Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Ancestral Warrior Totem Gem Effects and How to Get

Ancestral Warrior Totem is a Skill gem in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Continue reading to learn about its effects, modifiers, how to obtain it, its requirements, and other gems you can pair with it.

Ancestral Warrior Totem Gem Overview

Ancestral Warrior Totem Stats and Requirements

Ancestral Warrior Totem ImageAncestral Warrior Totem
Type Meta
Tier 13
Level 52 Dex None
Str 119 Int None
Raises a Totem that uses socketed Mace skills.

All Ancestral Warrior Totem Gem Effects

・Totem duration is 8 seconds
・Limit 1 Totem
・Totem base attack time is 1 second
・Totem uses its own weapon, dealing 59 to 89 base Physical damage

Compatible Gems

Bloodlust ImageBloodlust Concentrated Effect ImageConcentrated Effect Energy Barrier ImageEnergy Barrier
Rage ImageRage Magnified Effect ImageMagnified Effect Persistence ImagePersistence
Overabundance ImageOverabundance Fast Forward ImageFast Forward Inspiration ImageInspiration
LifeTap ImageLifeTap Unbreakable ImageUnbreakable Wind Wave ImageWind Wave
Heavy Swing ImageHeavy Swing Splinter ImageSplinter Ancestral Urgency ImageAncestral Urgency
Font of Mana ImageFont of Mana Font of Blood ImageFont of Blood Ironwood ImageIronwood
Font of Rage ImageFont of Rage Physical Mastery ImagePhysical Mastery

How to Get Ancestral Warrior Totem

Unlock Ancestral Warrior Totem Using an Uncut Skill Gem

Path of Exile 2 - Uncut Skill Gem
You can unlock the Ancestral Warrior Totem Meta Gem in the Gemcutting menu by engraving the skill using a Level 13 or higher Uncut Skill Gem.

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