Pokemon Legends: Arceus

How to Farm Aguav Berries and Effects

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Farm Aguav Berries Pokemon Legends Arceus
Aguav Berry is a berry used to reveal Pokemon during Massive Mass Outbreaks in Pokemon Legends: Arceus for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn how to farm Aguav Berries and the Aguav Berry's effects.

How to Farm Aguav Berries

Obtain from Pokemon with Aguav Berry Icon during Massive Mass Outbreaks

Aguav Massive Mass Outbreaks Pokemon Legends Arceus

During Massive Mass Outbreaks, certain Pokemon will be labeled on the Map with Aguav Berry icons. These Pokemon will yield Aguav Berries as a reward when battling or catching them.

The icons will appear after feeding Aguav Berries to Munchlax, which is a bit of a catch-22 if you have no Aguav Berries to begin with. However, you can still obtain Aguav Berries in this way if you find the right Mass Outbreak on the map, so searching around the map will help you find one with an Aguav Berry Icon.

Best Way to Farm Aguav Berries at Massive Mass Outbreaks

We recommend saving your game at Jubilife Village when Massive Mass Outbreaks appear and spending the 5 Aguav Berries to reveal the outbreaks available on the map. If there are any with berries, take note of their locations and reload your game! The outbreaks will not change so you can head over and collect berries as needed.

If there are no outbreaks with berries, reload the game and enter and exit Jubilife Village until another Massive Mass Outbreak occurs to repeat the process!

Massive Mass Outbreaks Guide and List of Pokemon

Complete the Balloon Race in the Highlands

Balloon Race in the Highlands

Completing the Balloon Race in the Highlands can give the Aguav Berry as a random reward. The more balloons you break, the more Aguav Berries you will receive. Try to break 40 balloons or more each time to maximize efficiency, as it can snag you about 3 Aguav Berries per run!

The Balloon Race in the Highlands is unlocked as part of Request 105: The Ultimate Balloon Race.

Obtained at the Farm

Aguav Berries Farm Pokemon Legends Arceus

Choosing the Special Berry Harvest for ₽20,000 can yield a small number of Aguav Berries along with other special berries. With a good harvest, you can get as much as 8 Aguav berries!

Note that you'll need to catch at least 16 Pokemon after setting the harvest before you can receive the Berries.

Farm Guide: Harvest Requirements and Crop List

How to Use Aguav Berries

Feed to Munchlax to Reveal Mass Outbreak Icons

Aguav Berry to Munchlax Pokemon Legends Arceus

During a Massive Mass Outbreak, initially, the icons for which Pokemon are appearing in each Mass Outbreak around the map are hidden and marked with a question mark. By feeding Aguav Berries to Mai's Munchlax, you can reveal all the Pokemon on the map, as well as which ones will give special rewards like Aguav Berries, so it's worth taking advantage of this option every time.

Aguav Berry Effects and Price

Aguav Berry ImageAguav Berry Buy Price ₽-
Sell Price ₽150
Description A Berry that can be fed to a Pokemon to restore its HP by up to half its max. If a wild Pokemon that hates bitter flavors eats one of these Berries, it will briefly pause.

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List of Berries

Aguav Berry ImageAguav Berry Aspear Berry ImageAspear Berry
Cheri Berry ImageCheri Berry Chesto Berry ImageChesto Berry
Figy Berry ImageFigy Berry Hopo Berry ImageHopo Berry
Iapapa Berry ImageIapapa Berry Leppa Berry ImageLeppa Berry
Lum Berry ImageLum Berry Mago Berry ImageMago Berry
Nanab Berry ImageNanab Berry Oran Berry ImageOran Berry
Pecha Berry ImagePecha Berry Pinap Berry ImagePinap Berry
Rawst Berry ImageRawst Berry Razz Berry ImageRazz Berry
Sitrus Berry ImageSitrus Berry Wiki Berry ImageWiki Berry

List of All Berries


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