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How to Complete Ancient Syphon World Event

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Diablo 4 - How to Complete Ancient Syphon World Event

Ancient Syphon is a World Event found in the Fractured Peaks region in Diablo 4 (D4). Learn more about this Zone Event, including how to complete it, where to find it, and the rewards for completing Ancient Syphon!

Ancient Syphon Overview

Basic Information

Ancient Syphon
Type World Event
Location Fractured Peaks
Known Areas ・Western Ways
General Rewards ・Greater Radiant Chest
・Murmuring Obols
・Gold and Experience
・Investigate the Ancient Syphons
・Survive the enemy assault until the timer runs out and slay any remaining enemies
・OPTIONAL - Mastery: Satiate 3 Ancient Syphons by slaying enemies near them

Note: As of writing, event spawn times seem to be random, with an indefinite amount of time passing before the event respawns in the same area.

All Fractured Peak World Event Locations

How to Complete Ancient Syphon

Ancient Syphon Completion Guide

Investigate the Ancient Syphons

To begin the Ancient Syphon event, walk up to an Ancient Syphon statue and interact with it. There may be enemies in the area wandering around so take them out before starting the event as they will only add to the oncoming enemies.

Survive the Enemy Assault

After interacting with the statue, various enemies in the form of trash mobs and Elites will start to appear. A timer will commence and you will need to survive the attack until it ends.

If the timer ends and there are still enemies alive, you will have to kill them all to complete this World Event.

Mastery: Satiate 3 Ancient Syphons by slaying enemies near them

The optional objective for this event will require you to satiate the Ancient Syphons. You can complete this by making sure enemies are slain inside the circle of each statue. The best way to do this is by staying on the spot where all three circles are overlapping since the kills would count for all the circles.

This objective is completely optional but completing it improves the rewards you get from this World Event.

Ancient Syphon Completion Rewards

Murmuring Obols, Gold, and Other Items

In addition to the random drops from each enemy you kill, completing Ancient Syphon rewards you with a respectable amount of Gold and Experience based on your current level. You also get guaranteed Murmuring Obols from the Radiant Chest.

Furthermore, the Radiant Chest (or Greater Radiant Chest from completing the Mastery objective) can also drop Gems, Upgrade Materials, and equipment of random rarities.

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