Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Poisonous Concoction Effects and How to Get

Poisonous Concoction is an Ascendancy Skill for the Pathfinder in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). See the effects of Poisonous Concoction and how to get it.

Poisonous Concoction Overview

Poisonous Concoction Stats

Poisonous Concoction Icon Poisonous Concoction
Lv Req - Cost -
Cooldown - Cast Time -
Consume charges from your Mana Flask to throw a bottle that explodes, dealing unarmed Chaos attack damage in an area. Poison inflicted by this skill has more effect.

Poisonous Concoction Effects

・X Added Chaos Damage
・Always Poison on Hit
・+5% to Critical Hit Chance
・Consumes 5 Charges from your Mana Flask
・100% more Magnitude of Poison inflicted
・Explosion radius is 1.5 metres

How to Get Poisonous Concoction

Clear Trials of Sekhemas and Trials of Chaos

Ascendancy Skills are obtained by spending Ascendancy Skill Points which you can earn by completing the Trial of The Sekhemas and Trial of Chaos.

Ascendancy Skill points can then be spent in the Passive Skill Tree once you have chosen your Ascendancy.

How to Get Ascendancy Skill Points

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