Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Meat Shield Gem Effects and How to Get

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Meat Shield is a Support Gem in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Continue reading to learn about its effects, modifiers, how to obtain it, its requirements, and other gems you can pair with it.

Meat Shield Gem Overview

Meat Shield Stats and Requirements

Meat Shield ImageMeat Shield
Type Support
Tier 1
Tags Minion
Level None Dex None
Str 5 Int None

All Meat Shield Gem Effects

・Minion from Supported Skills deal 35% less damage
・Minions from Supported Skills have 50% more maximum Life

Compatible Gems

Unearth ImageUnearth

How to Get Meat Shield

Unlock Meat Shield Using an Uncut Support Gem

Path of Exile 2 - Uncut Support Gem
You can unlock the Meat Shield Support Gem in the Gemcutting menu by engraving the skill using a Level 1 or higher Uncut Support Gem.

Path of Exile 2 Related Guides

Gems Partial Banner Image

List of Gems

List of All Gems Types

Gem Types
Skill Support
Spirit Meta

List of All Support Gems

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Impetus Blind


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