Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Militech "Falcon" Sandevistan MK.5: Stats, Effects, and How to Obtain

This is a guide to Militech Falcon Sandevistan MK.5, a Operating System Cyberware found in Cyberpunk 2077. Read on to see the Militech Falcon Sandevistan MK.5's stats and effects, as well as mod information and how to obtain the Militech Falcon Sandevistan MK.5.

Militech Falcon Sandevistan MK.5 Overview

Basic Information

Militech "Falcon" Sandevistan MK.5
Militech "Falcon" Sandevistan MK.5
Slot Operating System
Subtype Misc
Tier(s)/Price Legendary/Iconic: 35000
Weight 0
Manufactured by Militech, the Falcon is hands down the best and most advanced Sandevistan model out there. Previously used only be elite Militech soldiers, it's now available to the average consumer. The nickname is no accident - the peregrine falcon was once one of the fastest animals in the world, as this implant is among cyberware.

Required Attribute

Req. Level
Req. Level
Req. Level
- - -
Req. Level
Req. Level
Req. Level
- 18 -

Number of Mod Slots

Mod Slots
Mod IconEmpty Mod Slot Mod IconMod Slot
Mod IconMod Slot

The slots shown here are the ones we have been able to confirm exist for higher tier versions of this Cyberware. More slots may be added in later on as they are confirmed.

Militech Falcon Sandevistan MK.5 Stats and Effects


Militech "Falcon" Sandevistan MK.5 Effect(s)
・Slows time by 30% for 18 sec. Cooldown 60 sec.
・Increases any damage dealt by 15% when Sandevistan is active.
・Increases Crit Chance by 20% and Crit Damage by 20% when Sandevistan is active.

Where to Get the Militech Falcon Sandevistan MK.5

Purchased From Shops

Each shop has a fixed pool of items which can show up, with some legendary items also purchasable at specific shops. If the Militech Falcon Sandevistan MK.5 is not present when visiting a shop, simply exit, use Skip Time to go 24 hours ahead, and repeat until Militech Falcon Sandevistan MK.5 is available.

Vendor Rarity
Ripperdoc (Wellsprings) Legendary

Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberware


Cyberware Related Articles
2.0 Cyberware List Best Cyberware

List of Operating System Cyberware

Arasaka MK.3Arasaka MK.3 Arasaka MK.4Arasaka MK.4 BioDyne Berserk MK.1BioDyne Berserk MK.1
BioDyne Berserk MK.2BioDyne Berserk MK.2 BioDyne Berserk MK.3BioDyne Berserk MK.3 BioDyne Berserk MK.4BioDyne Berserk MK.4
BioDyne MK.1BioDyne MK.1 BioDyne MK.2BioDyne MK.2 Biotech Σ MK.1Biotech Σ MK.1
Biotech Σ MK.2Biotech Σ MK.2 Biotech Σ MK.3Biotech Σ MK.3 Dynalar Sandevistan MK.1Dynalar Sandevistan MK.1
Dynalar Sandevistan MK.2Dynalar Sandevistan MK.2 Dynalar Sandevistan MK.3Dynalar Sandevistan MK.3 Dynalar Sandevistan MK.4Dynalar Sandevistan MK.4
Fuyutsuki Electronics MK.1Fuyutsuki Electronics MK.1 Fuyutsuki Tinkerer MK.3Fuyutsuki Tinkerer MK.3 Militech "Falcon" Sandevistan MK.5Militech "Falcon" Sandevistan MK.5
Militech Berserk MK.5Militech Berserk MK.5 Militech ParalineMilitech Paraline Moore Tech Berserk MK.1Moore Tech Berserk MK.1
Moore Tech Berserk MK.2Moore Tech Berserk MK.2 Moore Tech Berserk MK.3Moore Tech Berserk MK.3 NetWatch Netdriver MK.5NetWatch Netdriver MK.5
QianT "Warp Dancer" Sandevistan MK.5QianT "Warp Dancer" Sandevistan MK.5 QianT Sandevistan MK.4QianT Sandevistan MK.4 Raven Microcyber MK.3Raven Microcyber MK.3
Raven Microcyber MK.4Raven Microcyber MK.4 Seocho Electronics MK.1Seocho Electronics MK.1 Seocho Electronics MK.2Seocho Electronics MK.2
Stephenson Tech MK.2Stephenson Tech MK.2 Stephenson Tech MK.3Stephenson Tech MK.3 Stephenson Tech MK.4Stephenson Tech MK.4
Tetratronic MK.1Tetratronic MK.1 Tetratronic MK.2Tetratronic MK.2 Tetratronic MK.3Tetratronic MK.3
Tetratronic Rippler MK.4Tetratronic Rippler MK.4 Zetatech Berserk MK.4Zetatech Berserk MK.4 Zetatech Berserk MK.5Zetatech Berserk MK.5
Zetatech Sandevistan MK.1Zetatech Sandevistan MK.1 Zetatech Sandevistan MK.2Zetatech Sandevistan MK.2 Zetatech Sandevistan MK.3Zetatech Sandevistan MK.3

All Cyberware Types

Types of Cyberware
Frontal Cortex Ocular System Circulatory System
Immune System Nervous System Integumentary System
Operating System Skeleton Hands
Arms Legs
Cyberware Locations
All Sandevistan Locations All Berserk Locations All Cyberdeck Locations

Cyberware Rarity

Cyberware Rarity Tiers
Legendary Iconic


1 Anonymousabout 4 years

This item can be obtained from "Doc" Ryder at the Downtown Ripperdoc. It costs a small fortune.


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