Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

System Reset: Quickhack Effects and How to Obtain

This is a guide to System Reset, a Quickhack in Cyberpunk 2077. Read on to learn this quickhack's effects, rarities, stats, and how to obtain System Reset.

System Reset Overview

System Reset
System Reset
Install Type Mod
Quickhack Type Ultimate
RAM Cost Quickhack Cost: 10
Tier 4: 10
Tier 5: 11
Duration 14.99 sec
Cooldown 120 sec
Upload Time 8 sec
Price Cannot be bought
The magnum opus of a corporate netrunner who believed most problems could be solved by simply turning off whatever is giving you trouble.

System Reset Effects


Description ・The magnum opus of a corporate netrunner who believed most problems could be solved by simply turning off whatever is giving you trouble.
Tier 4 ・Cripples a target's nervous system, causing them to lose consciousness.
・Target will not make any noise when losing consciousness.
Tier 5 ・Passive While Equipped: Defeating an enemy recuces he RAM cost of the next quickhack by 1. Stacks up to 6 time(s).

How to Get System Reset

Epic: From a Cyberdeck Near Dex's Body

Fast travel to the Medeski Fuel Station in the Badlands and go south as far as you can to return to where your body was dumped at the end of The Heist. Interacting with the freezer near Dex's body will start the quest Kold Mirage. Follow the quest to hack the cyberdeck you pick up that will get you the Epic variant of this quickhack.

Kold Mirage Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

Legendary: During the Spellbound Quest

After completing Kold Mirage, start to leave the Afterlife to trigger Spellbound. Follow the quest and you will eventually pick up a shard known as the Book of Spells. Choosing to decrypt this shard and hacking it successfully will get you the crafting specs required to make the Quickhack.

Spellbound Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

Through Intelligence Perks

Alternatively all the crafting specs for each variatn of this quickhack can be obtained through the various Intelligence perks obtained in the Quickhacking tree.

Cyberpunk 2077 Related Links

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Quickhacks Related Guides
All Phantom Liberty Quickhacks List of Quickhacks and Daemons
2.0 Quickhack Tier List

All Quickhack Mods

ContagionContagion Cripple MovementCripple Movement CyberpsychosisCyberpsychosis
Cyberware MalfunctionCyberware Malfunction Detonate GrenadeDetonate Grenade Memory WipeMemory Wipe
OverheatOverheat PingPing Reboot OpticsReboot Optics
Request BackupRequest Backup Short CircuitShort Circuit Sonic ShockSonic Shock
SuicideSuicide Synapse BurnoutSynapse Burnout System ResetSystem Reset
Weapon GlitchWeapon Glitch WhistleWhistle

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7 Anonymousalmost 4 years

Japantown Netrunner shop has Epic System Reset for 4500 eddies.

6 Anonymousabout 4 years

I have the legendary and don’t have the epic so I can’t craft. Where can you find the epic? Is there a way to go back for it?


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