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Izel of the Vizjerei Walkthrough and How to Defeat Izel

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Izel of the Vizjerei is a side quest in Diablo 4 (D4). Learn how to defeat Izel, how to unlock Izel of the Vizjerei, a list of quest objectives, rewards, as well as a complete walkthrough.

Izel of the Vizjerei Overview

Basic Information

Quest Type Side Quest
Zone Kehjistan
Starting Location Southern Expanse
Quest Giver Izel
Renown EXP Gold

How to Unlock Izel of the Vizjerei

Head to Southern Expanse

Map View World View


Southern Expanse

The side quest Izel of the Vizjerei can be started by speaking with the Mysterious Shrine Izel in Central Plateau of the Southern Expanse of Kehjistan. This quest is automatically accepted after finishing A Voice From the Past.

Finish A Voice From the Past

The Izel of the Vizjerei side quest is automatically unlocked after finishing A Voice From the Past. This side quest is the third and last part of the quest line following Izel's story in Kehjistan.

Izel of the Vizjerei Walkthrough

Retrieve Izel
Interact with the Mysterious Shrine to Retrieve Izel and start the quest.
Find the Mountain Path
Head to the Searing Expanse and head west to the Athenaeum Dungeon Entrance.
Enter the Anthenaeum
Enter the Vizjerei Athenaeum to progress the quest.
Slay the athenaeum's protectors
Once inside, defeat the Defender of the Vizjerei elite enemies and the Vengeful Spirits.
Place Izel on the Altar
After defeating all the enemies, Place Izel on the shrine at the far end of the room.
Find the Magical Conduit amongst the ruins
The Magical Conduit can be found by searching the Discarded Vials west of Izel's Shrine inside the dungeon.
Return to Izel
Speak with Izel after obtaining the Magical Conduit.
Kill Izel
Izel will appear as a boss afterwards. Slay him to finish the quest.
▶How to Defeat Izel

How to Defeat Izel

Vhenard Strategy Summary

Use Crowd Control Against Izel

During the battle, Izel will constantly move around the area while attacking you. The easiest and safest way to deal damage against Izel is to use Crowd Control effects such as stuns that will temporarily immobilize it.

Avoid Projectiles

While you are already focused on defeating Izel and its Summons, Izel will also launch several green projectiles towards you that can deal large amounts of damage unexpectedly. Try to constantly move around in between combos to make sure the projectiles do not hit your character.

Avoid Izel's Wind-up Attack

One of Izel's attacks is a Wind-up attack where it remains in place for a few seconds and charges up before releasing a Red AoE blast. This attack is marked by a red electric circle, and if you get hit, you will be afflicted with Vulnerable, increasing the damage you receive from all sources. This could be fatal if you are swarmed by enemies during this time, or if you fail to dodge the projectiles.

The wind-up can be easily spotted, and you have a short window of opportunity to dodge or dash away. Alternatively, you can also try to fight Izel from afar, using either ranged attacks or summons.

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Kehjistan Side Quests

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Payment Past Due Timely Correspondence
When the Tide Comes In Head of the Snake
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Butchers of the North The Only Cure
Strange Remedies Mirage
Seeking Refuge A Moment of Peace
Unusual Ore Deadly Trade
Pinch of Poison Endless Fortune
Final Straw Izel of the Vizjerei
The Speaking Stone A Voice from the Past
Spotted Mushroom Strayed from the Path
Road to Ruin An Errant Flock
Acts of Atonement Justice Delayed
An Unlawful Order Remnants
The Way of the Three Ravenous Necrolyte's Cache


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