Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Culmination Gem Effects and How to Get

Culmination is a Support Gem in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Continue reading to learn about its effects, modifiers, how to obtain it, its requirements, and other gems you can pair with it.

Culmination Gem Overview

Culmination Stats and Requirements

Culmination ImageCulmination
Type Support
Tier 3
Level None Dex 5
Str None Int None
Supports melee attack skills. Supported skills gain Combo when you successfully Strike enemies with other Melee Attacks. Supported skills reset their Combo on use, dealing more Damage the higher the Combo you had on use. Cannot support skills which already gain Combo. Cannot support skills used by Minions.

All Culmination Gem Effects

・Supported skills can gain Combo
・Supported skills lose all Combo on use
・Supported skills lose Combo if you generate no Combo for 3s
・Supported skills deal 2% more damage per combo

Compatible Gems

Mace Strike ImageMace Strike Rolling Slam ImageRolling Slam Killing Palm ImageKilling Palm
Falling Thunder ImageFalling Thunder Glacial Cascade ImageGlacial Cascade Frozen Locus ImageFrozen Locus
Raging Spirits ImageRaging Spirits Skeletal Warrior ImageSkeletal Warrior Tempest Flurry ImageTempest Flurry
Ice Strike ImageIce Strike Wave of Frost ImageWave of Frost Perfect Strike ImagePerfect Strike
Raise Zombie ImageRaise Zombie Leap Slam ImageLeap Slam Wind Dancer ImageWind Dancer
Skeletal Reaver ImageSkeletal Reaver Skeletal Brute ImageSkeletal Brute Earthquake ImageEarthquake
Armour Breaker ImageArmour Breaker Shockwave Totem ImageShockwave Totem Storm Wave ImageStorm Wave
Shield Charge ImageShield Charge Vaulting Impact ImageVaulting Impact Resonating Shield ImageResonating Shield
Earthshatter ImageEarthshatter Sunder ImageSunder Volcanic Fissure ImageVolcanic Fissure
Supercharged Slam ImageSupercharged Slam Shattering Palm ImageShattering Palm Flicker Strike ImageFlicker Strike
Gathering Storm ImageGathering Storm Hammer of the Gods ImageHammer of the Gods

Compatible Ascendancy Skills

Ancestral Spirits ImageAncestral Spirits Summon Infernal Hound ImageSummon Infernal Hound

Compatible Weapon Skills

Mace Strike ImageMace Strike Quarterstaff Strike ImageQuarterstaff Strike

How to Get Culmination

Unlock Culmination Using an Uncut Support Gem

Path of Exile 2 - Uncut Support Gem
You can unlock the Culmination Support Gem in the Gemcutting menu by engraving the skill using a Level 3 or higher Uncut Support Gem.

Path of Exile 2 Related Guides

Gems Partial Banner Image

List of Gems

List of All Gems Types

Gem Types
Skill Support
Spirit Meta

List of All Support Gems

Related Gems
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Infernal Legion ImageInfernal Legion Ingenuity ImageIngenuity Innervate ImageInnervate
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Jagged Ground ImageJagged Ground Lacerate ImageLacerate Last Gasp ImageLast Gasp
Lasting Shock ImageLasting Shock Leverage ImageLeverage Life Bounty ImageLife Bounty
Life Drain ImageLife Drain Life Thief ImageLife Thief LifeTap ImageLifeTap
Lightning Exposure ImageLightning Exposure Lightning Infusion ImageLightning Infusion Lightning Mastery ImageLightning Mastery
Lightning Penetration ImageLightning Penetration Lockdown ImageLockdown Long Fuse ImageLong Fuse
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Mana Bounty ImageMana Bounty Mana Flare ImageMana Flare Martial Tempo ImageMartial Tempo
Meat Shield ImageMeat Shield Minion Instability ImageMinion Instability Minion Mastery ImageMinion Mastery
Minion Pact ImageMinion Pact Mobility ImageMobility Momentum ImageMomentum
Murderous Intent ImageMurderous Intent Neural Overload ImageNeural Overload Nimble Reload ImageNimble Reload
Overabundance ImageOverabundance Overcharge ImageOvercharge Overpower ImageOverpower
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Physical Mastery ImagePhysical Mastery Pierce ImagePierce Pin ImagePin
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Premeditation ImagePremeditation Primal Armament ImagePrimal Armament Profusion ImageProfusion
Rage ImageRage Rageforged ImageRageforged Raging Cry ImageRaging Cry
Ricochet ImageRicochet Rising Tempest ImageRising Tempest Ritualistic Curse ImageRitualistic Curse
Rupture ImageRupture Ruthless ImageRuthless Scattershot ImageScattershot
Searing Flame ImageSearing Flame Second Wind ImageSecond Wind Shock Siphon ImageShock Siphon
Soul Drain ImageSoul Drain Soul Thief ImageSoul Thief Spell Cascade ImageSpell Cascade
Spell Echo ImageSpell Echo Splinter ImageSplinter Stomping Ground ImageStomping Ground
Stormfire ImageStormfire Strip Away ImageStrip Away Supercritical ImageSupercritical
Swift Affliction ImageSwift Affliction Tremors ImageTremors Unbreakable ImageUnbreakable
Unleash ImageUnleash Upheaval ImageUpheaval Vitality ImageVitality
Wildfire ImageWildfire Wildshards ImageWildshards Wind Wave ImageWind Wave
Window of Opportunity ImageWindow of Opportunity Withering Touch ImageWithering Touch


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