Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Crafting Skill Progression | How to Level Up Crafting and Unlock All Perks

This is a guide to the Crafting Skill Tree in Cyberpunk 2077. Learn how to level up the Skill Progression for this Skill Tree, all Perks available, and how to unlock all its Perks.

Crafting Skill Progression Guide

How to Level Up Crafting

Craft items and weapons.

Crafting Skill Progression Rewards

1 2 3 4
- +1 Perk Point(s) Reduces Crafting Cost by 5%. Reduces Crafting Cost by 5%.
5 6 7 8
+1 Perk Point(s) Unlocks new Crafting Specs for consumables, weapons and clothing. Increases Chance to Acquire Component From Crafting by 5%. +1 Perk Point(s)
9 10 11 12
Unlocks Crafting Specs for Rare weapons, weapon mods and clothing. +1 Perk Point(s) Reduces Crafting Cost by 5%. Increases Chance to Acquire Component From Crafting by 5%.
13 14 15 16
Unlocks Crafting Specs for Epic weapons, combat gadgets and cyberware +1 Perk Point(s) Increases Chance to Acquire Component From Crafting by 5%. Reduces Upgrade Cost Reduction by 15%.
17 18 19 20
+1 Perk Point(s) Unlocks Crafting Specs for Iconic weapons and clothing. Reduces Upgrade Cost Reduction by 15%. Unlocks the last Perk in the Skill tree.

List of Crafting Perks and How to Unlock

Perk Attr. Level Effect at Lv. 1 Rating & Reason
Crazy ScienceCrazy Science Level 20 in Crafting Increases the sale price of crafted items by 10%.
+1% per Perk level.
C Rank Icon
You could sell better using other items that you have. The small increase in sale price doesn't make this skill worthwhile.
MechanicMechanic 3 Gain more components when disassembling. A Rank Icon
This skill is useful for obtaining crafting materials without having to loot caches.
True CraftsmanTrue Craftsman 5 Allows you to craft Rare items. B Rank Icon
You're more likely to loot better Rare items, but this skill can still be useful when you have Rare Crafting Specs.
ScrapperScrapper 5 Junk items are automatically disassembled. B Rank Icon
Makes disassembling items much more efficient, but this skill shouldn't be a priority.
WorkshopWorkshop 7 Disassembling items grants a 20% chance to gain a free component of the same quality as the disassembled item. Additionally, there is a 5% chance to gain a free component of higher quality than the disassembled item. B Rank Icon
The small increase in chance doesn't make this skill worthwhile.
InnovationInnovation 9 Increases the effect duration from consumables by 25% B Rank Icon
Consumables are scattered all over the game world, which makes this skill beneficial to you if you loot them often.
SapperSapper 9 Grenades deal 10% more damage. S Rank Icon
Essential skill that makes grenade more effective at killing a group of enemies.
200% Efficiency200% Efficiency 11 Crafted clothes gain 5% more armor. C Rank Icon
You're more likely to loot better clothing, making this skill not worth your perk point.
Field TechnicianField Technician 11 Crafted weapons deal 5% more damage. B Rank Icon
It would be better to look for weapons around the world, but this skill can still come in handy when you have Crafting Specs for high-quality weapons.
Ex NihiloEx Nihilo 12 Grants a 20% chance to craft an item for free. B Rank Icon
The chances of crafting a free random item are too low for this skill to be worth it.
Grease MonkeyGrease Monkey 12 Allows you to craft Epic items. B Rank Icon
You're more likely to loot better Epic items, but this skill can still be useful when you have Epic Crafting Specs.
Efficient UpgradesEfficient Upgrades 12 Grants a 10% chance to upgrade an item for free. B Rank Icon
This skill is beneficial when it randomly upgrades an item that you need, but the chances of it happening are too low for this skill to be worth it.
Let There Be Light!Let There Be Light! 14 Reduces the component cost of upgrading items by 10%. A Rank Icon
Very useful when you need to conserve crafting materials for other uses.
Cost OptimizationCost Optimization 14 Reduces component cost of crafting items by 15%. A Rank Icon
Very useful when you need to conserve crafting materials for other uses.
Waste Not Want NotWaste Not Want Not 16 When disassembling an item, you get the attached mods back. A Rank Icon
Useful when you are able to loot an underwhelming item but with a high-quality mod attached.
Tune-UpTune-Up 16 Allows you to upgrade lower quality components into higher quality ones. B Rank Icon
Can be useful when you're in need of high-quality crafting materials.
Edgerunner ArtisanEdgerunner Artisan 18 Allows you to craft Legendary items. A Rank Icon
You're more likely to loot better Legendary items, but this skill can still be useful when you have Legendary Crafting Specs.
Cutting EdgeCutting Edge 20 Improves damage and all damage-related stats of crafted weapons by 5%. A Rank Icon
Makes any crafted weapon much deadlier, depending on the crafting spec's initial stats.

Best Crafting Perks

Perk Attr. Level Effect at Lv. 1 Rating & Reason
SapperSapper 9 Grenades deal 10% more damage. S Rank Icon
Essential skill that makes grenade more effective at killing a group of enemies.

Best Perks to Choose

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1 Anonymousover 3 years

These perk ratings make no sense. It's like they were made by someone who didn't actually play this build or invested like 5 points at it and didn't undertand why their items were garbage


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