Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Hexblast Gem Effects and How to Get

Hexblast is a Skill Gem in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Continue reading to learn about its effects, modifiers, how to obtain it, its requirements, and other gems you can pair with it.

Hexblast Gem Overview

Hexblast Stats and Requirements

Hexblast ImageHexblast
Type Skill
Tier 11
Critical Chance 7.00%
Cast Time 1.00s
Level 41 Dex None
Str None Int 95
Detonates Curses on enemies in an area, causing explosions of Chaos damage but removing the Curse.

All Hexblast Gem Effects

・Deals 101 to 188 Chaos Damage
・Explosion Radius is 1.6 Metres
・Detonates Curses on enemies in a 2.5 metre radius
・Maximum 9 Explosions per Cast

Compatible Gems

Arcane Tempo ImageArcane Tempo Arcane Surge ImageArcane Surge Ambush ImageAmbush
Bursting Plague ImageBursting Plague Break Endurance ImageBreak Endurance Brutality ImageBrutality
Concentrated Effect ImageConcentrated Effect Comorbidity ImageComorbidity Conduction ImageConduction
Controlled Destruction ImageControlled Destruction Corrosion ImageCorrosion Deep Freeze ImageDeep Freeze
Envenom ImageEnvenom Expanse ImageExpanse Eternal Flame ImageEternal Flame
Encumbrance ImageEncumbrance Energy Barrier ImageEnergy Barrier Frost Nexus ImageFrost Nexus
Magnified Effect ImageMagnified Effect Unleash ImageUnleash Ignition ImageIgnition
Life Drain ImageLife Drain Overpower ImageOverpower Execute ImageExecute
Glaciation ImageGlaciation Inspiration ImageInspiration Leverage ImageLeverage
LifeTap ImageLifeTap Lockdown ImageLockdown Lasting Shock ImageLasting Shock
Lacerate ImageLacerate Minion Pact ImageMinion Pact Pin ImagePin
Swift Affliction ImageSwift Affliction Unbreakable ImageUnbreakable Withering Touch ImageWithering Touch
Wind Wave ImageWind Wave Spell Cascade ImageSpell Cascade Hourglass ImageHourglass
Wildfire ImageWildfire Deep Cuts ImageDeep Cuts Heft ImageHeft
Demolisher ImageDemolisher Supercritical ImageSupercritical Spell Echo ImageSpell Echo
Lightning Exposure ImageLightning Exposure Inevitable Critical ImageInevitable Critical Deadly Poison ImageDeadly Poison
Fiery Death ImageFiery Death Splinter ImageSplinter Rising Tempest ImageRising Tempest
Strip Away ImageStrip Away Blind ImageBlind Mobility ImageMobility
Bludgeon ImageBludgeon Coursing Current ImageCoursing Current Cold Penetration ImageCold Penetration
Considered Casting ImageConsidered Casting Devastate ImageDevastate Exploit Weakness ImageExploit Weakness
Electrocute ImageElectrocute Excise ImageExcise Ferocity ImageFerocity
Fire Penetration ImageFire Penetration Rageforged ImageRageforged Momentum ImageMomentum
Lightning Penetration ImageLightning Penetration Mana Flare ImageMana Flare Potential ImagePotential
Shock Siphon ImageShock Siphon Rupture ImageRupture Chaos Mastery ImageChaos Mastery
Biting Frost ImageBiting Frost Cold Exposure ImageCold Exposure Elemental Focus ImageElemental Focus
Elemental Discharge ImageElemental Discharge Extraction ImageExtraction Execrate ImageExecrate
Frostfire ImageFrostfire Fire Exposure ImageFire Exposure Life Bounty ImageLife Bounty
Mana Bounty ImageMana Bounty Neural Overload ImageNeural Overload Overcharge ImageOvercharge
Soul Drain ImageSoul Drain Stormfire ImageStormfire Searing Flame ImageSearing Flame

How to Get Hexblast

Unlock Hexblast Using an Uncut Skill Gem

Path of Exile 2 - Uncut Skill Gem
You can unlock the Hexblast Skill Gem in the Gemcutting menu by engraving the skill using a Level 11 or higher Uncut Skill Gem.

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Related Gems
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Whirling Assault ImageWhirling Assault Wind Blast ImageWind Blast


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