Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Cyberware Capacity Limit and How to Increase It

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Tier 5 Cyberware Capacity Shard

Cyberware Capacity is a new feature introduced in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0. Check out what it is and how to increase your Cyberware Capacity Limit with our guide!

Cyberware Capacity Explained

What is Cyberware Capacity?

A Limit to the Amount of Cyberware Equipped

Cyberware Capacity refers to the amount of Cyberware you can equip at a single time. It's one of the many changes introduced in the 2.0 update.
List of Cyberware

Can You Go Over Your Cyberware Capacity Limit?

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Cyberware Capacity System

Yes, you can go over your Cyberware Capacity Limit but it comes with consequences! Going over the limit gives you more Cyberware capacity and the chance to enter a Fury State, but reduces your maximum health.

There are also many ways to increase your Cyberware Capacity if exceeding the limit isn't your really your playstyle.

No Cyberpsychosis with Cyberware Capacity

Fortunately, going over the Cyberware Capacity limit won't send you into a state of Cyberpsychosis. You'll still be able to fully control your character way above the limit.

Going Over the Limit Can Trigger the Fury State

In addition to equipping more Cyberware, going over the limit can trigger a Fury State that buffs V. The chances go up by 0.1% for every point you are above the limit.

This state gives you +10% damage, +30% Crit Chance, and +50% Crit Damage.

How to Increase Your Cyberware Capacity Limit

In Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, there are several ways to increase your Cyberware Capacity. Check the list below to learn how you can expand your capacity.

Level Up V

Cyperpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - 2.0 Level Up Screen

You can increase your Cyberware Capacity limit just by playing through the game and leveling V up! See how to level up fast with our leveling guide.

Leveling Guide & Level Cap

Collect Capacity Shards

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Carrying Cyberware Capacity Shard

Enemies sometimes drop Capacity Shards, which instantly and permanently increase your Cyberware Capacity Limit upon collection. You can also sometimes find Capacity Shards while opening crates and airdrops, so be sure to check them as well if you want to increase your Cyberware Capacity.

How to Get Capacity Shards

Get the Renaissance Punk Perk

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Technical Ability Attribute Tree.

The Renaissance Punk perk increases your Cyberware Capacity by 4 for each Attribute at 9 or higher. You'll need to unlock the All Things Cyber perk to unlock Renaissance Punk.

How to Unlock Renaissance Punk Perk

Get the Edgerunners Perk

Cyberpunk 2077 - Edgerunner Update

The Edgerunners perk technically doesn't increase your Cyberware Capacity Limit, but instead lets you exceed the limit by up to 50 points. The more you go over the limit, the higher the chance of you entering a Fury state that buffs damage, crit chance, and crit damage!

Just be careful not to receive too much damage when going over the limit. Each point that exceeds the limit deducts 0.5% of your maximum health!

How to Unlock Edgerunner Perk

Install the Chrome Compressor Operating System (PL Only)

Cyberpunk 2077 - Dogtown Ripperdoc Cyberware Capacity

To expand your Cyberware Capacity, you can also purchase the Chrome Compressor Operating System, which adds +42 Cyberware Capacity, bringing your total limit to 328 once installed. To obtain this upgrade, simply visit any Dogtown Ripperdoc and make the purchase.

Ripperdoc Locations and Cyberware List

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