Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Ingenuity Utility Belt Effects and How to Get

Ingenuity Utility Belt is a Unique Belt in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Continue reading to learn how to get Ingenuity Utility Belt, its level requirements, and a complete list of its effects and modifiers.

Ingenuity Utility Belt Overview

Stats and Accessory Information

Ingenuity Utility Belt ImageIngenuity Utility Belt Type Belt
Rarity Unique
Size 1x1
Charm Slots 1
Base Accessory
Level 55

List of All Modifiers and Effects

All Modifiers
Implicit Stats:
・20% of Flask Recovery applied Instantly
Fixed Modifiers:
・40-80% increased bonuses gained from Equipped Rings

※ Current Modifiers are based on the most recent updates in-game. Equipment obtained from previous versions will still have old modifiers but values can be updated using a Divine Orb. This will not add new effects.

How to Get Ingenuity Utility Belt

Defeat The King in the Mists

The King in the Mists
Ingenuity Utility Belt is obtained as a drop reward from defeating The King in the Mists.

You need to fight the pinnacle version of The King in the Mists. You can do this by using the An Audience with the King item, a rare Favour you can buy during a Ritual event using Tribute, in the Realmgate.

Since An Audience with the King requires a lot of Tribute to purchase, you can Defer it multiple times to lessen its cost.
The King in the Mists Boss Guide

Purchase from the Trade Market

Path of Exile 2 How to Farm Uniques 3
In the Official Path of Exile 2 Website, you can use the Trading Page to easily search for items that are being sold. You can use this to purchase items in exchange for different currencies.

How to Trade Guide

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Path of Exile 2 - Accessories Partial Banner

List of Accessories

All Accessories

Equipment by Type
Amulet Belt Ring

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1 Anonymous3 months

its a boss drop, audience with the king


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