Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Annihilation Skill Progression | How to Level Up Annihilation and Unlock All Perks

This is a guide to the Annihilation Skill Tree in Cyberpunk 2077. Learn how to level up the Skill Progression for this Skill Tree, all Perks available, and how to unlock all its Perks.

Annihilation Skill Progression Guide

How to Level Up Annihilation

Defeat enemies and land headshots with Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns.

Annihilation Skill Progression Rewards

1 2 3 4
- Reduces the ADS Time of your Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns by 20%. +1 Perk Point(s) Reduces the Recoil of your Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns by 10%.
5 6 7 8
Reduces the Spread of your Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns by 25%. +1 Perk Point(s) Increases Crit Chance by 5% when using Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns. Reduces the Recoil of your Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns by 10%.
9 10 11 12
+1 Perk Point(s) +1 Perk Point(s) Increases Crit Damage by 20% when using Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns. +1 Perk Point(s)
13 14 15 16
Reduces the Recoil of your Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns by 10%. Reduces the Recoil of your Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heay Machine Guns by 15%. +1 Perk Point(s) Reduces the Spread of your Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns by 25%.
17 18 19 20
Reduces the Spread of your Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns by 10%. +1 Perk Point(s) Reduces the Recoil of your Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns by 15%. Unlocks the last Perk in the Skill tree.

List of Annihilation Perks and How to Unlock

Perk Attr. Level Effect at Lv. 1 Rating & Reason
BloodbathBloodbath Level 20 in Annihilation Dismembering enemies with a Shotgun or Light Machine Gun reduces weapon recoil by 30% for 6 sec.
+1 per Perk level.
B Rank Icon
Decreased recoil is useful but there are not a lot of weapons that can dismember and benefits from such a large recoil reduction.
Hail of BulletsHail of Bullets 3 Shotguns and Light Machine Guns deal 3% more damage. A Rank Icon
Gives a nice damage increase to LMG and shotguns.
Pump It, Louder!Pump It, Louder! 5 Reduces recoil of Shotguns and Light Machine Guns by 10%. C Rank Icon
Recoil on these guns are not a big deal and with shotguns you will have to be really close and recoil will not be a problem at that range.
In Your FaceIn Your Face 5 Reduces reload time of Shotguns and Light Machine Guns by 15%. S Rank Icon
Give you a significant increase in DPS by reducing downtime of reloads. This allows you attack more and be vulnerable less.
Dead CenterDead Center 7 Increases damage to torsos from Shotguns and Light Machine Guns by 10%. S Rank Icon
The damage increase is good. Only applies to Shotguns and LMGs.
BloodrushBloodrush 7 Increases movement speed in combat by 5% while carrying a Shotgun or Light Machine Gun. B Rank Icon
The slight speed boost isn't very noticeable. Speed boost can help a bit and doesn't hurt.
MongooseMongoose 9 Increases Mitigation Chance by 25% while reloading Shotguns and Light Machine Guns.
By default, Mitigation grants a chance to reduce any damage taken by 50%.
C Rank Icon
Reducing damage while reloading in the open could find some use, but this perk's chance-based nature makes taking cover safer.
BulldozerBulldozer 9 Increases Crit Chance with Shotguns and Light Machine Guns by 5%. A Rank Icon
A crit chance will increase your DPS. Good on shotguns as each of the pellets from a shotgun has its own chance to crit.
Momentum ShiftMomentum Shift 11 Defeating an enemy using a Shotgun or Light Machine Gun increases movement speed by 10% for 10 sec. A Rank Icon
Movement speed after taking out an enemy can help you get in and out of combat when you need it. Only works for Shotguns and LMGs
MassacreMassacre 11 Increases Crit Damage with Shotguns or Light Machine Guns by 10%. S Rank Icon
More Critical Damage is always good on shotguns and LMGs. Pairs well with Bulldozer.
Heavy LeadHeavy Lead 12 Shotguns and Light Machine Guns knock back enemies with more force. C Rank Icon
Its effects are hard to notice. Even without it you still knockback enemies with enough force for them to get knocked down.
Skeet ShooterSkeet Shooter 12 Deal 15% more damage to moving targets using Shotguns or Light Machine Guns. A Rank Icon
If you are moving around while you fight, so will the enemies. This will increase your damage, although not consistently. Only works with Shotguns and LMGs.
ManicManic 14 When entering combat, your movement speed increases by 20% for 10 sec. B Rank Icon
Useful to get in close for shotguns at the start of fights. But its duration is short. Only works for Shotguns and LMGs.
UnstoppableUnstoppable 14 Dismembering an enemy using a Shotgun or Light Machine Gun increases fire rate by 10% for 8 sec. Stacks up to 3 times. B Rank Icon
Can increase their fire rate but the relies on dismembering to do so, making it less consistent. Only applies to Shotguns and LMGs.
Speed DemonSpeed Demon 16 You deal more damage the faster you're moving. A Rank Icon
Can increase your damage a bit when walking and shooting and increases it even more when running and shooting. Only works for Shotguns and LMG.
Burn Baby BurnBurn Baby Burn 16 Doubles the duration of Burn. B Rank Icon
Works with the Overheat Quickhack and other burn effects that come from Shotguns and LMGs. The increase length can add more damage but takes time.
PoppinPoppin' Off 18 Shotguns have a 25% higher chance of dismembering enemies. C Rank Icon
The ability to dismember does not increase your combat effectiveness. Dismembering only happens upon killing an enemy. It can help with other perks that require dismembering, unfortunately they are not good enough to warrant getting this perk.
Hit the DeckHit the Deck 18 Increases damage to staggered and knocked-down enemies from Shotguns or Light Machine Guns by 10%. C Rank Icon
Can find a use in certain shotguns builds.
BiathleteBiathlete 20 Weapon spread from Shotguns and Light Machine Guns does not increase while moving. B Rank Icon
Good, but only if you take multitasker perk, allowing you to run and gun.

Best Annihilation Perks

Perk Attr. Level Effect at Lv. 1 Rating & Reason
In Your FaceIn Your Face 5 Reduces reload time of Shotguns and Light Machine Guns by 15%. S Rank Icon
Give you a significant increase in DPS by reducing downtime of reloads. This allows you attack more and be vulnerable less.
Dead CenterDead Center 7 Increases damage to torsos from Shotguns and Light Machine Guns by 10%. S Rank Icon
The damage increase is good. Only applies to Shotguns and LMGs.
MassacreMassacre 11 Increases Crit Damage with Shotguns or Light Machine Guns by 10%. S Rank Icon
More Critical Damage is always good on shotguns and LMGs. Pairs well with Bulldozer.

Best Perks to Choose

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