Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Efficiency Perk Effects and How to Unlock | Is Efficiency Worth It?

This page is about the Efficiency Perk for Cyberpunk 2077. Learn about Efficiency's effects at each perk level, how to unlock Efficiency, and see if this perk is worth acquiring!

Efficiency Removed in Update 2.0

Cyberpunk 2077 - Update 2.0 Photo

The Efficiency perk has been removed as of Update 2.0. The 2.0 update featured a massive perks overhaul that removed, rebalanced, or completely changed every old perk from the 1.6 Edgerunners Update and Base Game.

2.0 Perks and Skill Tree Guide

Efficiency Overview

Perk Icon
Attribute Intelligence
Skill Tree Breach Protocol
Activation Passive
Unlocked At Level 14 in Intelligence Attribute

Efficiency Effects

Effects at Each Level

Level 1 Uploading 3 or more daemons in the same Breach Protocol increases cyberdeck RAM recovery rate by 3 unit(s) per 60 sec. Lasts 5 min.

Is Efficiency Worth It?

Upgrade Priority (Ranking) A Rank Icon
Reason The regeneration is significant and will allow you to use up more Quickhacks in a shorter amount of time. The only downside is that it requires 2 other perks that will give you more Daemons for Breach Protocol. It is also required there are cameras or turrets in the network, making it less reliable.

Perk Tier List

Cyberpunk 2077 Related Links


List of Perks and Skill Tree Guide

All Intelligence Perks

Breach Protocol

Big Sleep Mass Vulnerability Almost In!
Advanced Datamine Mass Vulnerability: Resistances Extended Network Interface
Datamine Mastermind Turret Shutdown Total Recall
Turret Tamer Datamine Virtuoso Cloud Cache
Efficiency Mass Vulnerability: Quickhacks Totaler Recall
Head Start Hackathon Buffer Optimization
Compression Transmigration


Biosynergy Bloodware Forget-Me-Not
I Spy Hacker's Manual Weak Link
Daisy Chain Signal Support Subliminal Message
Diffusion Mnemonic School of Hard Hacks
Plague Critical Error Hacker Overlord
Anamnesis Bartmoss' Legacy Master Ram Liberator

All Attributes and Perks

Attributes and Perk Skill Trees
Body Athletics Annihilation Street Brawler
Reflexes Assault Handguns Blades
Intelligence Breach Protocol Quickhacking
Technical Ability Engineering Crafting
Cool Ninjutsu Cold Blood

Attributes and Best Attributes to Choose


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