Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Best Revolvers

This is a list of all the best revolvers available in Cyberpunk 2077. Learn the details of all the best and most powerful revolvers for the endgame, mid-game, and early game.

Best Early and Mid-Game Revolver

Reason ・High Crit Chance
・High damage

Overature is a great revolver that can stay with you until the endgame if crafted up to Legendary. With a good silencer attachement, this revolver can give very high Crit damage with a high Crit Chance. If can be found off of enemies or sold by vendors at the beginning of the game.

Best Endgame Revolver

ComradeComrade's Hammer
Reason ・Shoots through walls
・Very high damage
・Can be made paired with Grand Finale perk for double damage every shot

Comrade's Hammer is the ultimate one-shot revolver. Once finding its specs, this gun can be crafted to deal massive damage. It also can shoot throw walls and obstacles, making hiding from it impossible. Combined with certain perks and quickhacks such as Grand Finale and Ping, you can one shot all the enemies inside a building without ever having to even go inside.

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Best Weapons

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