Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Best Assault and Precision Rifles

This is a list of all the best Assault Rifles available in Cyberpunk 2077. Learn the details of all the best and most powerful Assault and Precision Rifles for the endgame, mid-game, and early game.

Best Early Assault and Precision Rifle

D5 Copperhead.PNGD5 Copperhead
Reason ・High DPS
・Scope/Muzzle Slots

The D5 Copperhead is the first Assault Rifle you can find during your first mission. You can also find a lot of copies of these as you move along Night City. With its reliable damage output and slightly slower bullet release making it a more precise assault rifle, this is a highly dependable weapon to use.

Best Mid-Game Assault and Precision Rifle

Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic Weapon - Widow Maker.pngWidow Maker
Reason ・Precise damage with good bullet spread
・High chance of applying status effect (Weapon may shift damage type)

The Widow Maker is one of the earliest precision rifles you can find. While its rate of fire is incomparable to other assault rifles, what makes it amazing is that its damage type which can shift depending on your luck will make this gun even deadlier. It has a high chance of inflicting Burn, Poison, or Shock depending on your damage type.

You can find it pretty early too in the Ghost Town mission once you killed Nash. It's reliable in Act 2 but will wane in usefulness as the game progresses to more difficult opponents. Its low firing speed too will make its damage output wanting.

Best Endgame Assault and Precision Rifle

Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic Weapon - Psalm 11 6.pngPsalm 11:6
Reason ・High DPS
・Deals additional thermal damage
・High chance to apply Burn status

To use the best version of this gun, the Edgerunner Artisan perk will be required at a Technical Ability of 18. However, this weapon is worth the investment. Once you have crafted the Legendary version of this weapon, it will be rain down fire as its name reference suggests.

The high chance to apply the Burn status will be particularly punishing to your foes. Combined with the extra thermal damage, this is a must have assault rifle for the later part of the game.

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