Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Hyper Beam Effect and Pokemon That Learn It

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Hyper Beam is a Normal-type Move in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Learn about the move's type, power, accuracy, PP, and effect, as well as what Pokemon learn it and whether it is a Physical, Special, or Status move.

Hyper Beam Effect and Information

Type Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Normal Type Icon
Category Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Special Category Icon
Power 120
Accuracy 90
PP 5
Effect The target is attacked with a powerful beam.

Pokemon that Learn Hyper Beam

By Default

There are currently no Pokemon that learn this move via this method.

By Level Up

Arceus ImageArceus - Lv. 57 (71) Porygon-Z ImagePorygon-Z - Lv. 47 (59) Porygon2 ImagePorygon2 - Lv. 47 (59)
Octillery ImageOctillery - Lv. 43 (54) Remoraid ImageRemoraid - Lv. 43 (54) Porygon ImagePorygon - Lv. 47 (59)
Gyarados ImageGyarados - Lv. 57 (71)

By Evolution

There are currently no Pokemon that learn this move via this method.

By Move Tutor (Training Grounds)

Basculegion ImageBasculegion Ursaluna ImageUrsaluna Kleavor ImageKleavor
Wyrdeer ImageWyrdeer Hisuian Decidueye ImageHisuian Decidueye Hisuian Avalugg ImageHisuian Avalugg
Hisuian Goodra ImageHisuian Goodra Sylveon ImageSylveon Landorus ImageLandorus
Thundurus ImageThundurus Tornadus ImageTornadus Hisuian Braviary ImageHisuian Braviary
Hisuian Zoroark ImageHisuian Zoroark Hisuian Lilligant ImageHisuian Lilligant Hisuian Samurott ImageHisuian Samurott
Arceus ImageArceus Shaymin ImageShaymin Darkrai ImageDarkrai
Manaphy ImageManaphy Cresselia ImageCresselia Giratina ImageGiratina
Regigigas ImageRegigigas Heatran ImageHeatran Palkia ImagePalkia
Dialga ImageDialga Azelf ImageAzelf Mesprit ImageMesprit
Uxie ImageUxie Froslass ImageFroslass Dusknoir ImageDusknoir
Probopass ImageProbopass Gallade ImageGallade Porygon-Z ImagePorygon-Z
Mamoswine ImageMamoswine Gliscor ImageGliscor Glaceon ImageGlaceon
Leafeon ImageLeafeon Yanmega ImageYanmega Togekiss ImageTogekiss
Magmortar ImageMagmortar Electivire ImageElectivire Tangrowth ImageTangrowth
Rhyperior ImageRhyperior Lickilicky ImageLickilicky Magnezone ImageMagnezone
Weavile ImageWeavile Abomasnow ImageAbomasnow Lumineon ImageLumineon
Carnivine ImageCarnivine Toxicroak ImageToxicroak Drapion ImageDrapion
Hippowdon ImageHippowdon Lucario ImageLucario Garchomp ImageGarchomp
Spiritomb ImageSpiritomb Bronzong ImageBronzong Skuntank ImageSkuntank
Purugly ImagePurugly Honchkrow ImageHonchkrow Mismagius ImageMismagius
Lopunny ImageLopunny Drifblim ImageDrifblim Ambipom ImageAmbipom
Gastrodon ImageGastrodon Floatzel ImageFloatzel Vespiquen ImageVespiquen
Mothim ImageMothim Wormadam ImageWormadam Wormadam (Sandy Cloak) ImageWormadam (Sandy Cloak)
Wormadam (Trash Cloak) ImageWormadam (Trash Cloak) Bastiodon ImageBastiodon Rampardos ImageRampardos
Roserade ImageRoserade Luxray ImageLuxray Kricketune ImageKricketune
Bibarel ImageBibarel Staraptor ImageStaraptor Empoleon ImageEmpoleon
Infernape ImageInfernape Torterra ImageTorterra Walrein ImageWalrein
Glalie ImageGlalie Dusclops ImageDusclops Whiscash ImageWhiscash
Gardevoir ImageGardevoir Dustox ImageDustox Beautifly ImageBeautifly
Blissey ImageBlissey Porygon2 ImagePorygon2 Mantine ImageMantine
Octillery ImageOctillery Remoraid ImageRemoraid Piloswine ImagePiloswine
Ursaring ImageUrsaring Heracross ImageHeracross Scizor ImageScizor
Steelix ImageSteelix Umbreon ImageUmbreon Espeon ImageEspeon
Togetic ImageTogetic Crobat ImageCrobat Hisuian Typhlosion ImageHisuian Typhlosion
Snorlax ImageSnorlax Porygon ImagePorygon Flareon ImageFlareon
Jolteon ImageJolteon Vaporeon ImageVaporeon Gyarados ImageGyarados
Magmar ImageMagmar Electabuzz ImageElectabuzz Scyther ImageScyther
Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime Tangela ImageTangela Chansey ImageChansey
Rhydon ImageRhydon Lickitung ImageLickitung Hisuian Electrode ImageHisuian Electrode
Gengar ImageGengar Magneton ImageMagneton Rapidash ImageRapidash
Golem ImageGolem Tentacruel ImageTentacruel Machamp ImageMachamp
Alakazam ImageAlakazam Hisuian Arcanine ImageHisuian Arcanine Golduck ImageGolduck
Parasect ImageParasect Golbat ImageGolbat Ninetales ImageNinetales
Alolan Ninetales ImageAlolan Ninetales Clefable ImageClefable Raichu ImageRaichu

Pokemon Legends: Arceus Related Guides

Pokemon Legends Arceus Moves

List of Moves: All Confirmed Moves

List of Moves by Type

Moves By Type
PLA - GrassGrass PLA - WaterWater PLA - FireFire
PLA - ElectricElectric PLA - IceIce PLA - FightingFighting
PLA - GroundGround PLA - PoisonPoison PLA - FlyingFlying
PLA - PsychicPsychic PLA - BugBug RockRock
PLA - GhostGhost PLA - DragonDragon PLA - DarkDark
PLA - SteelSteel PLA - FairyFairy PLA - NormalNormal
Moves by Category
List of New Moves List of Physical Moves List of Special Moves
List of Status Moves List of Signature Moves List of Moves with Changed Effects


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