Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

List of Iconic (Unique) Cyberware

This is a list of all Iconic (Unique) Cyberware in Cyberpunk 2077. Learn what Iconic Cyberware is, and which Cyberware can have the Iconic tier!

All Iconic Items
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Iconic Cyberware Iconic Crafting Specs
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What is Iconic Cyberware?

Unlike other Iconic Items like Iconic Weapons, Iconic Cyberware does not provide Crafting Specs.

Cyberware cannot be crafted, and each piece of Cyberware can only be obtained once, so the Iconic label does not have a significant meaning for Cyberware.

There are a few pieces of Cyberware which are labeled as Iconic regardless. All of them are Operating System Cyberware of the Legendary Rarity.

List of Iconic Cyberware

Operating System Cyberware

Cyberware Effect Price
Fuyutsuki Tinkerer MK.3Fuyutsuki Tinkerer MK.3 ・Allows you to perform quickhacks on targets and devices while scanning.
・Increases cyberdeck RAM recovery rate by 9 unit(s) per 60 sec.
・Increases combat quickhack duration by 50%.
・Increases quickhack spread distance by 40%.
€$ 35000
InductorInductor ・When affected by Shock and EMP, Armor increases by 50% instead of taking damage.
Militech "Falcon" Sandevistan MK.5Militech "Falcon" Sandevistan MK.5 ・Slows time by 30% for 18 sec. Cooldown 60 sec.
・Increases any damage dealt by 15% when Sandevistan is active.
・Increases Crit Chance by 20% and Crit Damage by 20% when Sandevistan is active.
€$ 35000
Militech Berserk MK.5Militech Berserk MK.5 ・When active, It reduces weapon recoil by 15%, increases melee damage by 15%, and increases Armor and Resistances by 10%. Duration: 60 sec. Cooldown: 60 sec.
・While Berserk is active, jumping from a high height initiates a Superhero Landing, causing you to fall at high speed and land with enough force to create a shockwave that damages nearby enemies.
・Defeating enemies restores 5% max Health when Berserk is active.
・Gain 40% more max Health and Stamina when Berserk is active.
€$ 35000
NetWatch Netdriver MK.5NetWatch Netdriver MK.5 ・Allows you to perform quickhacks on targets and devices while scanning.
Offensive quickhacks can be uploaded to 3 targets within a 6-meter radius.
Increases damage dealt by quickhacks by 30%.
Increases cyberdeck RAM recovery rate 9 unit(s) per 60 sec.
Increases quickhack spread distance by 60%.
€$ 35000
QianT "Warp Dancer" Sandevistan MK.5QianT "Warp Dancer" Sandevistan MK.5 ・Slows time by 10% for 8 sec. Cooldown 30 sec.
・Increases any damage dealt by 15%, Crit Chance by 10%, and Crit Damage by 50% when Sandevistan is active.
€$ 35000
Subdermal ArmorSubdermal Armor ・Increases Armor by 300. ・ €$ 11200
Tetratronic Rippler MK.4Tetratronic Rippler MK.4 ・Allows you to perform quickhacks on targets and devices while scanning.
・Ultimate quickhacks can spread once.
・Reduces quickhack upload time by 75%.
・Reduces the RAM cost of Ultimate quickhacks by 3.
・Quickhack cooldown reduced by 45%.
€$ 35000
Zetatech Berserk MK.5Zetatech Berserk MK.5 ・When active, It reduces weapon recoil by 20%, increases melee damage by 20%, and increases Armor and Resistances by 10%. Duration: 30 sec. Cooldown: 30 sec.・
While Berserk is active, jumping from a high height initiates a Superhero Landing, causing you to fall at high speed and land with enough force to create a shockwave that damages nearby enemies.
・Defeating enemies restores 5% max Health when Berserk is active.
€$ 35000

Cyberpunk 2077 Related Links

Cyberpunk 2077 - Cyberware Banner

List of Cyberware (Enhancements)

All Cyberware Types

Types of Cyberware
Frontal Cortex Ocular System Circulatory System
Immune System Nervous System Integumentary System
Operating System Skeleton Hands
Arms Legs
Cyberware Locations
All Sandevistan Locations All Berserk Locations All Cyberdeck Locations

Cyberware Rarity

Cyberware Rarity Tiers
Legendary Iconic

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4 Anonymousabout 4 years

Legendary =/= iconic

3 Anonymousabout 4 years

There is because I bought it last night.


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