Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Shepherd's Aspect Effects and How to Get

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Shepherd's Aspect is one of the Offensive Aspects for the Druid in Diablo 4 (Diablo IV). Read on to learn more about Shepherd's Aspect, its effects, how and where to get it, and more!

Shepherd's Aspect Effects

Aspect Info
Diablo 4 - ShepherdShepherd's Aspect Class
・Companion Skills deal an additional 5 - 10% damage per Companion you have.
Imprintable Equipment You can only imprint Offensive Aspects on the following items:
One-handed Weapons
Two-handed Weapons

How to Get Shepherd's Aspect

Complete the Bloodsoaked Crag Dungeon in Dry Steppes

You can get Shepherd's Aspect after completing the Bloodsoaked Crag Dungeon found in Dry Steppes. Make sure your character is near or at the minimum required level for the region before you start exploring it to find the Dungeon.

Appears Randomly on Legendary Gear

Diablo 4 - Aspects
Aspect of Volatile Shadows has a chance of appearing randomly on Legendary item drops. We recommend farming Dungeons, World Events, and World Bosses if you want to get this Aspect.

When trading Obols for Legendaries at the Purveyor of Curiosities, Offhands are the best item type to select to farm for Aspect of Volatile Shadows as they only cost 40 Obols and can only have Offensive Aspects.

Legendary Farming Guide

Builds With Shepherd's Aspect

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Diablo 4 Related Guides

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List of All Legendary Aspects

All Aspects by Class

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Diablo 4 - General IconGeneral

All Aspects by Type

Aspects by Type
Diablo 4 - Offensive Aspect IconOffensive Diablo 4 - Defensive Aspect IconDefensive Diablo 4 - Mobility Aspect IconMobility
Diablo 4 - Utility Aspect IconUtility Diablo 4 - Resource Aspect IconResource Extracted Item Aspects Extractables

All Codex Offensive Aspects for Druid

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Aspect of the TempestAspect of the Tempest Aspect of the Ursine HorrorAspect of the Ursine Horror Crashstone AspectCrashstone Aspect
NighthowlerNighthowler's Aspect Overcharged AspectOvercharged Aspect ShepherdShepherd's Aspect
StormclawStormclaw's Aspect


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