Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

All Iconic Crafting Specs and Locations

This is a list of Iconic Crafting Specs found in Cyberpunk 2077. Learn where to find each of the Legendary Crafting Specs and what can be crafted with each.

All Iconic Items
Iconic Weapons Iconic Clothing
Iconic Cyberware Iconic Crafting Specs
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What are Iconic Crafting Specs?

Crafting Specs for Iconic Weapons

Iconic Crafting Specs allow you to craft Iconic Weapons once collected. While the rarity will always be fixed when picked up (all iconic crafting specs are considered legendary), the Tier of the iconic weapon you can craft will depend on your character level.

For example, picking up an iconic crafting spec at Level 6, will only allow you to craft the Tier 1 version of the iconic weapon. However, since weapon tiers are tied to your character level, you will automatically unlock the next crafting spec tiers for free as you level up.

Requires Item Components to Craft

In order to craft iconic weapons using these crafting specs, players will need to farm and spend item components of the appropriate Tier. A Tier 2 weapon, for example, will require Tier 2 Item Components to craft.

Unlike the quickhack variant, item components are easily found in the world. Most of the time can be found in chests, as rewards for quests, and even on dead enemies. However, as of Update 2.0, item components vendors will no longer be sell them.

How to Farm Crafting Components

Crafting Specs for Iconic Quickhacks

In addition to iconic weapons, the Phantom Liberty DLC also introduces a new tier of quickhack called Iconic Quickhacks. Like their weapon counterparts, iconic quickhacks will also have their own iconic crafting specs.

Note: You will need to be at a high enough level to start seeing these iconic quickhack crafting specs at the netrunner shop in Dogtown. Otherwise, it will mostly just be netrunner clothing up for sale.

Requires Quickhack Components to Craft

Iconic quickhack crafting specs will require you to spend quickhack components in order to craft the desired iconic quickhack. These can be obtained by hacking terminals or looting enemy netrunners. As of Update 2.0, quickhack components will no longer be sold at netrunner shops.

How to Farm Quickhack Components

List of Iconic Crafting Specs

Iconic Weapon Crafting Specs

Crafting Spec How to Obtain
Crafting Spec: AmnestyCrafting Spec: Amnesty
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Epic version to unlock automatically. (We Gotta Live Together: Find Cassidy at the southeastern part of the Nomad camp. Accomplish Cassidy's shooting challenge to obtain this item.)
Crafting Spec: ApparitionCrafting Spec: Apparition
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Epic version to unlock automatically (War Pigs:This pistol is found in Frank's body when defeated.)
Crafting Spec: ArchangelCrafting Spec: Archangel
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Rare version to unlock automatically (A Like Supreme: At the end of the quest, Kerry will give this item to you).
Crafting Spec: Ba Xing ChongCrafting Spec: Ba Xing Chong
・Quest: Nocturne OP55N1 (Can be found in Adam Smasher's vault (the shipping container unlocked by Grayson's key during the Chippin' In side job quest) after you enter the elevator taking you to Embers during the Nocturne Op55N1 main job.)
Crafting Spec: BreakthroughCrafting Spec: Breakthrough ・Fixed Location: Dropped by the leader in hustle (Suspected Organized Crime Activity in Rancho Coronado).
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Craft the Epic version to unlock automatically (Crafting spec dropped by the leader in hustle (Suspected Organized Crime Activity in Rancho Coronado)).
Crafting Spec: BuzzsawCrafting Spec: Buzzsaw ・Fixed Location: Dropped by the leader in hustle (Suspected Organized Crime Activity in Northside).
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Craft the Rare version to unlock automatically (Crafting Spec dropped by the leader in hustle (Suspected Organized Crime Activity in Northside).
Crafting Spec: ChaosCrafting Spec: Chaos
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Rare version to unlock automatically (The Pickup: All Foods Maelstrom Hideout after killing Royce during the payment bargaining conversation or after the boss fight).
Crafting Spec: Cocktail StickCrafting Spec: Cocktail Stick
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Rare version and craft the Epic version to unlock automatically. (Automatic Love:The katana called The Cocktail Stick can be found in the make-up room of the Clouds, next to Evelyn's jacket. You can find this room adjacent to the dark room that overlooks the public upstairs lounge.)
Crafting Spec: ComradeCrafting Spec: Comrade's Hammer ・Fixed Location: Dropped by the leader in hustle (Suspected Organized Crime Activity in Arroyo).
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Craft the Epic version to unlock automatically (Crafting spec dropped by the leader in hustle (Suspected Organized Crime Activity in Arroyo)).
Crafting Spec: CottonmouthCrafting Spec: Cottonmouth
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Rare version and craft the Epic version to unlock automatically (You can find this iconic weapon in Finger's bedroom when you enter it to interrogate him.)
Crafting Spec: CrashCrafting Spec: Crash
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Find the Epic version to unlock automatically (Following The River: During the quest, while on the water tower, River will give you this weapon.)
Crafting Spec: Divided We StandCrafting Spec: Divided We Stand
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Rare version to unlock automatically (Stadium Love: This is a reward from the shooting contest during the quest. It can also be a drop from a sixer when they're defeated).
Crafting Spec: Doom DoomCrafting Spec: Doom Doom
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Rare version to unlock automatically (Second Conflict: Can be taken from Dum Dum's body in the Totentantz Club. However, to do so, he must have survived the events of The Pickup quest).
Crafting Spec: Dying NightCrafting Spec: Dying Night
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Uncommon version to unlock automatically (The Gun: After The Rescue, head to the seventh floor of your apartment building and go to the weapons store in that level. Talk to vendor and get the gun).
Crafting Spec: FenrirCrafting Spec: Fenrir
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Rare version and craft the Epic version to unlock automatically (Losing my Religion:This iconic weapon is found on the table near the monk you save in the mission.)
Crafting Spec: GenjirohCrafting Spec: Genjiroh
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Epic version to unlock automatically (Play It Safe: As you go to the 2nd sniper in this mission, you will encounter a locked door requiring a high Technical Ability level. The door is found to the right of the elevator as you ascend Floor 21. If you do not have the Technical Ability level, you may unlock the door using a code (Code is 2906)).
Crafting Spec: Gold-Plated Baseball BatCrafting Spec: Gold-Plated Baseball Bat
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Epic version to unlock automatically (Second Conflict: After the argument, you can find this weapon in the pool area).
Crafting Spec: Jinchu-MaruCrafting Spec: Jinchu-Maru
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Epic version to unlock automatically (Play It Safe: Looted from Oda's body after defeating him).
Crafting Spec: KongouCrafting Spec: Kongou
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Rare version and craft the Epic version to unlock automatically (The Heist:This pistol is found in Yorinobu's penthouse, on the nightstand next to his bed
Crafting Spec: La Chingona DoradaCrafting Spec: La Chingona Dorada
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Rare version to unlock automatically. After you complete the Heroes side job, you can find the La Chingona Dorada pistol on the table where all the offerings were displayed.
Crafting Spec: LizzieCrafting Spec: Lizzie
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Rare version to unlock automatically. Can be found in the basement of Lizzie's during the Automatic Love main job.
Crafting Spec: Moron LabeCrafting Spec: Moron Labe ・Fixed Location: Dropped by the leader in hustle (Suspected Organized Crime Activity in West Wind Estate).
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Craft the Epic version to unlock automatically (Crafting spec dropped by the leader in hustle (Suspected Organized Crime Activity in West Wind Estate)).
Crafting Spec: MoxCrafting Spec: Mox
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Rare version to unlock automatically (Pyramid Song: If you have a romantic relationship with Judy, she will give this to you. Alternatively, after the Pyramid Song quest, you can find it in her apartment if she decides to leave Night City.).
Crafting Spec: OCrafting Spec: O'Five
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Find the Epic version to unlock automatically (Beat on the Brat: Arroyo: Pick it up from Buck's body after defeating him in the fight.)
Crafting Spec: OverwatchCrafting Spec: Overwatch
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Rare version to unlock automatically (Riders on the Storm: Complete the mission and Panam will give this weapon to you as a gift).
Crafting Spec: Plan BCrafting Spec: Plan B
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Rare version and craft the Epic version to unlock automatically (This Iconic Pistol is found on Dex's body in the Eastern Wastelands where you can start the quest Kold Mirage.)
Crafting Spec: Problem SolverCrafting Spec: Problem Solver
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Rare version to unlock automatically (Riders on the Storm: Can be looted from the big enemy guarding the Wraith's camp entrance).
Crafting Spec: Psalm 11:6Crafting Spec: Psalm 11:6 ・Fixed Location: Dropped by the leader in hustle (Suspected Organized Crime Activity in Northside).
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Craft the Rare vesrsion to unlock automatically (Crafting spec dropped by the leader in hustle (Suspected Organized Crime Activity in Northside)).
Crafting Spec: SatoriCrafting Spec: Satori
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Rare version and craft the Epic version to unlock automatically (The Heist:This melee weapon is found in the AV landing pad. After T-Bug opens the door, find the stairs leading up to the landing pad and find this weapon in the vehicle.)
Crafting Spec: ScalpelCrafting Spec: Scalpel
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Rare version to unlock automatically (Big in Japan: Complete the quest to obtain).
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Second Opinion
Currently Unavailable.
Crafting Spec: Sir John PhallustiffCrafting Spec: Sir John Phallustiff
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Rare version to unlock automatically (Venus in Furs: Complete the one night stand with Meredith Stout to find it on the bed the next morning. In region-specific versions of the game where sexual content is censored, it will be replaced with an Electric Baton Beta).
Crafting Spec: SovereignCrafting Spec: Sovereign ・Fixed Location: Dropped by the leader in hustle (Suspected Organized Crime Activity in Japantown).
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Craft the Epic version to unlock automatically (Crafting spec dropped by the leader in hustle (Suspected Organized Crime Activity in Japantown)).
Crafting Spec: StingerCrafting Spec: Stinger
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Epic version to unlock automatically (I'll Fly Away: Complete the quest to obtain this item.
Crafting Spec: The HeadsmanCrafting Spec: The Headsman ・Fixed Location: Dropped by the leader in hustle (Suspected Organized Crime Activity in North Oak).
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Craft the Epic version to unlock automatically (Crafting spec dropped by the leader in hustle (Suspected Organized Crime Activity in North Oak)).
Crafting Spec: Tinker BellCrafting Spec: Tinker Bell
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Rare version to unlock automatically (The Hunt: During the Hunt quest, look for the nearest tree to Peter Pan's house in Edgewood farm to find this weapon).
Crafting Spec: TsumetogiCrafting Spec: Tsumetogi
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Rare version to unlock automatically (Pisces: Can be looted from the location where the boss of Tyger Claws and Maiko met).
Crafting Spec: Widow MakerCrafting Spec: Widow Maker
・Crafting Spec of Iconic Weapon: Get the Rare version to unlock automatically (Ghost Town: Dropped by Nash when killed).
Crafting Spec: YinglongCrafting Spec: Yinglong ・Fixed Location: Dropped by the leader in hustle (Suspected Organized Crime Activity in Wellsprings).

List of Iconic Weapons

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Related Guides

Cyberpunk 2077 - Items and Gear

List of Items and Gear

Types of Items

All Item Types
Consumables Crafting Specs
Crafting Components Quickhack Components
Quest Items Junk

Crafting Spec Rarity

Crafting Spec Rarity Tiers
Legendary Iconic

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