Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

List of Legendary Cyberware

This is a list of all Legendary Cyberware in Cyberpunk 2077. Learn what Legendary Cyberware does, and how to get all Legendary Cyberwares!

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What is Legendary Cyberware?

Legendary Cyberware is the highest of five tiers of Cyberware quality.

This marks them as superior to Cyberware of Common, Uncommon, Rare, and even Epic quality.

Cyberware of the Legendary tier tends to have superior effects than those of a lower Rarity.

How to Get Legendary Cyberware

Game Completion Rewards

When finishing the game, you'll receive two pieces of Legendary Cyberware. These items will be extremely expensive when obtained in other ways, so it's best to wait until this point to get them.

Game Clear Rewards
Militech Berserk MK.5Militech Berserk MK.5 Gorilla ArmsGorilla Arms

Available from Ripperdocs

Most Legendary Cyberware is only available by purchase from Ripperdocs. The items available in Ripperdocs is limited by Street Cred, so you'll want to raise your Street Cred as much as possible first to maximize your chance of Legendary Cyberware appearing.

List of Legendary Cyberware

Legendary Frontal Cortex Cyberware

Cyberware How to Obtain
Camillo Ram ManagerCamillo Ram Manager ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$11200: Ripperdoc (West Wind Estate) - Pacifica
Ex-DiskEx-Disk ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$22400: Ripperdoc (West Wind Estate) - Pacifica
Heal-on-KillHeal-on-Kill ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$28000: Cassius - Watson
Limbic System EnhancementLimbic System Enhancement ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$16800: Ripperdoc (Japantown) - Westbrook
Mechatronic CoreMechatronic Core ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$16800: Cassius - Watson
Visual Cortex SupportVisual Cortex Support ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$16800: Ripperdoc (West Wind Estate) - Pacifica

Legendary Circulatory System Cyberware

Cyberware How to Obtain
Adrenaline BoosterAdrenaline Booster ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$22400: Buck's Clinic - Watson
BioconductorBioconductor ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$11200: Ripperdoc (Mobile Camp) - The Badlands
BiomonitorBiomonitor ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$33600: Ripperdoc (Mobile Camp) - The Badlands
Bioplastic Blood VesselsBioplastic Blood Vessels ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$11200: Ripperdoc (Downtown) - City Center
Blood PumpBlood Pump ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$28000: Ripperdoc (Mobile Camp) - The Badlands
Feedback CircuitFeedback Circuit ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$16800: Buck's Clinic - Watson
MicrogeneratorMicrogenerator ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$5600: Octavio's Clinic - Santo Domingo
Second HeartSecond Heart ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$33600: Ripperdoc (Wellsprings) - Heywood
Syn-LungsSyn-Lungs ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$5600: Ripperdoc (Wellsprings) - Heywood

Legendary Immune System Cyberware

Cyberware How to Obtain
CataresistCataresist ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$11200: Fingers MD - Westbrook
Pain EditorPain Editor ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$22400: Fingers MD - Westbrook
Shock-N-AweShock-N-Awe ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$5600: Ripperdoc (Downtown) - City Center

Legendary Nervous System Cyberware

Cyberware How to Obtain
KerenzikovKerenzikov ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$28000: Ripperdoc (Arroyo) - Santo Domingo
NeofiberNeofiber ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$5600: Ripperdoc (Arroyo) - Santo Domingo
Reflex TunerReflex Tuner ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$14000: Ripperdoc (Japantown) - Westbrook
Synaptic AcceleratorSynaptic Accelerator ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$28000: Ripperdoc (Japantown) - Westbrook

Legendary Operating System Cyberware

Cyberware How to Obtain
Arasaka MK.4Arasaka MK.4
BioDyne Berserk MK.4BioDyne Berserk MK.4
Dynalar Sandevistan MK.4Dynalar Sandevistan MK.4
Fuyutsuki Tinkerer MK.3Fuyutsuki Tinkerer MK.3
Militech "Falcon" Sandevistan MK.5Militech "Falcon" Sandevistan MK.5
Militech Berserk MK.5Militech Berserk MK.5
NetWatch Netdriver MK.5NetWatch Netdriver MK.5
QianT "Warp Dancer" Sandevistan MK.5QianT "Warp Dancer" Sandevistan MK.5
QianT Sandevistan MK.4QianT Sandevistan MK.4
Raven Microcyber MK.4Raven Microcyber MK.4
Stephenson Tech MK.4Stephenson Tech MK.4
Zetatech Berserk MK.4Zetatech Berserk MK.4
Zetatech Berserk MK.5Zetatech Berserk MK.5

Legendary Iconic Operating System Cyberware

Cyberware How to Obtain
Arasaka MK.4Arasaka MK.4
BioDyne Berserk MK.4BioDyne Berserk MK.4
Dynalar Sandevistan MK.4Dynalar Sandevistan MK.4
Fuyutsuki Tinkerer MK.3Fuyutsuki Tinkerer MK.3
Militech "Falcon" Sandevistan MK.5Militech "Falcon" Sandevistan MK.5
Militech Berserk MK.5Militech Berserk MK.5
NetWatch Netdriver MK.5NetWatch Netdriver MK.5
QianT "Warp Dancer" Sandevistan MK.5QianT "Warp Dancer" Sandevistan MK.5
QianT Sandevistan MK.4QianT Sandevistan MK.4
Raven Microcyber MK.4Raven Microcyber MK.4
Stephenson Tech MK.4Stephenson Tech MK.4
Zetatech Berserk MK.4Zetatech Berserk MK.4
Zetatech Berserk MK.5Zetatech Berserk MK.5

Legendary Skeleton Cyberware

Cyberware How to Obtain
Bionic LungsBionic Lungs ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$5600: Kraviz's Clinic - Westbrook
MicrorotorsMicrorotors ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$11200: Instant Implants - Watson
Synaptic Signal OptimizerSynaptic Signal Optimizer ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$22400: Kraviz's Clinic - Westbrook

Legendary Hands Cyberware

Cyberware How to Obtain
Smart LinkSmart Link ・Can be purchased at the following vendor(s) for €$16800: Viktor's Clinic - Watson

Legendary Arms Cyberware

Cyberware How to Obtain
Gorilla ArmsGorilla Arms ・After clearing the main story, you will receive a pair of legendary Gorilla Arms for free. Simply go to the nearest Ripperdoc and look at the Arms slot to equip them.
Mantis BladesMantis Blades ・You can obtain free Legendary Mantis Blades from a chest in Corpo Plaza. The chest is found near a Cyberpsycho northwest of Arasaka Tower. Taking out an enemy or even the Cyberpsycho is not required to obtain the Mantis Blades. Just enter the area, find the chest by the wall, grab the blades and the rest of the items inside, then run back out immediately.
MonowireMonowire ・Currently Unavailable
Projectile Launch SystemProjectile Launch System ・Currently Unavailable

Cyberpunk 2077 Related Links

Cyberpunk 2077 - Cyberware Banner

List of Cyberware (Enhancements)

All Cyberware Types

Types of Cyberware
Frontal Cortex Ocular System Circulatory System
Immune System Nervous System Integumentary System
Operating System Skeleton Hands
Arms Legs
Cyberware Locations
All Sandevistan Locations All Berserk Locations All Cyberdeck Locations

Cyberware Rarity

Cyberware Rarity Tiers
Legendary Iconic

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2 Cover 3 years

I think you still need to add the Tertratonic Rippler You can get it after you have 40 SC.

1 Anonymousabout 4 years

you can get legendary of every arms mod from the ripperdoc in heywood wellsprings


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