Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Ice Shards Skill Effects and How to Use

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Ice Shards is a Core Sorcerer Skill in Diablo 4 (Diablo IV). Read on to learn more about Ice Shards, including its effects, skill upgrades, and its stats at each rank.

Ice Shards Effects

Ice ShardsIce Shards
Skill Details
Skill Type: Active
Skill Tree: Core
Damage Type: Cold
Cost: 30 Mana
Lucky Hit Chance: 16% (per hit)
Skill Effect
Launch 5 shards that deal XX% damage each. Deals 50% increased damage to Frozen enemies.

XX Value Per Rank

1 2 3 4 5
36.0 39.6 43.2 46.8 50.4
6 7 8 9 10
54.0 57.6 61.2 64.8 68.4

Ice Shards Skill Upgrades

Skill Upgrade Effect
Enhanced Ice ShardsEnhanced Ice Shards Ice Shards have a 40% chance to ricochet to another enemy. Ice Shards always ricochet off of Frozen enemies.
Upgrades into one of the following Skills:
Greater Ice Shards
Destructive Ice Shards
Greater Ice ShardsGreater Ice Shards While you have a Barrier active, casts of Ice Shards treat enemies as if they were Frozen.
Destructive Ice ShardsDestructive Ice Shards Hitting an enemy with 5 Ice Shards in a single cast makes them Vulnerable for 2 seconds.

Builds With Ice Shards

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