Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Wardrobe Guide: Transmog and Layered Clothes

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Wardrobe Feature

The Wardrobe is a feature in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty which allows the use of layered clothes via transmog. Read on for more infomation about the Wardrobe feature in the game as well as how to change into your Wardrobe outfits!

What is the Wardrobe Feature?

Transmog Mechanic in Cyberpunk

V's clothes are different from the actual clothing items she is currently equipped with.

Cyberpunk 2077 has added the transmog system in the game during the 1.6 update. This allows you to follow the philosophy of style over substance and let V dress stylishly in any way you want!

Clothing Pieces No Longer Provide Armor Bonuses

Additionally, clothing pieces no longer provide armor buffs as of the Update 2.0. This time around, Cyberware for your Integumentary System and Skeleton have become the primary sources of armor, rendering clothing largely cosmetic in its purpose.

2.0 Patch Notes and Changes

Save Up to Six Wardrobe Sets

You can create and save up to six different wardrobe sets for V if you're planning to make multiple outfits to change from.

With this, you can go and represent your Street Kid style on the road with a Corpo-inspired outfit all prepped in your inventory if needed!

Use Clothes You Own

V can use almost any of the clothing items you have picked up throughout the game as layered clothes, including those in your inventory or kept away in your stash.

If you pick up a new piece of clothing, it will be automatically unlocked in the list of equipable items in your Wardrobe. You can then either sell the item for eddies or dismantle it to get components if you want, as it will not disappear in the list if you do so!

List of Clothing

Special Outfits Cannot Be Used

Special outfits, like hazmat suits, are clothing items that cover V's entire body which use the same slot that Wardrobe sets use.

Due to this, special outfits cannot be used in Wardrobe sets, and will need to be equipped manually if you ever want to use it.

List of Special Clothing

How to Change Wardrobe Outfits

Manage Wardrobe Outfits From Your Apartments

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Wardrobe in Apartment

You can access your saved Wardrobe sets in any of V's owned apartments and safehouses, including those owned by any romantic interests.

You can also manage and change any individual pieces of your Wardrobe sets here if you wish to change anything.

All Apartment Locations

Change Outfit in Inventory Menu

V's outfit can also easily be changed via the Outfit section of the inventory menu. From there, you can swap between any of your 6 saved Wardrobe sets.

Do note, however, that you cannot edit your saved Wardrobe Outfits from your inventory. This can only be done inside apartments and safehouses, and when visiting clothing shops.

Change Outfit When Buying Clothes

Cyperpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Clothing Vendor Change Looks

As of the 2.0 Update, you can now also change your outfit when visiting clothing vendors. With this update, you now gain full access to your wardrobe and change all your outfit sets without having to go to the nearest apartment and safehouse.

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