Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Fleuve Cendre Ferryman Weapon GuideComment

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    10 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    A toilet pipe

    9 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    The link for the blazing heartfelt bass fishing guide is incorrect and it sends you to the rippling heartfelt bass instead

    8 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    could be the best F2P weapon for furina (aside from Festering who has that TAT)

    7 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    It's a big stretch to consider it "garbage". This site ranks it as "S-Rank". : D Keep in mind, you can get it to R5 just by going around to fishing spots for a few days, no billets or luck required. And what 4-star competition is there? Only Favonius, Sacrificial and Sapwood. Ferryman provides 78% ER after performing a skill, and gives the skill +16% crit rate, in addition to providing more base ATK than Favonius or Sacrificial. For some characters, that could be great.

    6 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    This is only good if you literally have no other energy recharge swords from pulling random banners. I'm an old full F2P player and this thing is useless. It's a shame because every free 4 star weapon we've been given has been garbage since "The Catch".

    5 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    What about Bennett? Is it better than Sapwood on non-dendro teams?

    4 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    this sword is cracked

    3 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    finale of the deep maybe?

    2 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Looks like sabo left his weapon in fontaine

    1 Anonymous jxon9 monthsReport

    This is also Hydro Traveler's BiS, Base attack is higher than Favonius Sword and sacrificial sword. Decent Energy recharge and gives Extra crit to Hydro traveler's skill which is his main source of damage.

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