Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Stealth Rock Effect and Pokemon That Learn It

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Stealth Rock is a Rock-type Move in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Learn about the move's type, power, accuracy, PP, and effect, as well as what Pokemon learn it and whether it is a Physical, Special, or Status move.

Stealth Rock Effect and Information

Type Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Rock Type Icon
Category Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Physical Category Icon
Power 40
Accuracy 100
PP 20
Effect The user launches countless stones at the target. Stone splinters left behind by this attack continue to damage the target for several turns.

Pokemon that Learn Stealth Rock

By Default

There are currently no Pokemon that learn this move via this method.

By Level Up

Kleavor ImageKleavor - Lv. 14 (24) Rhyperior ImageRhyperior - Lv. 18 (28) Bonsly ImageBonsly - Lv. 9 (18)
Bastiodon ImageBastiodon - Lv. 37 (48) Shieldon ImageShieldon - Lv. 37 (48) Steelix ImageSteelix - Lv. 25 (35)
Sudowoodo ImageSudowoodo - Lv. 9 (18) Rhydon ImageRhydon - Lv. 18 (28) Rhyhorn ImageRhyhorn - Lv. 18 (28)
Onix ImageOnix - Lv. 25 (35) Golem ImageGolem - Lv. 29 (40) Graveler ImageGraveler - Lv. 29 (40)
Geodude ImageGeodude - Lv. 29 (40)

By Evolution

There are currently no Pokemon that learn this move via this method.

By Move Tutor (Training Grounds)

Kleavor ImageKleavor Hisuian Avalugg ImageHisuian Avalugg Landorus ImageLandorus
Arceus ImageArceus Heatran ImageHeatran Dialga ImageDialga
Azelf ImageAzelf Mesprit ImageMesprit Uxie ImageUxie
Probopass ImageProbopass Mamoswine ImageMamoswine Gliscor ImageGliscor
Rhyperior ImageRhyperior Hippowdon ImageHippowdon Hippopotas ImageHippopotas
Garchomp ImageGarchomp Gible ImageGible Gabite ImageGabite
Bonsly ImageBonsly Bronzong ImageBronzong Bronzor ImageBronzor
Wormadam (Sandy Cloak) ImageWormadam (Sandy Cloak) Wormadam (Trash Cloak) ImageWormadam (Trash Cloak) Bastiodon ImageBastiodon
Shieldon ImageShieldon Rampardos ImageRampardos Cranidos ImageCranidos
Bibarel ImageBibarel Bidoof ImageBidoof Empoleon ImageEmpoleon
Prinplup ImagePrinplup Piplup ImagePiplup Infernape ImageInfernape
Monferno ImageMonferno Chimchar ImageChimchar Torterra ImageTorterra
Grotle ImageGrotle Turtwig ImageTurtwig Nosepass ImageNosepass
Blissey ImageBlissey Piloswine ImagePiloswine Swinub ImageSwinub
Steelix ImageSteelix Gligar ImageGligar Sudowoodo ImageSudowoodo
Chansey ImageChansey Rhydon ImageRhydon Rhyhorn ImageRhyhorn
Onix ImageOnix Golem ImageGolem Graveler ImageGraveler
Geodude ImageGeodude Clefable ImageClefable Clefairy ImageClefairy

Pokemon Legends: Arceus Related Guides

Pokemon Legends Arceus Moves

List of Moves: All Confirmed Moves

List of Moves by Type

Moves By Type
PLA - GrassGrass PLA - WaterWater PLA - FireFire
PLA - ElectricElectric PLA - IceIce PLA - FightingFighting
PLA - GroundGround PLA - PoisonPoison PLA - FlyingFlying
PLA - PsychicPsychic PLA - BugBug RockRock
PLA - GhostGhost PLA - DragonDragon PLA - DarkDark
PLA - SteelSteel PLA - FairyFairy PLA - NormalNormal
Moves by Category
List of New Moves List of Physical Moves List of Special Moves
List of Status Moves List of Signature Moves List of Moves with Changed Effects


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