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All Edgerunners Items and How to Get

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Patch 1.6 introduces free DLC from the anime Cyberpunk: Edgerunners to Cyberpunk 2077. Here, you'll learn more about the items this update added, and how to find them.

We are currently searching for more Edgerunners content. Thanks for your patience! If you have found anything not listed here, let us know in the comments.

Edgerunners New Clothing

David's Jacket

David's Jacket
Tier(s) Legendary
Clothing Slot Group Outer Torso
Weight 3
A jacket for a true edgerunner. Belonged once to David Martinez, and before that - his mother, Gloria

CP 2077 - David Martinez in the anime

This iconic jacket is owned by David Martinez, the lead character in the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners anime series. It was originally worn by his mother, Gloria Martinez, who works at the Night City Medical Center.

David's Jacket

How to Get David's Jacket

CP 2077 - David

To get David's Jacket, you need to progress through the Over the Edge Side Job which was added in Patch 1.6 of the game.

Over the Edge

Edgerunners New Weapons

CP 2077 - New Weapons

New Weapons List
Guts (Iconic Power Shotgun)
Hypercritical (Iconic Precision Rifle)
Headhunter (Iconic Punknife)
Blue Fang (Iconic Neurotoxin Knife)
Senkoh LX (Tech Submachine Gun)
Kappa (Smart Pistol)
VST-37 Pozhar (Power Shotgun)
MA70 HB (Power Light Machine Gun)
Kyubi (Power Assault Rifle)
Cut-O-Matic (Chainsword)
Razor (Machete)
Claw (Axe)


Tier(s) Epic
Weapon Group Ranged
Class Shotgun
Type Bullets can ricochet off surfaces.
Weight 9.6
Originally belonged to Rebecca from David Martinez's crew. It'll wreak bloody havoc, though it can be a little unpredicatable. Much like its original owner.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Guts Rebecca

The Guts is an Iconic Power Shotgun that matches the design of Rebecca's pink and mint green weapons. It's a fairly powerful weapon, albeit a bit inaccurate, reflecting the wild personality of its previous owner.

How to Get Guts

How to Get the Guts Shotgun

The Guts shotgun and its Legendary Crafting Spec can be found by looking around the bushes in the southwest area of the ring at Memorial Park in Corpo Plaza.

Corpo Plaza Map Guide


Tier(s) Epic
Weapon Group Ranged
Class Precision Rifle
Type Bullets can ricochet off surfaces.
Weight 7.8
Tiny Mike somehow got a hold of this Serbian gem and turned it into a masterpiece of weaponry.

The Hypercritical is an iconic version of the Rostovic Kolac precision rifle, lovingly tuned by Tiny Mike to knock enemies down when they are hit. Also, the final bullet in the clip will always deal critical damage.

How to Get Hypercritical

How to Get the Hypercritical Precision Rifle

The Hypercritical can be acquired through the Gig 'Concrete Cage Trap'. It's inside Tiny Mike's apartment.

Concrete Cage Trap Quest Walkthrough


Tier(s) Rare
Weapon Group Melee
Class Knife
Type Sharp and lethal. Be careful not to cut yourself.
Weight 2.3
Throwing this knife is like imposing a death sentence.

An iconic variant of the Punknife that makes enemies take 250% more damage from a headshot. Once the enemy has been hit, the knife returns to its owner.

How to Get Headhunter

How to Get the Headhunter

If you want to get your hands on this deadly blade, buy it from the melee weapon vendor in West Wind Estate.

Pacifica Map Guide

Blue Fang

Blue Fang
Blue Fang
Tier(s) Rare
Weapon Group Melee
Class Knife
Type Sharp and lethal. Be careful not to cut yourself.
Weight 2.3
The neurotoxin coating the blade of this prototype knife is stunningly effective.

The Blue Fang is an iconic variant of the Neurotoxin Knife that

How to Get Blue Fang

How to Get the Blue Fang

To get your hands on this bad boy, you'll have to get out to the Badlands and buy it off the melee weapon vendor there.

The Badlands Map Guide

Senkoh LX

Senkoh LX
Senkoh LX
Tier(s) Uncommon
Weapon Group Ranged
Class SMG
Type Can be charged to release a powerful shot.
Weight 5
Self-defense has never ben more stylish.

If you're looking for a piece that offers both style and substance, you can never go wrong with the Senkoh LX. Created in a partnership between Arasaka and Jinguji, this gun marries cutting-edge technology with only the finest in corpowear.

How to Get Senkoh LX

How to Get the Senkoh LX SMG

There are two ways to get the Senkoh LX. You can either get the Epic variant of this weapon from the Gig Nasty Hangover inside the 6th Street Gang warehouse.

If you're okay with buying the Uncommon variant, you can go to Jinguji and buy it there.

City Center Map Guide


Tier(s) Uncommon
Weapon Group Ranged
Class Pistol
Type Homes in on targets with self-guided micro-projectiles.
Weight 4.3
This hyperactive weapon can mark up to two targets at the same time, though it works best at close range.

A Smart Pistol that can mark up to two targets. Useful for frantic firefights in close quarters.

How to Get Kappa

How to Get the Kappa Smart Pistol

You can purchase the Kappa Pistol from the Straight Shooters gun shop.

Watson Map Guide

VST-37 Pozhar

VST-37 Pozhar
VST-37 Pozhar
Tier(s) Uncommon
Weapon Group Ranged
Class Shotgun
Type Bullets can ricochet off surfaces.
Weight 9.6
High caliber, high damage, high recoil.

A devastating shotgun with an equally devastating quick. A favorite of the deadly MaxTac squads.

How to Get VST-37 Pozhar

How to Get the VST-37 Pozhar

Just like the Kappa pistol, you can buy the VST-37 Pozhar from Straight Shooters.

Watson Map Guide


Tier(s) Uncommon
Weapon Group Ranged
Class LMG
Type Bullets can ricochet off surfaces.
Weight 11.5
It's time to bring out the big guns.

A devastating light machine gun that's light in name only.

How to Get MA70 HB

How to Get the MA70 LMG

Another weapon you can buy from the weapon vendor in Watson.

Watson Map Guide


Tier(s) Uncommon
Weapon Group Ranged
Class Assault Rifle
Type Bullets can ricochet off surfaces.
Weight 7.2
Semi-auto, all awesome.

A rifle that may not have nine barrels, but has the reliability you will want out of a semi-automatic.

How to Get Kyubi

How to Get the Kyubi Assault Rifle

Buy it off Straight Shooters and shoot away.

Watson Map Guide


Tier(s) Uncommon
Weapon Group Melee
Class Chainsword
Type Sharp and lethal. Be careful not to cut yourself.
Weight 5.4
The missing link between machetes and chainsaws. As effective and it is noisy - forget about stealth when using this baby.

The perfect melee weapon for those who wanted to pretend they were Space Marines from Warhammer 40,000. The Cut-O-Matic is as deadly as it is noisy, as it promises to scream while hacking an unlucky gonk in half.

How to Get Cut-O-Matic

How to Get the Cut-O-Matic

You can get an uncommon variant from either Coach Fred in Watson or the melee weapon vendor in Rancho Coronado.

Santo Domingo Map Guide


Tier(s) Uncommon
Weapon Group Melee
Class Machete
Type Sharp and lethal. Be careful not to cut yourself.
Weight 6.5
If it ain't reinforced concrete, you'll dismember it in a few slashes. Gotta be beefy enough to wield it, though.

A machete that's sharp enough to earn its namesake. Make sure you can carry it, though.

How to Get Razor

How to Get the Razor

Just like the Cut-O-Matic, get it from either Coach Fred or the melee weapon vendor in Santo Domingo.

Santo Domingo Map Guide


Tier(s) Uncommon
Weapon Group Melee
Class Axe
Type Sharp and lethal. Be careful not to cut yourself.
Weight 4.5
Deals heavy damage, but requires serious brawn to wield it.

The Claw looks like an oversized meat cleaver, but it will be more than that when you bring it to bear against anyone on the streets.

How to Get Claw

How to Get the Claw

Buy the Epic version of this weapon from the melee weapon vendor in Santo Domingo. Otherwise, Coach Fred has an uncommon variant you might be okay with having.

Santo Domingo Map Guide

Edgerunners New Drinks

The David Martinez Afterlife Drink

Cyberpunk 2077 The David Martinez Drink

The only way you're getting a drink named after you at the Afterlife is if you snuff it, spectacularly. Preferably mid-op. That's exactly how the namesake of this drink went, so he has this cola-vodka concoction dedicated to his name.

However, if you remember the fact that David has a distaste for fizzy drinks, then the one dedicated to him shows that even in the afterlife he can't catch a break.

The drink has been in-game even before the 1.6 update, but there's not a more perfect time to put one out for one of Night City's most famous Edgerunners.

How to get David's Drink

If you want to have a taste of David's drink, head over to the Afterlife bar and buy it off Claire. Among the choices, you should see a drink called 'The David Martinez'.

Edgerunners New Photo Mode Stickers

10 New Stickers

Patch 1.6 introduces 10 additional stickers taken from images in the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners anime. Simply access Photo Mode to find them all!

How to Use Photo Mode

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