Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Territorial Glyph Effects and How to Get

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This is a guide to Territorial, a glyph in Diablo 4 (D4). Read on to see a list of Territorial's effects and upgrades, as well as learn how to get Territorial.

Territorial Glyph Effects and Upgrades

Territorial Barbarian Glyph Effects

Territorial (Barbarian) ImageTerritorial Effect: For every 5 Dexterity purchased within range, you deal +[XX]% increased damage to Close targets.
Additional Bonus: You gain 10% Damage Reduction against Close enemies.
Stat Requirement: 25 Dexterity
Legendary Bonus: Increase damage to Vulnerable targets by 10.0%.
Level Requirement: Glyph Level 46

Glyph Upgrades

Level Radius Glyph Multipliers
1 3 Effect (XX%): 2
15 4 Effect: (XX%): 4.1
46 5 Effect (XX%): 8.8
Legendary (YY%): 10
100 5 Effect (XX%): 16.7
Legendary (YY%): TBD

Territorial Druid Glyph Effects

Territorial (Druid) ImageTerritorial Effect: For every 5 Dexterity purchased within range, you deal +[XX]% increased damage to Close targets.
Additional Bonus: You gain 10% Damage Reduction against Close enemies.
Stat Requirement: 25 Dexterity
Legendary Bonus: Increase damage to Vulnerable targets by 10.0%.
Level Requirement: Glyph Level 46

Glyph Upgrades

Level Radius Glyph Multipliers
1 3 Effect (XX%): 2
15 4 Effect: (XX%): TBD
46 5 Effect: (XX%): TBD
Legendary (YY%): 10
100 5 Effect (XX%): TBD
Legendary (YY%): TBD

Territorial Necromancer Glyph Effects

Territorial (Necromancer) ImageTerritorial Effect: For every 5 Dexterity purchased within range, you deal +[XX]% increased damage to Close targets.
Additional Bonus: You gain 10% Damage Reduction against Close enemies.
Stat Requirement: 25 Dexterity
Legendary Bonus: Increase damage to Vulnerable targets by 10.0%.
Level Requirement: Glyph Level 46

Glyph Upgrades

Level Radius Glyph Multipliers
1 3 Effect (XX%): 2
15 4 Effect: (XX%): 4.1
46 5 Effect (XX%): 8.8
Legendary (YY%): 10
100 5 Effect (XX%): 16.7
Legendary (YY%): TBD

Territorial Sorcerer Glyph Effects

Territorial (Sorcerer) ImageTerritorial Effect: For every 5 Dexterity purchased within range, you deal +[XX]% increased damage to Close targets.
Additional Bonus: You gain 10% Damage Reduction against Close enemies.
Stat Requirement: 25 Dexterity
Legendary Bonus: Increase damage to Vulnerable targets by 10.0%.
Level Requirement: Glyph Level 46

Glyph Upgrades

Level Radius Glyph Multipliers
1 3 Effect (XX%): 2
15 4 Effect: (XX%): 6.2
46 5 Effect (XX%): 15.5
Legendary (YY%): 10
100 5 Effect (XX%): 31.4
Legendary (YY%): TBD

How to Get Territorial

Random Drop After Reaching Level 60

Upon reaching level 60, all Glyphs have a random chance to drop from enemies found throughout Sanctuary. We recommend taking on activities such as Helltides, Nightmare Dungeons, Tree of Whisper, and The Pit to have a higher chance of obtaining Glyphs.

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