Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Hypnosis Effect and Pokemon That Learn It

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Hypnosis is a Psychic-type Move in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Learn about the move's type, power, accuracy, PP, and effect, as well as what Pokemon learn it and whether it is a Physical, Special, or Status move.

Hypnosis Effect and Information

Type Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Psychic Type Icon
Category Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Status Category Icon
Power 0
Accuracy 70
PP 20
Effect The user employs hypnotic suggestion to make the target drowsy.

Pokemon that Learn Hypnosis

By Default

There are currently no Pokemon that learn this move via this method.

By Level Up

Wyrdeer ImageWyrdeer - Lv. 9 (18) Darkrai ImageDarkrai - Lv. 6 (17) Uxie ImageUxie - Lv. 57 (71)
Gallade ImageGallade - Lv. 18 (28) Yanmega ImageYanmega - Lv. 18 (28) Spiritomb ImageSpiritomb - Lv. 6 (15)
Mime Jr. ImageMime Jr. - Lv. 6 (15) Bronzong ImageBronzong - Lv. 25 (35) Bronzor ImageBronzor - Lv. 25 (35)
Chingling ImageChingling - Lv. 18 (28) Purugly ImagePurugly - Lv. 5 (14) Glameow ImageGlameow - Lv. 5 (14)
Mismagius ImageMismagius - Lv. 11 (20) Drifblim ImageDrifblim - Lv. 5 (14) Drifloon ImageDrifloon - Lv. 5 (14)
Chimecho ImageChimecho - Lv. 18 (28) Gardevoir ImageGardevoir - Lv. 18 (28) Kirlia ImageKirlia - Lv. 18 (28)
Ralts ImageRalts - Lv. 18 (28) Stantler ImageStantler - Lv. 9 (18) Misdreavus ImageMisdreavus - Lv. 11 (20)
Yanma ImageYanma - Lv. 18 (28) Crobat ImageCrobat - Lv. 6 (15) Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime - Lv. 6 (15)
Gengar ImageGengar - Lv. 25 (35) Haunter ImageHaunter - Lv. 25 (35) Gastly ImageGastly - Lv. 25 (35)
Rapidash ImageRapidash - Lv. 21 (31) Ponyta ImagePonyta - Lv. 21 (31) Alakazam ImageAlakazam - Lv. 6 (15)
Kadabra ImageKadabra - Lv. 6 (15) Golduck ImageGolduck - Lv. 18 (28) Psyduck ImagePsyduck - Lv. 18 (28)
Golbat ImageGolbat - Lv. 6 (15) Zubat ImageZubat - Lv. 6 (15)

By Evolution

There are currently no Pokemon that learn this move via this method.

By Move Tutor (Training Grounds)

There are currently no Pokemon that learn this move via this method.

Pokemon Legends: Arceus Related Guides

Pokemon Legends Arceus Moves

List of Moves: All Confirmed Moves

List of Moves by Type

Moves By Type
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PLA - PsychicPsychic PLA - BugBug RockRock
PLA - GhostGhost PLA - DragonDragon PLA - DarkDark
PLA - SteelSteel PLA - FairyFairy PLA - NormalNormal
Moves by Category
List of New Moves List of Physical Moves List of Special Moves
List of Status Moves List of Signature Moves List of Moves with Changed Effects


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