Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Breach Protocol Skill Progression and Perks | How to Level Up Breach Protocol

This is a guide to the Breach Protocol Skill Tree in Cyberpunk 2077. Learn how to level up the Skill Progression for this Skill Tree, all Perks available, and how to unlock all its Perks.

Breach Protocol Skill Progression Guide

How to Level Up Breach Protocol

Successfully Breach computers and access points.

Breach Protocol Skill Progression Rewards

1 2 3 4
- +1 Perk Point(s) Increases Breach Protocol Time by 5%. Increases Components Acquired by 10%.
5 6 7 8
Increases Breach Protocol Time by 5%. +1 Perk Point(s) Increases Breach Protocol Time by 5%. Increases RAM by 1.
9 10 11 12
Increases Components Acquired by 10%. +1 Perk Point(s) Increases Breach Protocol Time by 5%. Increases Components Acquired by 10%.
13 14 15 16
Increases RAM by 1. +1 Perk Point(s) Increases Breach Protocol Time by 5%. +1 Perk Point(s)
17 18 19 20
Increases Components Acquired by 10%. +1 Perk Point(s) Increases Buffer Extension by 1. Unlocks the last Perk in the Skill tree.

List of Breach Protocol Perks and How to Unlock

Perk Attr. Level Effect at Lv. 1 Rating & Reason
TransmigrationTransmigration Level 16 in Breach Protocol Increases the breach time of Breach Protocol by 50%. C Rank Icon
Longer Breach Protocol time is not necessary to successfully Breach Protocol.
Big SleepBig Sleep 3 Unlocks the Big Sleep daemon, which disables all cameras in the network for 3 min. A Rank Icon
Not having to worry about cameras for awhile without having to spend RAM and hacking each one individually is convenient and efficient. Mandatory if you wish to use Hackathon and Efficiency.
Mass VulnerabilityMass Vulnerability 3 Unlocks the Mass Vulnerability daemon, which reduces the Physical Resistance for all enemies in the network by 30% for 3 min. S Rank Icon
Increases your overall DPS against every enemy with a quick Breach Protocol.
Almost In!Almost In! 5 Increases the breach time for Breach Protocol by 20%. B Rank Icon
The increased time for Breach Protocol is not very useful as you should be planning ahead before starting on the hack. Making the need for more time redundant. Can help you when you make a mistake or when there are many Daemons you can upload.
Advanced DatamineAdvanced Datamine 5 Upgrades the Datamine daemon, increasing the amount of eurodollars acquired from Access Points by 50%. A Rank Icon
More eddies to spend is always welcome.
Mass Vulnerability: ResistancesMass Vulnerability: Resistances 7 Upgrades the Mass Vulnerability daemon, reducing all Resistances for enemies in the network by 30%. A Rank Icon
Decreases all resistances making Mass Vulnerability help you deal even more damage.
Extended Network InterfaceExtended Network Interface 7 Automatically highlights nearby Access Points. C Rank Icon
Access points already show up when you are near them, having them highlighted is just redundant.
Datamine MastermindDatamine Mastermind 9 Upgrades the Datamine daemon, increasing the amount of components acquired from Access Points by 50%. S Rank Icon
You get more components for crafting Quickhacks. If you are using a Netrunner build, getting this as soon as possible is important in order to have enough material to craft higher tier Quickhacks.
Turret ShutdownTurret Shutdown 9 Unlocks the Turret Shutdown daemon, which disables security turrets in the network for 3 min. B Rank Icon
A weaker version of Turret Tamer. Can still be used to activate Efficiency and Hackathon perks.
Total RecallTotal Recall 11 The ICEpick daemon reduces all quickhack costs by an additional 1 RAM unit(s). S Rank Icon
This makes Icepick even stronger. Allowing you to use more Quickhacks. A must have against high level enemies.
Turret TamerTurret Tamer 12 Unlocks the Turret Tamer daemon, which sets the status of every turret in the network to friendly for 3 min. A Rank Icon
Very powerful if there are turrets in the network. Can help proc Hackathon and Efficiency.
Datamine VirtuosoDatamine Virtuoso 12 Upgrades the Datamine daemon, increasing the chance to acquire a quickhack from Access Points by 50%. B Rank Icon
Even with the increased 100% chance, the odds of getting a Quickhack is low. There is a chance of getting Epic Quickhacks, but that requires a lot of Datamining and some luck.
Cloud CacheCloud Cache 14 Completing a Breach Protocol reduces the RAM cost of your next quickhack by 1 time(s) the number of daemons uploaded. S Rank Icon
This can be especially powerful when you have the other Daemons unlocked. This can help you start off a fight with a powerful Quickhack as its cost will be greatly reduced.
EfficiencyEfficiency 14 Uploading 3 or more daemons in the same Breach Protocol increases cyberdeck RAM recovery rate by 3 unit(s) per 60 sec. Lasts 5 min. A Rank Icon
The regeneration is significant and will allow you to use up more Quickhacks in a shorter amount of time. The only downside is that it requires 2 other perks that will give you more Daemons for Breach Protocol. It is also required there are cameras or turrets in the network, making it less reliable.
Mass Vulnerability: QuickhacksMass Vulnerability: Quickhacks 16 Upgrades the Mass Vulnerability daemon, causing enemies in the network to also take 30% more damage from quickhacks. S Rank Icon
Makes mass vulnerability stronger. Quickhacks are already powerful, this will make them hit even harder.
Totaler RecallTotaler Recall 16 The ICEpick daemon reduces all quickhack costs by an additional 1 RAM unit(s). S Rank Icon
Also increases the effectiveness of Icepick. Making Quickhacks cheaper to use.
Head StartHead Start 18 Automatically uploads the first daemon in the list at the start of Breach Protocol. A Rank Icon
This will ensure that Icepick or the first level of Datamine will always succeed. This will also give you less strings to put in your buffer. Downside is that because the first one is successful, you cannot quit and try again if you make a mistake.
HackathonHackathon 18 Uploading 3 or more daemons in the same Breach Protocol shortens quickhack cooldowns by 33% for 5 min. A Rank Icon
Significant cooldown decrease. What stops it from being S tier is that it requires at least 2 perks to work and the network has cameras or turrets
Buffer OptimizationBuffer Optimization 20 Increases the duration of daemon effects by 100%. A Rank Icon
Doubles the duration of your effects of Daemons. This can be useful for harder fights that can take longer to beat.
CompressionCompression 20 Reduces the lengths of the sequences required to upload daemons by 1. Cannot be reduced below 2. S Rank Icon
This will make Breach protocol much easier. And makes uploading more than 1 Daemon more viable.

Best Breach Protocol Perks

Perk Attr. Level Effect at Lv. 1 Rating & Reason
Mass VulnerabilityMass Vulnerability 3 Unlocks the Mass Vulnerability daemon, which reduces the Physical Resistance for all enemies in the network by 30% for 3 min. S Rank Icon
Increases your overall DPS against every enemy with a quick Breach Protocol.
Datamine MastermindDatamine Mastermind 9 Upgrades the Datamine daemon, increasing the amount of components acquired from Access Points by 50%. S Rank Icon
You get more components for crafting Quickhacks. If you are using a Netrunner build, getting this as soon as possible is important in order to have enough material to craft higher tier Quickhacks.
Total RecallTotal Recall 11 The ICEpick daemon reduces all quickhack costs by an additional 1 RAM unit(s). S Rank Icon
This makes Icepick even stronger. Allowing you to use more Quickhacks. A must have against high level enemies.
Cloud CacheCloud Cache 14 Completing a Breach Protocol reduces the RAM cost of your next quickhack by 1 time(s) the number of daemons uploaded. S Rank Icon
This can be especially powerful when you have the other Daemons unlocked. This can help you start off a fight with a powerful Quickhack as its cost will be greatly reduced.
Mass Vulnerability: QuickhacksMass Vulnerability: Quickhacks 16 Upgrades the Mass Vulnerability daemon, causing enemies in the network to also take 30% more damage from quickhacks. S Rank Icon
Makes mass vulnerability stronger. Quickhacks are already powerful, this will make them hit even harder.
Totaler RecallTotaler Recall 16 The ICEpick daemon reduces all quickhack costs by an additional 1 RAM unit(s). S Rank Icon
Also increases the effectiveness of Icepick. Making Quickhacks cheaper to use.
CompressionCompression 20 Reduces the lengths of the sequences required to upload daemons by 1. Cannot be reduced below 2. S Rank Icon
This will make Breach protocol much easier. And makes uploading more than 1 Daemon more viable.

Best Perks to Choose

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