Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

PoE 2 Shockwave Totem Titan Build

This is a Shockwave Totem Titan build for the Warrior Class in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Check out the Shockwave Totem Titan build, including its gear, skills, passives, and playstyle!

Shockwave Totem Titan Build Summary

Shockwave Totem Titan Build

Build Setup
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) - Titan Portrait
Shockwave Totem Titan
Solar Orb Icon Infernal Cry Icon Leap Slam Icon Overwhelming Presence Icon Shockwave Totem Icon Seismic Cry Icon Hammer of the Gods Icon Time of Need Icon Berserk Icon
PoE 2 Shockwave Totem Titan - Pro Simple to Play

PoE 2 Shockwave Totem Titan - Pro High AoE and Single-Target Damage

PoE 2 Shockwave Totem Titan - Pro High Survivability

PoE 2 Shockwave Totem Titan - Con Very Noisy Gameplay

PoE 2 Shockwave Totem Titan - Con Lots of Visual Clutter

The Shockwave Totem Titan build aims to make the Warrior capable of dispatching enemies on any map with just totems. The build can melt away a boss' health bar and eliminate groups of enemies easily by using four shockwave totems that send large and deadly shockwaves and aftershocks.

This Warrior build starts by using totems as supportive objects, as it uses other skills as its primary source of damage. However, later on, the build solely relies on totems for clearing, especially with the Titan's passives, allowing players to survive better and receive more significant buffs from small nodes.

Date Changes
02-2-2025 ・Revised Passive Skill Tree
・Added new Jewel under Socketables
・Added the Phyiscal Mastery support gem on Shockwave Totem
01-31-2025 ・Created and Published the Build

Frequently Asked Questions


How to Get the Highest Shockwave Totem Skill Level?

Item, Jewel, or Gem Effect and Modifier
Two Handed Mace ・+7 Melee Skill Levels
Amulet ・+3 Melee Skill Levels (Explicit)
・+1 All Skill Levels (Corrupted Implicit Modifier)
Gloves ・+2 Melee Skill Levels (Explicit)
・+1 Melee Skill Levels (Corrupted Implicit Modifier)
Shockwave Totem Skill Gem ・Level 20 Skill Level (Max)
・+1 Gem Skill Level (Corrupted Implicit Modifier)
・+1 Physical Skill Levels (Physical Mastery Support Gem)
Prism of Belief Diamond ・+3 Shockwave Totem/Melee Skill Level

With this build, the highest possible skill level for Shockwave Totem is 39. This is achieved through the breakdown table above.

Why Avoid Weapon Damage and Modifiers?

Damage modifiers tied to your weapon, such as Increased Physical Damage, will not affect Totem damage. The only important modifier to get is increased Melee skills levels since totem damage scales with its skill level.

Why Are There No On-Hit Passives?

Passives that grant effects On-hit do not work with totems since it requires actual players to be the ones hitting the enemy. As such, passives like Rage on Hit, Bloodletting, and other are useless in this build. On this note, it is still unconfirmed whether skills with tags like hits against work with totems.

Why Opt For Hrimnor's Hymn Oak Greathammer?

The main reason is because it is more economical and powerful than a two handed hammer that adds more melee skills. More melee skills result in higher skill costs, significantly draining the player's life. This hammer helps make totems less costly while maximizing damage, given guaranteed Aftershocks and the build's ability to get Shockwave Totem up to level 39 without another +7 melee level mace.

Shockwave Totem Titan Gear and Sockets

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Equipment Socketables

Equipment and Modifiers

Gear Modifiers
Helm ・Added Maximum Life
・Increased Resistances
・Added Strength Attribute
・Increased Armor
・Added Armor
Expert Steel Plate (Body Armor) ・Regenerate % Life per Second
・Added Maximum Life
・Increased Resistances
・Added Spirit
・Added Strength Attribute
・Increased Armor
・Added Armor
As an alternative, players can get Morior Invictus Grand Regalia, as this would significantly increase their maximum life. They should acquire one that provides increased Attributes and Maximum Life.
Gloves ・Increase to Melee Skills Level
・Increased Attack Speed
・Added Maximum Life
・Increased Resistances
・Added Strength Attribute
Utility Belt ・20% of Flask Recovery applied Instantly
・Added Maximum Life
・Increased Resistances
・Added Strength Attribute
Players may also use an Ingenuity Belt if their rings are high quality. With good rings, the belt can free other equipment for other useful modifers and buff the build immensely.
Boots ・Increased Movement Speed (at least 25%)
・Added Maximum life
・Increased Resistances
・Added Strength
Ring 1 & 2 ・Increased Resistances
・Added Strength Attribute
・Added Maximum Life
Amulet ・Increase to Melee Skills Level
・Increased Maximum Life
・Increased Resistances
・Added Strength Attribute
・Added Maximum Life
・Initiative Notable Passive Skill
Two Handed Mace (Weapon Swap I) ・Increase to Melee Skills levels (Aim for +7)
・Added Strength
・Increased Stun Buildup
Hrimnor's Hymn Oak Greathammer (Weapon Swap I) ・Increased Stun Buildup
・Increased Physical Damage
・Added Strength
・Gain Life per Enemy Killed
・Slam skills you use yourself cause Aftershocks
Two Handed Mace #1 (Weapon Swap II) ・Increased Physical Damage
・Added Physical Damage
・Increase to Melee Skills levels (Aim for +7)
・Increased Strength Attribute
・Increased Attack Speed
Two Handed Mace #1 (Weapon Swap II) ・Increased Physical Damage
・Added Physical Damage
・Increase to Melee Skills levels (Aim for +7)
・Increased Strength Attribute
・Increased Attack Speed

Prioritize Melee Skills Level, Attack Speed, and Survivability Stats

Since Totems do not scale with physical attack damage or most weapon modifiers, focus on increasing Melee Skills Levels on the weapons, amulet, and gloves to scale totem damage. For the gloves, also aim to get a high attack speed modifier.

Then, focus the other equipment modifiers on survivability stats, including maximum life, elemental resistances, and chaos resistance. For the Amulet, use Distilled Emotions to instill it with the Initiative notable passive skill.



The modifiers listed below are arranged according to priority.

Ruby Jewel Ruby ・Increased Life Regeneration
・Increased Skill Effect Duration (at least 10%)
・Increased Maximum Fire Resistance
・Increased Stun Build Up
・Increased Melee Damage
・Increased Totem Damage
・Increased Area of Effect
・Increased Global Physical Damage
・Increased Damage from Empowered Attacks
・Increased Damage against Enemies with Fully Broken Armour
Against the Darkness Time-Lost Diamond ImageAgainst the Darkness Time-Lost Diamond ・Increased Maximum Life per Small Node
・Increased Strength per Notable Node
・Increased Maximum Lightning Resistance per Notable Node
・Increased Maximum Fire Resistance per Notable Node
・Increased Maximum Chaos Resistance per Notable Node
Grand Spectrum Ruby ImageGrand Spectrum Ruby x3 ・Increased Maximum Life per socketed Grand Spectrum
Controlled Metamorphosis Diamond ImageControlled Metamorphosis Diamond ・Only affects passives in Medium-small ring
・Passives in Radius can be Allocated without being connected to your tree
・Decreased Elemental Resistances
・Decreased Chaos Resistance
Megalomaniac Diamond ImageMegalomaniac Diamond ・Adds the Supportive Ancestors Notable Passive Skill
・Adds the Deep Trance Notable Passive Skill
・Adds the Ancestral Conduits Notable Passive Skill
・Adds the Heart Tissue Notable Passive Skill
・Adds the Initiative Notable Passive Skill
・Adds the Titanic Notable Passive Skill
・Adds the Acceleration Notable Passive Skill
・Adds the Pile On Notable Passive Skill
・Adds the Mass Rejuvination Notable Passive Skill
Prism of Belief Diamond ImagePrism of Belief Diamond ・Increase Levels to All Melee Skills

Most of the Jewels, like the regular and Grand Spectrum Rubies and the unique Time-Lost Diamond, are focused on increasing the build's survivability and reducing life issues from high-leveled skills and the Blood Magic notable. Ensure at least 10% skill effect duration for extra totem attacks.

Meanwhile, the Megalomaniac and Prism of Belief Diamonds are for quality of life and damage improvements. The Controlled Metamorphosis Diamond helps save skill points and unlocks the Polymathy, Jack of all Trades, and Sand in the Eyes notable passives. Only use it if high resistances can be sustained despite the Jewel's effects.

List of Jewels


POE 2 - Thawing Charm Thawing Charm ・Increased Duration
・Increased Charges
・Recover Life when Used

The Thawing Charm is the build's primary charm as getting frozen is the most detrimental status ailment for this build. However, players may use other charms depending on the circumstances.

List of All Charms

Runes and Soul Cores

Equipment Sockets
Stone Rune Icon Stone Rune x4 (WS I Maces)
Iron Rune Icon Iron Rune x4 (WS II Maces)

Equip all Weapon Swap I maces with two Stone Runes to increase stun buildup from the totems' shockwaves. Meanwhile, both Weapon Swap II maces should have Iron Runes to increase physical damage.

Then, for Armor pieces, equip all sockets with Soul Core of Jiquanis or other runes or soul cores that increase needed resistances.

Shockwave Totem Titan Skills and Passive Tree

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Active Skills Passive Skill Tree

Active Skills

Skill Support Gems
Shockwave Totem IconShockwave Totem
Hammer of the Gods IconHammer of the Gods
Leap Slam IconLeap Slam
Infernal Cry IconInfernal Cry
Seismic Cry IconSeismic Cry
Solar Orb IconSolar Orb
Time of Need IconTime of Need
Berserk IconBerserk -
Overwhelming Presence IconOverwhelming Presence -

The listed skills serve as the build's end-game kit. Shockwave Totem is the primary damaging skill for mobbing and bosses. However, Hammer of the Gods also provides additional burst damage to defeat high-health bosses. All other skills and gems help buff damage and increase survivability and skill life-costs management, like Infernal Cry and Time of Need.

While leveling, as totems will not have sufficient damage, other skills like Boneshatter, Stampede, or Earthquake temporarily serve as the primary damaging skill, with totems providing support. Also, use Perfect Strike when Hammer of the Gods is not available.

Then, when Gemcutter's Prisms are available, use them on Shockwave Totem, Infernal Cry, and Time of Need. Finally, assign Shockwave Totem and Solar Orb to Weapon Swap I, then Infernal Cry to Weapon Swap II to make the skill rotations below work.

Passive Skill Tree

※ Legend: Yellow = Main | Red = Weapon Set I | Green = Weapon Set II.

Ascendancy Tree
Colossal Capacity, Hulking Form, Mysterious Lineage, and Stone Skin
Passive Nodes
1. Relentless 2. Carved Earth and Devastation
3. Singular Purpose, Bolsterting Yell, and Aftershocks 4. Ancestral Mending, Ancestral Artifice, and Ancestral UnityAncestral Mending, Ancestral Artifice, and Ancestral Unity
5. Watchtowers, Crushing Verdict, and Authority 6. Bestial Rage, Feral Force, and Battle Fever
7. Crushing Verdict, Pile On, and Vocal Empowerment 8. Resolute Technique, Shattering Blow, and Flip the Script
9. Blood Magic, Ancestral Alacrity, and Prism Guard 10. Beef
11. Brute Strength and Giant's Blood 12. Polymathy, Sand in the Eyes, Jack of all Trades, and Iron Reflexes
13. Bestial Rage, Feral Force, and Battle Fever 14. Initiative
15. Unbending 16. Battle Trance

Passive Skill Tree Pathing

The build's passive skill tree enables and buffs TotemsAoE Effects, StrengthEmpowered Attacks, and Rage. While leveling, players can prioritize unlocking nodes for increased melee, physical, and attack damage, as totems still play a supportive role.

The initial priorities are Ancestral Artifice and Watchtowers to improve DPS from simultaneous totems. Skills like Devastation are also unlocked to increase the shockwaves' size and damage. Then, to further boost damage, Polymathy and Giant's Blood are unlocked to get more Melee Skill levels from another two handed mace.

To adapt to the increasing skill costs, Blood Magic is unlocked. Empowered Attack nodes like Bolstering Yell are also unlocked to help with Hammer of the Gods. Finally, the remaining points go to nodes like Prism Guard and Battle Trance for more survivability and Rage bonus damage.

Note that Weapon Set I is dedicated to AoE and Totems, while Weapon Set II is for Damage and Empowered Attacks. Additionally, if players do not yet have a fitting Controlled Metamorphosis Diamond, they can prioritize pathing towards Polymathy and Sand in the Eyes. To do this, they can deprioritize unlocking Initiative and Battle Trance.

Shockwave Totem Titan Playstyle and Skill Rotation

Skill Rotation for Mobbing

The Shockwave Totem is used for mobbing. The rotation for mobbing is as follows:

  1. For the most part, the mobbing rotation involves alternating between dodge rolling and using Shockwave Totem, effectively leaving totems that kill any enemies that follow.
  2. Players can also continuously place totems towards their direction while moving, killing any enemies in their path.
  3. For rare and more powerful enemies, use Hammer of the Gods or Perfect Strike (during the early game) after using Seismic Cry to deal significant damage.
  4. Use Leap Slam to move across the map quickly or if surrounded by enemies. If players need to regenerate health faster from casting totems, they can also utilize the Holy Descent support gem to gain life faster.

Skill Rotation for Bosses and Rare Monsters

The boss rotation integrates the skill rotation for Mobbing but with additional steps to use Hammer of the Gods. The rotation for bosses is as follows:

  1. Much like mobbing, immediately place down all four Shockwave Totems around the boss to start doing damage. Also place a Solar Orb to start building rage and aim to obtaing 20+ Rage stacks.
  2. Once enough rage has accumulated, use Infernal Cry to switch to Weapon Swap II and empower the next attacks, then Seismic Cry to further buff damage.
  3. Finally, use Hammer of the Gods twice to deal extremely high burst damage.

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Leap Slam Icon Overwhelming Presence Icon Earthquake Icon Shockwave Totem Icon Seismic Cry Icon Stampede Icon Hammer of the Gods Icon Time of Need Icon Berserk Icon

Focus: Aftershocks, Stun, Bleed
Shockwave Totem TitanShockwave Totem Titan
Solar Orb Icon Infernal Cry Icon Leap Slam Icon Overwhelming Presence Icon Shockwave Totem Icon Seismic Cry Icon Hammer of the Gods Icon Time of Need Icon Berserk Icon

Focus: AoE, Mobbing, Stun, Fast Clear

Warrior Class and Ascendancy Guides

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Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) - WarbringerWarbringer Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) - TitanTitan


2 Anonymous27 days

Right lol I just started one 40 now.

1 Anonymousabout 1 month

On the small nodes, are you just going for +5 strength in them all?


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