Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Kaeya Rating and Best BuildsComment

Displaying entries 1 - 20 of 71 in total


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    71 Lupicalabout 1 monthReport

    Personally I'd use Favonius. If you or someone are still debating.

    70 Lupicalabout 1 monthReport

    Kaeya's new rating, oh the audacity!

    69 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    which is better: sacrificial or favonius? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ill prolly use him in freeze teams, maybe melt teams too, if that helps :)

    68 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Hi, I was hoping a reverse melt build for Kaeya be added here. Reverse melt Kaeya works quite different after all. Should be best with Emblem of Severed Fates artifact (as he can’t gain from blizzard’s crit bonus) and best weapon should also be Mistsplitter I think…? Sacrificial sword is definitely one of the top replacements as it helps his energy issues. Sands mainstat prob can be either atk%, ER% and EM, circlet can also be crit rate

    66 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    Just want to note that his C2 “Never ending performance” now says duration is extended any time a enemy is killed, not necessarily by damage from his burst.

    50 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    I love your website!

    49 wangsheng-sanabout 1 yearReport

    i WOULD use sacrificial sword for kaeya but xingqiu needs it more so he has cool steel also i run him with gladiator/beserker artifacts (i am focusing on atk) and he can crit at 7000-8000

    48 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    Honestly I came here to talk about how underrated he is, but unfortunately he still doesn’t compare to Collei or Sucrose who is in the A tier. I do agree: He’s heavily underrated with excellent battery capabilities and at C6 w/ Layla, koko, and Ayala - he’s sooooo much fun, but still—he doesn’t amount to the higher tiered characters

    47 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    You really going to compare him to the likes of Collei and sucrose? bruh. He doesn't provide high damage at all. You're probably just mistaking his damage contribution for being an enabler for Electro reactions.

    46 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    these rankings are a joke omg did people who wrote this page actually use him ever???? he's easily A tier AT MINIMUM he is so good literally his scalings are amazing

    45 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    At least an A if not S sub damage

    44 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Kaeya is more useful in freeze teams. Kaeya's semi unreliable Cryo dmg messes with the ownership of melt reactions, making Rosaria better.

    43 .over 1 yearReport


    42 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Kaeya is perfect in melt team! HE DOES NOT NEED FREEZING!

    41 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    he's not just valid, he slays

    40 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I didn't build Chongyun and Kaeya works perfecly fine as my main :D

    39 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Ayaka alternative imo. But he need Chongyun if he want to become a Main DPS

    38 Anonymous@Game8almost 2 yearsReport

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention, the error has been fixed.

    37 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    ''Recommended Roles for Yelan'' :think:

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