Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK)

Lake Hylia Region Map: Korok Seed Locations, Shrines, and Quests

Lake Hylia is a region found in the Surface of Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK). Read on to see the full Lake Hylia region map, as well as locations for Korok Seeds, Shrines, Quests, and other points of interest found within the Lake Hylia!

Lake Hylia Region Map

Lake Hylia Full Map

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Lake Hylia Shrine Locations

Shrine Map Locations and Coordinates

Location Coordinates

En-oma Shrine
(Rauru's Blessing)
0104, -2517, -0087

List of All Shrines

Lake Hylia Korok Seed Locations

Korok Seed Locations and Coordinates

Overworld Location Details

Korok Seed
Start Coordinates
0035, -2129, -0011

Dive into the middle of the ring of water lillies in the water.

Korok Seed
Start Coordinates
0206, -2640, -0010

Shoot the floating balloons near the small isle at the middle of the lake.

Korok Seed
Start Coordinates
-0010, -2587, 0005

On the broken bridge column, examine the sparkles being pointed by the red arrow sign to reveal the Korok.

Korok Seed
Start Coordinates
-0636, -2382, -0012

Build a wooden platform using the construction materials nearby. Climb on top of it to reach the floating sparkles.

Korok Seed x2
Start Coordinates
-0189, -2248, 0020
End Coordinates
-0216, -2594, -0011
Take the Korok to its friend over at the small isle near Hylia Island.

Korok Seed
Start Coordinates
-0399, 2557, -0001

Climb up the tree and examine the sparkles on top of it.

Korok Seed
Start Coordinates
-0012, -2588, 0005

Shoot the hanging acorn located under the broken column of the bridge with an arrow.

Korok Seed Map: All Korok Seed Locations

Lake Hylia Hudson Signs

Addison Sign Locations

Location Solution
Coordinates: 0105, -2673, -0014
Solution: Use the wooden boards and planks to make a frame that will hold that Hudson board.

All Hudson Sign Locations: How to Help Addison's Signs Stand

Lake Hylia Points of Interest

Cave Locations and Coordinates

Overworld Location Coordinates

Lake Hylia Whirlpool Cave
0128, -2479, -0086

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Related Guides

Tears of the Kingdom - Map of Hyrule Partial Banner

Interactive Map of Hyrule:
All Locations and Map Icons

All Area Maps and Locations

Hyrule Map Locations
Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Surface MapSurface Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Sky MapSky Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Depths MapDepths
Tears of the Kingdom - CaveCaves and Wells Tears of the Kingdom - Cave TownTowns and Settlements

Other Maps

Collectible and Area Maps
Tears of the Kingdom - Skyview TowerSkyview Towers Tears of the Kingdom - ShrineShrines Tears of the Kingdom - LightrootLightroots
Tears of the Kingdom - Korok SeedKorok Seeds Tears of the Kingdom - StableStables Tears of the Kingdom - ChasmChasms
Tears of the Kingdom - Zonai DispensersZonai Dispensers Tears of the Kingdom - SageSage's Wills Tears of the Kingdom - Hudson SignsHudson Boards
Tears of the Kingdom - Great Fairy FountainsGreat Fairy Fountains Tears of the Kingdom - Bargainer StatueBargainer Statues Tears of the Kingdom - Forge ConstructsForge Constructs
Tears of the Kingdom - ColiseumsColiseums Satori Cherry Blossom Trees -

List of Surface Regions

List of Regions
Necluda Sea Lake Hylia Eldin Mountains Hebra West Summit
Akkala Sea Faron Grasslands Lanayru Wetlands Deep Akkala
Akkala Highlands Gerudo Desert Death Mountain Great Hyrule Forest
East Necluda Mount Lanayru Lanayru Great Spring Eldin Canyon
West Necluda Tabantha Frontier Hebra Mountains Hyrule Ridge
Gerudo Highlands Hyrule Field


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