Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Best Sniper Rifles

This is a list of all the best sniper rifles available in Cyberpunk 2077. Learn the details of all the best and most powerful sniper rifles for the endgame, mid-game, and early game.

Best Early Game Sniper Rifle

Nekomata Skin 1.pngNekomata
Reason ・Shoots through walls
・Can be charged 50% quickly for a strong attack

The Nekomata can be bought from vendors as well as picked up from enemies fairly early in the game. It is a reliable sniper rifle that can make use of its Tech weapon feature to charge strong attacks that shoot through walls.

Best Mid-Game Sniper Rifle

Reason ・Can shoot enemies from behind cover
・Automatic headshots to lock-on enemies

Once you acquire the Smart Link cyberware to utilize Smart Weapons, Ashura will be an amazing sniper rifle to have. The premise is simple - lock-on an enemy, fireaway and then wham! Further more, the legendary version of this weapon can also have up to 4 mod slots, allowing you to further improve its stats.

There are several downsides to Ashura that bring down its usefulness in the long run, though. One, it is a one-shot weapon so you have to reload immediately. Two, it's a sniper rifle so its reload time is horrible. Finally, since you cannot equip it with a silencer, a single shot will take you into combat mode giving you a lot less time for you to gather targets and shoot them.

Best Endgame Sniper Rifle

Cyberpunk 2077 Overwatch.pngOverwatch
Reason ・Built-in silencer allows for stealth
・Good damage and can be crafted up to Legendary once obtained
・High Crit Chance

Panam's Overwatch is a great mid-game to late-game Iconic sniper rifle that can be obtained after completing the quest Riders on the Storm. With high Crit Chance and Crit damage, it has a super high damage despite its lower headshot damage multiplier compared to other snipers. Best part? It's an Iconic weapon which means you can upgrade it into its legendary version.

But, what makes this sniper incredibly useful from the moment you get it is that it comes with a built-in silencer as well as an amazing scope. Meaning, your shots will not be noticed by the other enemies as quickly which is basically the essence of snipers - stealth. Couple this with perks that increase headshot damage, this will be a reliable sniper for any situation.

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