Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Best Pistols

This is a list of all the best pistols available in Cyberpunk 2077. Learn the details of all the best and most powerful pistols for the endgame, mid-game, and early game.

Best Early Game Pistol

Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic Weapon - Dying Night.pngDying Night
Reason ・Quick reload times
・Increased headshot damage

Other than the fact that it is free, Dying Night is an Iconic Pistol and can be upgraded as you go along the way in Act I. You can get it in The Gun mission right after you wake up in your apartment after The Rescue.

With its increased headshot damage and faster reload times, it can be a fearsome weapon early on. However, as Act I progresses, Dying Night will be replaced with more reliable pistols - notably, the Kongou.

Best Mid-Game Pistol

Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic Weapon - Skippy.pngSkippy
Reason ・4 Mod Slots
・Smart Weapons can home in on targets

Skippy is an incredibly powerful and useful Smart pistol that can be found early in Act 2. Upon finding it, the witty gun will give you an option to be lethal or non-lethal. However, after reaching 50 kills with the gun, it will permanently be non-lethal.

Despite that, it is still quite the weapon to use given that it is a Smart weapon and its damage will scale with your level.

Best Endgame Pistol

Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic Weapon - Genjiroh.pngGenjiroh
Reason ・Fires 4 rounds at once
・Smart Weapons can home in on targets
・Electrical damage
・Can target up to 6 enemies at once

Once obtained, Genjiroh will be your go-to pistol. Not only is it a Smart weapon like Skippy, it also fires 4 rounds at the same time and can simultaneously target up to 6 enemies at once. To make it even deadlier, it applies electric damage and gives a chance to apply the Shock status.

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