Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

On the Fly Perk Effects and How to Unlock | Is On the Fly Worth It?

This page is about the On the Fly Perk for Cyberpunk 2077. Learn about On the Fly's effects at each perk level, how to unlock On the Fly, and see if this perk is worth acquiring!

On the Fly Removed in Update 2.0

Cyberpunk 2077 - Update 2.0 Photo

The On the Fly perk has been removed/rebalanced as of Update 2.0. The 2.0 update featured a massive perks overhaul that removed, rebalanced, or completely changed every old perk from the 1.6 Edgerunners Update and Base Game.

2.0 Perks and Skill Tree Guide

On the Fly Overview

On the Fly
Perk Icon
Attribute Reflexes
Skill Tree Handguns
Activation Passive
Unlocked At Level 7 in Reflexes Attribute

On the Fly Effects

Effects at Each Level

Level 1 Reduces draw/holster time for Pistols and Revolvers by 25%.
Level 2 Reduces draw/holster time for Pistols and Revolvers by 50%.

Is On the Fly Worth It?

Upgrade Priority (Ranking) C Rank Icon
Reason Unless you only use guns, this skill can be useful in switching to your sidearm faster. However, there are better weapons to switch to when your primary weapon runs out of ammo.

Perk Tier List

Cyberpunk 2077 Related Links


List of Perks and Skill Tree Guide

All Reflexes Perks


Bulletjock Eagle Eye Covering Killshot
Too Close For Comfort Bullseye Executioner
Duck Hunter Shoot, Reload, Repeat Nerves of Steel
Feel the Flow Trench Warfare Hunter's Hands
Named Bullets Skull Skipper Bunker
Recoil Wrangler In Perspective Long Shot
Savage Stoic Punisher


Gunslinger High Noon Rio Bravo
Desperado On the Fly Long Shot Drop Pop
O.K. Corral Steady Hand Vanishing Point
From Head to Toe A Fistful of Eurodollars Acrobat
Grand Finale Attritional Fire Wild West
Westworld Snowball Effect Lead Sponge
Brainpower The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly


Sting Like a Bee Roaring Waters Crimson Dance
Slow and Steady Flight of the Sparrow Offensive Defense
Shifting Sands Stuck Pig Blessed Blade
Unbroken Spirit Bloodlust Float Like a Butterfly
Judge, Jury and Executioner Fiery Blast Crimson Tide
Deathbolt Dragon Strike

All Attributes and Perks

Attributes and Perk Skill Trees
Body Athletics Annihilation Street Brawler
Reflexes Assault Handguns Blades
Intelligence Breach Protocol Quickhacking
Technical Ability Engineering Crafting
Cool Ninjutsu Cold Blood

Attributes and Best Attributes to Choose


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