Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK)

Gerudo Highlands Depths Region Map: Lightroot Locations and Points of Interest

Gerudo Highlands Depths is a region found in the Depths of Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK). Read on to see the full Gerudo Highlands Depths region map, as well as locations for the Lightroot locations and other points of interest found within the Gerudo Highlands Depths!

Gerudo Highlands Depths Region Map

Gerudo Highlands Depths Full Map and Overworld Location

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Gerudo Highlands Depths Lightroot Map Location

Lightroot Locations and Coordinates

Location Coordinates

Kawatik Lightroot
-1531, -2928, -0731

Sisustom Lightroot
-1795, -3497, -0477

Kimakarut Lightroot
-2656, -2237, -0488

Jadukakar Lightroot
-2037, -1852, -0504

Stamayam Lightroot
-4638, -1512, -0890

Umamustor Lightroot
-3406, -1368, -0779

Kawiraus Lightroot
-2525, -1769, -0713

Mustuto Lightroot
-4469, -0672, -0949

All Lightroot Locations and Maps

Gerudo Highlands Depths Points of Interest

Notable Map Locations

Overworld Location Coordinates

Granajh Canyon Mine
-1409, -3280, -0860

South Lomei Depths Labyrinth
-1853, -3351, -0523

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Related Guides

Tears of the Kingdom - Map of Hyrule Partial Banner

Interactive Map of Hyrule:
All Locations and Map Icons

All Area Maps and Locations

Hyrule Map Locations
Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Surface MapSurface Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Sky MapSky Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Depths MapDepths
Tears of the Kingdom - CaveCaves and Wells Tears of the Kingdom - Cave TownTowns and Settlements

Other Maps

Collectible and Area Maps
Tears of the Kingdom - Skyview TowerSkyview Towers Tears of the Kingdom - ShrineShrines Tears of the Kingdom - LightrootLightroots
Tears of the Kingdom - Korok SeedKorok Seeds Tears of the Kingdom - StableStables Tears of the Kingdom - ChasmChasms
Tears of the Kingdom - Zonai DispensersZonai Dispensers Tears of the Kingdom - SageSage's Wills Tears of the Kingdom - Hudson SignsHudson Boards
Tears of the Kingdom - Great Fairy FountainsGreat Fairy Fountains Tears of the Kingdom - Bargainer StatueBargainer Statues Tears of the Kingdom - Forge ConstructsForge Constructs
Tears of the Kingdom - ColiseumsColiseums Satori Cherry Blossom Trees -

List of Depths Regions

List of Regions
Deep Akkala Depths Akkala Highlands Depths Tabantha Frontier Depths Necluda Sea Depths
Lake Hylia Depths Akkala Sea Depths Hebra Mountains Depths Lanayru Wetlands Depths
Mount Lanayru Depths Hyrule Ridge Depths Faron Grasslands Depths East Necluda Depths
Gerudo Desert Depths West Necluda Depths Gerudo Highlands Depths Great Hyrule Forest Depths
Eldin Mountains Depths Death Mountain Depths Lanayru Great Spring Depths Eldin Canyon Depths
Central Hyrule Depths


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