Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Best Melee Weapons

What weapon you choose as an Edgerunner may end up deciding whether you'll survive a fight or not. Read on to learn what are Cyberpunk 2077's best blade and blunt weapons in Patch 1.6, and what makes them great.

Choosing the Best Melee Weapons

Find Iconic Weapons by Doing Main and Side Gigs

Melee Weapons.png

Finding the best melee weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 can be as easy as going on a main quest or side gig. You'll usually come across iconic weapons like the Cottonmouth or Jinchu-Maru on missions. From there, you can start upgrading them to Legendary grade to make them the strongest weapons in your arsenal.

Best Blade Melee Weapons


Satori size:75x75Satori
Effect Reduces base damage, but increases Crit Damage 5 times.

If you want a good katana early in the game, then you might want to go get the Satori, Saburo Arasaka's katana. Though it deals lower base damage, it will also deal five times its critical damage whenever you make a critical hit.

This makes it one of the most damaging katanas in the game, especially when you upgrade it to Legendary.

You'll only be able to get it through The Heist quest, so make sure not to miss it.

Best Blades Build

Mantis Blades

Mantis Blades size:75x75Mantis Blades
Effect Mantis Blades allow you to slice and dice your enemies with swift, deadly slashes. They also unlock the ability to leap towards a target and deal massive damge. To do so, hold and release R2. Three mod slot (edge, battery, universal).

Similar to the Gorilla Arms, the main advantage of having Mantis Blades is the fact that you can interchange its mod to switch to different damage types. Further, its extremely high attack speed makes it very deadly - and in certain situations, even deadlier than the Jinchu-Maru.

Best Mantis Blades Build


Stinger size:75x75Stinger
Effect Attacks against poisoned enemies have a 100% chance to cause bleeding. Attacks against bleeding enemies will have a 100% chance to cause poison.

With Stinger's special effect of adding Poison, added with the Stealth perks that add special effects to knives, this becomes one of the deadliest knives in the game. Hack one enemy then leave them to perish as you hack away another one.


Monowire size:75x75Monowire
Effect The Monowire charges when equipped but not used in combat. Attacks with a charged wire deal bonus damage based on the charge level. Charge level and bonus damage dealt decline with each attack. Three mod slots available (wire, battery, universal).

The main advantage of Monowire is its high dismembering rate, making it an almost one-hit kill against common enemies. Also, like the Gorilla Arms and Mantis Blades, its mods that allow you to shift damage types are extremely useful.

Best Monowire Build

Best Blunt Melee Weapons

Gold-Plated Baseball Bat

Gold-Plated Baseball Bat size:75x75Gold-Plated Baseball Bat
Effect High chance to apply Bleeding. Low chance to apply Stun.

This bat, acquired in the Second Conflict quest, has an incredibly high DPS and with its high chance of applying Bleeding, it would make this an even deadlier weapon.

Best Blunt Weapon Melee Build

Gorilla Arms

Gorilla Arms size:75x75Gorilla Arms
Effect Gorilla Arms charge with each attack. When you perform a Strong Attack, they deal bonus damage based on the charge level. Gorilla Arms also allow you to force open locked doors and rip turrets from their bosses. Three mod slot available (kunckles, battery, universe).

Gorilla Arms are exceptional in improving your melee attacks and with its interchangeable mods to switch Physical, Thermal, Chemical, or Electrical Damage, it is extremely versatile, tying its usability with the Gold-Plated Baseball Bat.

Best Gorilla Arms Build

Cyberpunk 2077 Related Links

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