Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Best Shotguns

This is a list of all the best Shotguns available in Cyberpunk 2077. Learn the details of all the best and most powerful shotguns for the endgame, mid-game, and early game.

Best Early Game Shotgun

DB-4 Igla.pngDB-4 Igla
Reason ・High damage and knockback
・Commonly found in NCPD Hustles

The DB-4 Igla is one of the most common shotguns around. It's a shotgun packed with raw power and can blast enemies away especially in close range. This is very effective especially in the Pickup where close quarter combat is fairly common.

Best Mid-Game Shotgun

Reason ・Legendary version can be found in shops
・High damage with several mod slots

Carnage is a powerful shotgun that can be crafted to Legendary with a high enough Techinical Ability. While it has a slightly slower attack rate, it makes up for it with high damaging power and knockback.

Best Endgame Shotgun

M2038 Tactician.pngThe Headsman
Reason ・Doubles the number of projectiles per shot and increases the chance for dismemberment or Bleeding.
・Increases spread, reduces reload time, reduces rate of fire and reduces clip capacity compared to the base version of the gun.

The Headsman truly lives up to its name. With double the projectiles per shot and increased chances of dismemberment and Bleeding, it is sure to tear through enemies like Thermal Mantis Blades through butter.

One throwback to its power is a reduced clip capacity and rate of fire.

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