Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

List of All Rogue Aspects

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Season 7 Guide (Season of Witchcraft)
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This guide presents all Rogue Aspects in Diablo 4 (D4). Learn more about the Rogue's Offensive, Defensive, Mobility, Utility, and Resource Aspects and how to get them!

All Rogue Aspect Locations

The Interactive Map both shows the location of key points on the map, and doubles as a collectible checker.

  1. Click an icon on the right side to show all the pins of a specific type, or click the magnifying glass button to search for a specific pin by name.
  2. Click a pin on the map to see its name and description, and a relevant picture or video if available.
  3. From here, click Mark as Acquired to indicate that you've gotten a collectible already. This will change its icon on the map to show that it has been collected, and add 1 to that pin type's Counter.
  4. To undo this, click on the same pin and click Restore to unclaimed.
  5. To check how many pins you have marked so far, check the Counter in the bottom left, and click the icon that looks like a checklist to see counters for all pin types.
  6. If the collected pins start to get in the way, you can hide them all by clicking the green Show Pins button on the left side.
Icon How to Use
Name Button.png Show Names
This button reveals the Name of every icon currently shown.
Show Pins Button.png Show Pins
This button will toggle between showing and hiding all the pins which you have already marked as acquired.
Full Button.png Fullscreen
This button will change the map display to fill the screen.
Search Button.png Search Mode Toggle
This button will display a searchbar which you can use to search for an individual pin by its name.
Icon Mode Button.png Icon Mode Toggle
In Search Mode, this button will toggle you back to Icon Mode, removing the search bar and displaying the icons again.
All Pins Button.png All Pins
This button is shown along with the Icons on the right when there are over 6 types of pins. Click it for a full selection of all available pin types.
Interactive Map Counter.png Counter
Tracks the number of pins you have of a certain type. The pin type shown is set to the page and currently cannot be changed; however, all pin type counters can be viewed by clicking the checklist icon on the right side.
Interactive Map View All Counters.png View All Counters
This icon is found on the right side of the Counter. When a map has more than one pin type, click this icon to see Counters for all pin types.
Diablo 4 - Zoom In Zoom Out Icons.png Zoom In / Zoom Out
This icon is found on the top left side of the map. You can press these buttons, or use your scroll wheel while hovering, to Zoom In and Out of the interactive map.

Barbarian Barbarian Aspects Rogue Rogue Aspects
Sorcerer Sorcerer Aspects Necromancer Necromancer Aspects
Druid Druid Aspects Spiritborn Spiritborn Aspects
All Classes General Aspects

All Rogue Aspects

New Season 7 Rogue Aspects

Aspect Power How to Get
Slice and Dice Aspect ImageSlice and Dice Aspect Twisting Blades' initial hit cleaves. Twisting Blades return 25-45% faster. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Aspect of Bitter Infection ImageAspect of Bitter Infection Enemies infected by Shadow Imbuement take 30-70% of its damage every second.
Shadow Imbuement deals 30-70% increased damage.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.

Season 7 Guide (Season of Witchcraft)

Rogue Offensive Aspects

Rogue Aspect Types
Offensive Defensive Mobility
Utility Resource
Priority Quest IconHeads-up! You can only imprint Offensive Aspects on the following items:
One-handed Weapons
Two-handed Weapons
Aspect Power How to Get
Aspect of Volatile Shadows ImageAspect of Volatile Shadows When a Dark Shroud shadow is removed, you trigger an explosion around yourself that deals Shadow damage and applies Shadow Imbuement to each enemy it hits. Drops from the Ancient's Lament Dungeon in Dry Steppes.
Vengeful Aspect ImageVengeful Aspect Lucky Hit: Damaging a Vulnerable enemy has a 25% chance to create an Arrow Storm at the location, dealing Physical damage over 3 seconds.
Your Arrow Storms deal 45 - 60% more damage.
Drops from the Inferno Dungeon in Kehjistan.
Aspect of Unstable Imbuements ImageAspect of Unstable Imbuements When casting an Imbuement Skill you trigger an Imbued explosion around yourself, applying the Imbuement effects and dealing (XX) damage of the same type. Drops from the Whispering Vault Dungeon in Dry Steppes.
Trickshot Aspect ImageTrickshot Aspect Whenever Penetrating Shot damages an enemy, 2 additional arrows split off to either side.
These side arrows deal (XX)% of Penetrating Shot's Base damage and do not split.
Drops from the Bastion of Faith Dungeon in Hawezar.
Shadowslicer Aspect ImageShadowslicer Aspect When you cast Dash, a Shadow Clone is spawned at your location that also casts Dash, dealing (80-100)% of the Base damage. Drops from the Twisted Hollow Dungeon in Scosglen.
OpportunistOpportunist's Aspect When you enter or break Stealth, you drop a cluster of exploding Stun Grenades around you that deal (296-445) Physical damage and Stun enemies for 1 second.
Your Stun Grenade deal (25-40)% increased damage.
Drops from the Prison of Caldeum Dungeon in Kehjistan.
Aspect of Encircling Blades ImageAspect of Encircling Blades Flurry damages enemies in a circle around you and deals (35-55)% increased damage. Drops from the Forsaken Quarry Dungeon in Fractured Peaks.
Aspect of Corruption ImageAspect of Corruption Your Imbuement Skills have 40-60% increased potency. Drops from the Renegade's Retreat Dungeon in Kehjistan.
Aspect of Branching Volleys ImageAspect of Branching Volleys Barrage's arrows have a (15-25)% chance to split into 2 arrows whenever they ricochet. Drops from the Shadowed Plunge Dungeon in Hawezar.
Blast-TrapperBlast-Trapper's Aspect Lucky Hit: Dealing damage to enemies affected by your Trap skills has a 15-30% chance to cause an explosion that deals Shadow Damage and applies Vulnerable for 2 seconds. Drops from the Kor Valar Ramparts Dungeon in Fractured Peaks.
Aspect of Arrow Storms ImageAspect of Arrow Storms Lucky Hit: Your Marksman and Cutthroat Skills have up to a 25% chance to create an Arrow Storm at the enemy's location, dealing Physical damage over 3 seconds.
Your Arrow Storms deal 45 - 60% increased damage.
Drops from the Howling Warren Dungeon in Scosglen.
BladedancerBladedancer's Aspect Twisting Blades orbit for a short time after they return to you, dealing 60 - 80% of Twisting Blade's return damage per hit. Drops from the Jalal's Vigil Dungeon in Scosglen.
Icy AlchemistIcy Alchemist's Aspect Lucky Hit: Shadow Imbued Skill have up to a 75% chance to release an explosion that deals 0.3-0.48 Cold damage to the target and surrounding enemies, Chilling them for 25%.
If they were already Chilled or Frozen, increase this damage by x100%.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
InfiltratorInfiltrator's Aspect Poison Trap no longer breaks Stealth and triggers no Cooldown or arm time while you are in Stealth.
All Poison Traps activate when you exit Stealth and Poison Trap’s Cooldown will be (XX) seconds per trap placed.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Complete the Chapter 2 Challenges in the Season 3 Season Journey.
Aspect of Bursting Venoms ImageAspect of Bursting Venoms Lucky Hit: Poison Imbued Skills have up to a 15% chance to create a toxic pool that deals 420 - 510 Poisoning damage over 3 seconds to enemies within.
While standing in the pool, your Poison Imbuement Skill has no Cooldown and no Charge limit.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Aspect of Imitated Imbuement ImageAspect of Imitated Imbuement Your Shadow Clones also mimic the Imbuements applied to your Skills.
Casting an Imbuement Skill grants your active Shadow Clone (8-16)% increased damage for 9 seconds.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Complete the Chapter 3 Challenges in the Season 1 Season Journey.
Aspect of Surprise ImageAspect of Surprise When you Evade or Shadow Step, you leave behind a cluster of exploding Stun Grenades that deal Physical damage and Stun enemies for 2 seconds.
Now additionally increases Grenade Skill damage by 25-40%.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Complete the Chapter 2 Challenges in the Season 1 Season Journey.
Aspect of Synergy ImageAspect of Synergy Using an Agility Skill reduces the Cooldown of your next Subterfuge Skill by 20%.
Using a Subterfuge Skill increases the damage of your next Agility Skill by (30-50)%.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Complete the Chapter 4 Challenges in the Season 2 Season Journey.
Repeating Aspect ImageRepeating Aspect Rapid Fire has a (15-30)% chance to ricochet to another target. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Toxic AlchemistToxic Alchemist's Aspect Shadow Imbued Skills have up to a 75% chance to create a toxic explosion that applies 0.2-0.3 Poisoning damage over 5 seconds to the target and surrounding enemies.
If the enemy was already Poisoned, increase this damage by x100%.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
TricksterTrickster's Aspect Caltrops, Smoke Grenade, and Death Trap receive your Stun Grenade benefits and throw Stun Grenades that deal 120-270 Physical damage and Stun enemies for 1 second.
Your Stun Grenades deal 25 - 45% increased damage.
Drops from the Guulrahn Canals Dungeon in Dry Steppes.
Aspect of Pestilent Points ImageAspect of Pestilent Points Every third cast of Puncture is Poison Imbued with (100%-150)% of normal potency. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Complete the Chapter 1 Challenges in the Season 1 Season Journey.
Aspect of Artful Initiative ImageAspect of Artful Initiative When you spend 75 Energy you release a cluster of exploding Stun Grenades that deal Physical damage and Stun enemies for 0.5 seconds.
Your Grenade Skills deal 25-40% more damage.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Complete the Chapter 1 Challenges in the Season 2 Season Journey.
High Velocity Aspect ImageHigh Velocity Aspect Barrage arrows now pierce through 1 enemy.
Barrage has 10 - 20% increased Attack Speed.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Obtained from the Season 4 Season Journey.
Aspect of True Sight ImageAspect of True Sight You deal 70-100% Critical Strike Damage to enemies marked by Inner Sight.
While Inner Sight is full, you gain 35-55% increased damage.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Obtained from the Season 5 Season Journey.
Coldclip Aspect ImageColdclip Aspect Your Basic skills are always Cold Imbued.
Increase damage to Chilled and Frozen targets by 5 - 20%.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Obtained from the Season 5 Season Journey.
Clandestine Aspect ImageClandestine Aspect Gain + 3 - 5 to Agility and Subterfuge Skills. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Obtained from the Season 5 Season Journey.
Aspect Of Iron Rain ImageAspect Of Iron Rain Smoke Grenade has a 80-100% chance to create an Arrow Storm where it explodes, dealing Physical damage over 3 seconds.
Your Arrow Storms continuously apply Vulnerable.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Obtained from the Season 5 Season Journey.
Breakneck BanditBreakneck Bandit's Aspect Flurry deals 25-40% increased damage and has a 20% chance to Stun enemies for 3 seconds with each hit. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Obtained from the Season 5 Season Journey.
Aspect of Poisonous Clouds ImageAspect of Poisonous Clouds When entering Stealth, create a cloud that deals (600-780% of Weapon Damage) Poison damage over 6 seconds. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Aspect of Splintering Shards ImageAspect of Splintering Shards Lucky Hit: Up to a 100% chance when hitting or killing a Frozen enemy to create an ice splinter that fires away from them dealing (25%-50% of Weapon Damage) Cold damage and Chilling for 20-30%. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Aspect of Star Shards ImageAspect of Star Shards Knives from Dance of Knives have a 50% chance to shatter into 6 shards of metal on hit, dealing 100-200% Physical damage.
Dance of Knives now spends Combo Points, granting up to 3 additional Charges that can exceed the Maximum.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Slice and Dice Aspect ImageSlice and Dice Aspect Twisting Blades' initial hit cleaves. Twisting Blades return 25-45% faster. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Aspect of Bitter Infection ImageAspect of Bitter Infection Enemies infected by Shadow Imbuement take 30-70% of its damage every second.
Shadow Imbuement deals 30-70% increased damage.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.

All Offensive Aspects

Rogue Defensive Aspects

Rogue Aspect Types
Offensive Defensive Mobility
Utility Resource
Priority Quest IconHeads-up! You can only imprint Defensive Aspects on the following items:
Chest Armor
Aspect Power How to Get
Aspect of Uncanny Treachery ImageAspect of Uncanny Treachery Dealing direct damage with a non-Agility Skill after casting an Agility skill grants Stealth for 2 seconds
When Stealth breaks you gain (10-18)% dodge chance for 2 seconds.
Drops from the Demon's Wake Dungeon in Scosglen.
Aspect of Siphoned Victuals ImageAspect of Siphoned Victuals Lucky Hit: Damaging a Vulnerable enemy has up to a 5-25% chance to drop a Healing Potion. Drops from the Leviathan's Maw Dungeon in Hawezar.
Enshrouding Aspect ImageEnshrouding Aspect Using a Healing Potion makes a free Dark Shroud shadow.
Each shadow grants 2.5 - 4.0% increased Damage Reduction.
Drops from the Ghoa Ruins Dungeon in Hawezar.
CheatCheat's Aspect You take (15.0-25.0)% less damage from Crowed Controlled enemies.
Whenever a Crowed Controlled enemy deals direct damage to you, gain 15% Movement Speed for 2 seconds.
Drops from the Luban's Rest Dungeon in Scosglen.
Escape ArtistEscape Artist's Aspect Upon taking damage from surrounding enemies, you drop a Smoke Grenade and Dodge the next (2-5) attacks within 5 seconds.
This effect can only occur once every 10 seconds.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Aspect of Cruel Sustenance ImageAspect of Cruel Sustenance Explosions from the Victimize Key Passive grant you a Barrier for 5-15% of your Maximum Life for 5 seconds. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Aspect of Elusive Menace ImageAspect of Elusive Menace While you have both bonuses from the Close Quarters Combat Key Passive active, your Dodge Chance increases by 4 - 7% whenever you're hit by a Close enemy.
Successfully Dodging resets this bonus.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Aspect of Lethal Dusk ImageAspect of Lethal Dusk Evading through an enemy infected by Shadow Imbuement grants Stealth for 4 seconds.
Breaking Stealth grants you 10-25% Maximum Life.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Aspect of Stolen Vigor ImageAspect of Stolen Vigor While at maximum stacks of the Momentum Key Passive, your Cutthroat Skills deal 30 - 45% increased damage and you become Unstoppable for 3 seconds every 6 seconds. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Snap Frozen Aspect ImageSnap Frozen Aspect Each Chilled or Frozen enemy you Evade through grants you a Barrier that absorbs XX damage for 5 seconds, absorbing up to a maximum of YY damage. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Complete the Chapter 4 Challenges in the Season 3 Season Journey.
Umbrous Aspect ImageUmbrous Aspect Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes have up to 45 - 60% chance to grant a free Dark Shroud shadow. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Complete the Chapter 4 Challenges in the Season 1 Season Journey.
Resistant AssailantResistant Assailant's Aspect Casting Concealment grants 10% Resistance and Maximum Resistance to All Elements for 6 seconds.
Killing an Elite enemy reduces Concealment's Cooldown by (6.0 - 14.0) seconds.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Complete the Chapter 1 Challenges in the Season 3 Season Journey.

All Defensive Aspects

Rogue Mobility Aspects

Rogue Aspect Types
Offensive Defensive Mobility
Utility Resource
Priority Quest IconHeads-up! You can only imprint Mobility Aspects on the following items:
Aspect Power How to Get
RavagerRavager's Aspect Shadow Step has an additional Charge.
Killing an enemy with Shadow Step refunds a Charge and increases the damage of Shadow Step by 4.5 - 12% for 2 seconds, up to 18 - 87%.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Complete the Chapter 3 Challenges in the Season 3 Season Journey.
Aspect of Nebulous Brews ImageAspect of Nebulous Brews Using a Healing Potion grants 35-50% Movement Speed for 3 seconds.
After moving 20 meters, you spawn a Healing Potion.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Obtained from the Season 5 Season Journey.

All Mobility Aspects

Rogue Utility Aspects

Rogue Aspect Types
Offensive Defensive Mobility
Utility Resource
Priority Quest IconHeads-up! You can only imprint Utility Aspects on the following items:
Chest Armor
Aspect Power How to Get
Aspect of Explosive Verve ImageAspect of Explosive Verve Your Grenade Skills count as Trap Skills.
Whenever you arm a Trap or drop Grenades, you gain (10-18)% increased Movement Speed for 3 seconds.
Drops from the Derelict Lodge Dungeon in Fractured Peaks.
Frostbitten Aspect ImageFrostbitten Aspect Enemies hit by your Grenade Skills have the same chance as your Critical Strike Chance to be Frozen for 2 seconds.
You deal x10-25% increased Critical Strike Damage to Stunned or Frozen enemies.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
ManglerMangler's Aspect Lucky Hit: Dealing direct damage to a Vulnerable enemy has up to a (25-45)% chance to Daze them for 2 seconds. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Complete the Chapter 3 Challenges in the Season 2 Season Journey.
Aspect of Noxious Ice ImageAspect of Noxious Ice Chilled enemies Poisoned by Poison Imbuement will be further Chilled for 20% per second.
You deal 20 - 35% additional Poison damage to Frozen enemies.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Aspect of Quickening Fog ImageAspect of Quickening Fog You automatically drop a Smoke Grenade at the end of Dash.
Dash's Cooldown is reached from hitting 3 enemies.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Complete the Chapter 2 Challenges in the Season 2 Season Journey.
Mired SharpshooterMired Sharpshooter's Aspect Caltrops is now a Marksman Skill that periodically throws 5-20 piercing daggers over its Duration, each dealing Shadow damage and applying Vulnerable for 3 seconds. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Obtained from the Season 5 Season Journey.

All Utility Aspects

Rogue Resource Aspects

Rogue Aspect Types
Offensive Defensive Mobility
Utility Resource
Priority Quest IconHeads-up! You can only imprint Resource Aspects on Rings.
Aspect Power How to Get
Energizing Aspect ImageEnergizing Aspect Damaging an Elite enemy with a Basic Skill generates (5-9) Energy. Drops from the Sanguine Chapel Dungeon in Fractured Peaks.
Ravenous Aspect ImageRavenous Aspect Killing a Vulnerable enemy grants you (50-70)% increased Energy Regeneration for 4 seconds. Drops from the Shifting City Dungeon in Dry Steppes.
Galvanized SlasherGalvanized Slasher's Aspect Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy with a Mobility Skill has a 15-30% chance to fully restore your Energy.
Your Maximum Energy is increased by 15-30.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Obtained from the Season 5 Season Journey.

All Resource Aspects

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All Aspects by Class

Aspects by Class
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Diablo 4 - General IconGeneral

All Aspects by Type

Aspects by Type
Diablo 4 - Offensive Aspect IconOffensive Diablo 4 - Defensive Aspect IconDefensive Diablo 4 - Mobility Aspect IconMobility
Diablo 4 - Utility Aspect IconUtility Diablo 4 - Resource Aspect IconResource Extracted Item Aspects Extractables


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