. One in the Dry Steppes region and another in Kehjistan.

Once you have 390,000 Red Dust saved up, purchase the Killer's Set from the Odds and Ends PvP vendor in either of the player towns in the Fields of Hatred.

Red Dust Farming Guide

How to Equip Killer's Set

Equip Character Cosmetics at the Wardrobe

Access the Wardrobe in Character tab

You can wear Killer's Set and other character cosmetics by accessing your Wardrobe from the Character menu and equipping each piece in their respective tabs. Each item piece can also be further modified by applying pigment to change the color of your item sets.

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Diablo 4 Transmogs

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Transmogs and Cosmetics by Type
Armor Sets Weapons
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Mount Trophies Mount Armors
Headstones Emotes
Town Portals PvP Cosmetics

Transmogs by Class

Transmogs and Cosmetics by Class
Diablo 4 - Necromancer IconNecromancer Diablo 4 - Barbarian IconBarbarian Druid Icon Test v1Druid
Diablo 4 - Rogue IconRogue Diablo 4 - Sorcerer IconSorcerer Diablo 4 - Spiritborn IconSpiritborn


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