Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK)

Tears of the Kingdom Interactive Map

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - World Map of Hyrule, Locations, and Map Icons Explained

This is an Interactive Map of Hyrule with all locations and collectibles, as well as a guide to the different locations in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK). Learn more about the Surface, Sky, and Depths maps, and the locations of Skyview Towers, Shrines, Korok Seeds, and more!

Interactive Map of Hyrule

All Interactive Maps
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Surface MapSurface Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Sky MapSky Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Depths MapDepths

Tip: Toggle between Surface, Sky, and Depths map.

Map Key (Surface)
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Korok SeedKorok Seeds (840) Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Skyview TowerSkyview Towers (15) Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - ShrineShrines (120)
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom  TotK - CaveZelda TotK - Well.png
Caves and Wells (197)
Zekda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Great Fairy FountainGreat Fairy Fountains (4) Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - StableStables (16) Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - ChasmChasms (23)
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - SettlementTotK - Settlement
Towns and Settlements (12)

Hyrule Complete World Map and Regions

Hyrule World Map
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Surface MapSurface Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Sky MapSky Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Depths MapDepths


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The Surface is considered to be the base map of Tears of the Kingdom and is where the majority of your adventure will take place. Previous locations from Breath of the Wild can be encountered and revisited in the game.

All Surface Regions

List of Regions
Hyrule Field Gerudo Highlands Hyrule Ridge Hebra Mountains
Tabantha Frontier West Necluda Eldin Canyon Lanayru Great Spring
Mount Lanayru East Necluda Great Hyrule Forest Death Mountain
Deep Akkala Akkala Highlands Gerudo Desert Lanayru Wetlands
Faron Grasslands Akkala Sea Hebra West Summit Eldin Mountains
Lake Hylia Necluda Sea

Hyrule Surface Map, Regions, and Key Locations


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The Sky map is composed of small island formations hovering above Hyrule's skies. These are scattered almost sporadically above the surface and can be accessed mainly by using Recall at fallen boulders from the sky that have landed on the ground.

All Sky Regions

List of Regions
Central Hyrule Sky Great Sky Island Hebra Mountains Sky Gerudo Highlands Sky
Great Hyrule Forest Sky Eldin Canyon Sky Lanayru Great Spring Sky Mount Lanayru Sky
East Necluda Sky West Necluda Sky Akkala Highlands Sky Hyrule Ridge Sky
Akkala Sea Sky Deep Akkala Sky Tabantha Frontier Sky Faron Grasslands Sky
Lanayru Sea Sky

Hyrule Sky Map, Regions, and Key Locations


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The Depths is an expansive region found below the entirety of Hyrule. This underground area is filled with monsters and is covered in complete darkness.

Once you're at the Depths, expect to encounter the Gloom, a dark red infestation, stretching across the field. Coming into contact with the Gloom depletes Link's maximum health, which makes any ventures at the Depths even more dangerous!

New Gloom Status Condition: How to Cure

All Depths Regions

List of Regions
Central Hyrule Depths Eldin Canyon Depths Death Mountain Depths Eldin Mountains Depths
Gerudo Highlands Depths Great Hyrule Forest Depths West Necluda Depths Gerudo Desert Depths
East Necluda Depths Faron Grasslands Depths Hyrule Ridge Depths Lanayru Great Spring Depths
Tabantha Frontier Depths Mount Lanayru Depths Lanayru Wetlands Depths Hebra Mountains Depths
Akkala Sea Depths Lake Hylia Depths Necluda Sea Depths Akkala Highlands Depths
Deep Akkala Depths

Hyrule Depths Map, Regions, and Key Locations

All Maps and Locations

All Area Maps and Locations

Hyrule Map Locations
Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Surface MapSurface Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Sky MapSky Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Depths MapDepths
Tears of the Kingdom - CaveCaves and Wells Tears of the Kingdom - Cave TownTowns and Settlements

Other Maps

Collectible and Area Maps
Tears of the Kingdom - Skyview TowerSkyview Towers Tears of the Kingdom - ShrineShrines Tears of the Kingdom - LightrootLightroots
Tears of the Kingdom - Korok SeedKorok Seeds Tears of the Kingdom - StableStables Tears of the Kingdom - ChasmChasms
Tears of the Kingdom - Zonai DispensersZonai Dispensers Tears of the Kingdom - SageSage's Wills Tears of the Kingdom - Hudson SignsHudson Boards
Tears of the Kingdom - Great Fairy FountainsGreat Fairy Fountains Tears of the Kingdom - Bargainer StatueBargainer Statues Tears of the Kingdom - Forge ConstructsForge Constructs
Tears of the Kingdom - ColiseumsColiseums Tears of the Kingdom - Memories IconMemories
(Dragon's Tears)
Tears of the Kingdom - Goddess StatuesGoddess Statues
Satori Cherry Blossom Trees - -

Hyrule Map Icons and What They Mean

Standard Map Icons

Icon Description
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Shrine Shrine
Mini dungeons testing Link's resourcefulness and strength through puzzles or tests of strength respectively.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Skyview Tower Skyview Tower
Towers unlock the map content of the region. The new towers in Tears of the Kingdom are connected to the Sheikah but they are overrun by monsters.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Lightroot Lightroot
Fast travel zones at the Depths which provide illumination.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Ancient Tech Lab Ancient Tech Lab
Special locations where you can upgrade Link's Purah Pad.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Travel Medallion Travel Medallion
The Travel Medallion makes its return in Tears of the Kingdom. It was originally a DLC item in the previous game and can be used to create a fast travel point anywhere.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom  TotK - Horse Horse
Where Link's horse currently is.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom  TotK - Stable Stable
This is where Link can register and board horses.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Settlement
TotK - Settlement
Towns and Settlements
Towns and villages around Hyrule.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - General Store General Store
Shops where Link can purchase items such as arrows or materials.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Great Fairy Fountain Great Fairy Fountain
This is where Link can upgrade his armor from Great Fairies.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom  TotK - Crystal Refinery Crystal Refinery
Location where a Steward Construct can expand Link's energy capacity by exchanging Crystallized Charges for Energy Wells.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Chasm Chasm
Entry points found at the surface of Hyrule which leads to the Depths.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Cave.png Cave
Caves that Link can explore, loot ores and treasure chests, and hunt Bubbulfrogs. Link can use Ascend to emerge above and exits caves.

Caves with checkmarks indicate that the area has already been cleared.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Well.png Well
Similiar to Caves, Wells are hidden areas in the map that can contain materials, such as ores, and treasure chests. They are commonly found inside settlements or villages or near some key areas in the Surface map.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Zonai Dispenser Zonai Dispenser
This green icon indicates that there is a Zonai Dispenser in the area. Zonai Dispensers give random Zonai materials if you use Zonai drops on them, which can be obtained from Construct enemies.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Korok Seed Korok Seed
Trade these collectibles to Hestu to expand your weapon, bow, or shield inventory space.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Memories Memories
Also called Dragon's Tears. Collectibles important to the story behind Tears of the Kingdom.

Stamp Box Icons

Icon Description
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Sword Icon Sword
Used to mark a sword weapon location.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Cook Icon Pot
Used to mark a location where Link can cook food or make elixirs.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - NPC Icon NPC
Used to mark important NPCs.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Diamond Icon Diamond
Used to mark important areas.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Heart Icon Heart
Used to mark areas for farming ingredients for meals that restore health.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Star Icon Star
Used to mark a special landmark.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Chest Icon Chest
Used to mark a treasure chest location.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Skull Icon Skull
Used to mark a monster camp or a boss location.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Leaf Icon Leaf
Used to mark a Korok seed location.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Rupee Icon Rupee
Used to mark where you can farm for rupees or ore.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom  TotK - Colored Marker Colored Marker
Used to mark your next destination.

There are now six colored markers that players can use in Tears of the Kingdom ranging from red, blue, yellow, green, pink, and teal.

Hyrule World Map Explained

Separate Maps for Sky and Surface

Map Sections

Tears of the Kingdom's map is split between the Sky, Surface, and Depths sections. Locating and activating Skyview Towers will unlock and expand the Sky and Surface map, while the activating Lightroot will reveal sections of the Depths.

Activate Skyview Towers and Lightroots to Expand Map

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom  TotK - Activating Skyview Towers

Initially, you will start off with a map that is mostly blank. As you progress through the game, you can reveal more areas of the map to see the topography and spot key areas.

As you go to various locations on the map you will be able to spot towers on the surface and glowing roots underground. Activating these Skyview Towers will fill in portions of your Surface and Sky Maps, while Lightroots will illuminate dark areas at the Depths underground.

Tears of the Kingdom Related Guides

TOTK - Main Links Partial Banner

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Walkthrough Top Page

Main Links
TOTK - Main QuestsMain Quests TOTK Tips and Tricks Partial.png Tips and Tricks
TOTK - Side Adventures Partial BannerSide Adventures TOTK - Side Quests Partial BannerSide Quests
Tears of the Kingdom - Map of HyrulMaps TOTK - Towers Partial Banner ImageTowers
Zelda TOTK - Shrines PartialShrines Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Temple and DungeonsTemples and Dungeons
All Caves Partial Banner.pngCaves TOTK - List of All WellsWells
Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Stables PartialStables TOTK - Armor Armor
TOTK - Weapons and Equipment Partial BannerWeapons and Equipment TOTK - Items Partial BannerItems
TOTK - Cooking GuideCooking TOTK - Bosses and MinibossesBosses
TOTK - All EnemiesEnemies Zelda TOTK - AbilitiesAbilities
Zelda TotK - Schematics Partial Schematics TOTK - CharactersCharacters
TOTK - NewsNews TOTK - Message BoardsMessage Boards


10 Anonymousover 1 year

Just wanna say thank you for this map, helped me a ton :’)

8 Anonymousalmost 2 years

The map Is missing 1 well, the one at the south of the Hyrule cathedral, in the castle town


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