Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Best SMGs

This is a list of all the best SMGs available in Cyberpunk 2077. Learn the details of all the best and most powerful SMGs for the endgame, mid-game, and early game.

Best Early Game SMG

M221 Saratoga.pngM221 Saratoga
Reason ・Fast shots
・Easy to get

The M221 Saratoga is a dependable SMG that can be picked up from enemies early on in the game. It can also be purchased from weapons vendors.

This weapon has an amazing fire rate that allows it dish out its damage faster than other rifles. Upgrade it to maximize its damage output.

Best Mid-Game SMG

Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic Weapon - Prototype Shingen Mark V.pngProtoype Shingen Mark V
Reason ・Smart Link allows to hit enemies behind cover
・Fire explosive rounds
・Modified automated targeting system guides bullets to up to three targets while aiming

The Prototype Shingen Mark V that can be obtained in a shipping container in the mission Gimme Danger is a great mid-game SMG. It is a unique Smart weapon that allows its explosive bullets to lock-on up to 3 targets while aiming. This gun is a sure-fire way to quickly light up your enemies in an explosive display of style and destruction.

Best Endgame SMG

Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic Weapon - Yinglong.pngYinglong
Reason ・Smart Link allows to hit enemies behind cover
・Auto-tracking headshots
・Deals additional Electrical damage with a small chance to apply an EMP on impact

The Yinglong is a powerful Smart SMG that can hit enemies hiding behind cover. Its additional Electrical damage and chance to apply EMP effect make it even more reliable in combat.

One drawback to fully utilizing this weapon is that it needs to be crafted. After finding its specs, using the Edgerunner Artisan perk to craft a Legendary version is the best way to use this weapon.

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